Hiya, congratulations on your pregnancy!
Whether or not an early scan is offered will depend on the NHS in your area: some places don't offer these early scans after one m/c, but others are more accessible. Worth investigating and calling the early pregnancy unit directly (the GP will probably just say wait til the standard 12-week one). Some ladies who cannot get NHS scans book private scans, e.g. at 8 weeks, the cost of which seems to be between £50 and £100 per scan.
Is worth getting registered at a good GP (though there is no need to get the pregnancy "confirmed", the HPT is fine), so that they can refer you for the 12-week scan. And also worth investigating any local midwifery practices. My area of London, for example, has some excellent group midwife practices that are nominally attached to GP surgeries but take ladies from elsewhere, but you have to get in touch with them very early on to get on their lists. They will do all the ante-natal care (except for scans), home-birth or attend hospital with you. I know that this kind of NHS service is rare in the UK though!
My local unit does vaginal scans until 11 weeks or so, but believe this also varies between hospitals (though think they can see more with the vaginal scans).