Hi everyone!
I'm so confused right now and have been on an emotional roller coaster all morning.
I had a D&C this past June 30th. I got my first period 22 days later - it was really heavy and like my pre-miscarriage periods it lasted 6 days. I started temping on CD1 and today I am CD28. This is the first time I've ever temped and used OPKs. Here's a break down of my stats:
- Pre-miscarriage, my cycle was 28 days, no more no less. AF arrives on the dot and I've always been very regular on or off the pill. I don't know how my cycle is now post-miscarriage since I've only had one period so far.
- My first +OPK was on CD14.
- My last +OPK was on CD18. All negatives after.
- I've had uterus and ovary cramps since CD13. Still having uterus cramps.
- My stomach/uterus and back feel the same as when I was pregnant (stretching, achy, etc.)
- Spotted brown blood with EWCM at CD12 and CD14
- This morning I took a FRER and it was BFN.
- This morning I also had very pale pink CM when I wiped (very little of it, too). Usually when I spot before AF it's a darker red or brown.
- My temp this morning is the highest it's been since I began.
- My boobs feel fuller but are not sore at all which is weird for me. They were extremely sore when I was pregnant and with PMS usually sore almost a week before AF.
- FF is saying I ovulated CD14.
- TCOYF is saying I could have possibly ovulated CD14 or CD16.
- Glow is saying I ovulated CD15 (yes, I use multiple apps)
Can someone take a look at my chart and see if I'm 12, 13, or 14 DPO today? Am I out this month? I've been so stressed out with symptom spotting and temping...I just don't have much hope anymore for this month. :_(
Thanks so much and I appreciate any feedback. XO
I'm so confused right now and have been on an emotional roller coaster all morning.
I had a D&C this past June 30th. I got my first period 22 days later - it was really heavy and like my pre-miscarriage periods it lasted 6 days. I started temping on CD1 and today I am CD28. This is the first time I've ever temped and used OPKs. Here's a break down of my stats:
- Pre-miscarriage, my cycle was 28 days, no more no less. AF arrives on the dot and I've always been very regular on or off the pill. I don't know how my cycle is now post-miscarriage since I've only had one period so far.
- My first +OPK was on CD14.
- My last +OPK was on CD18. All negatives after.
- I've had uterus and ovary cramps since CD13. Still having uterus cramps.
- My stomach/uterus and back feel the same as when I was pregnant (stretching, achy, etc.)
- Spotted brown blood with EWCM at CD12 and CD14
- This morning I took a FRER and it was BFN.
- This morning I also had very pale pink CM when I wiped (very little of it, too). Usually when I spot before AF it's a darker red or brown.
- My temp this morning is the highest it's been since I began.
- My boobs feel fuller but are not sore at all which is weird for me. They were extremely sore when I was pregnant and with PMS usually sore almost a week before AF.
- FF is saying I ovulated CD14.
- TCOYF is saying I could have possibly ovulated CD14 or CD16.
- Glow is saying I ovulated CD15 (yes, I use multiple apps)
Can someone take a look at my chart and see if I'm 12, 13, or 14 DPO today? Am I out this month? I've been so stressed out with symptom spotting and temping...I just don't have much hope anymore for this month. :_(
Thanks so much and I appreciate any feedback. XO