When to announce pregnancy?


TTC & Angel Mummy
Sep 6, 2013
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Hey ladies

I've just found out that I'm expecting :D we're due around 12/13th July 2014 and are over the moon! This is our rainbow baby.

In my previous pregnancy my sister blabbed on Facebook so everybody knew. This time we're trying to keep it under wraps until at least 12 weeks. We've told our parents and siblings but told them to keep quiet until we know everything is fine.

My question is when do you think is the right time to announce your pregnancy?

Wishing everybody a happy & healthy nine months xx
Congrats on your rainbow baby!

I'd be so annoyed if anyone blabbed my secret like your sister did!

DH and I have told all of our parents and one couple who are our best friends. DH also told some people from work. Apart from that I'm thinking 12 weeks (or maybe even more depending on when I see people). I'm not sure I will announce on facebook, mainly because I have suffered a loss and know how horrible it is when you are TTC to see things like that filling up your feed. I'll most likely tell when I see friends and family in person which shouldn't be hard around December with all the Christmas parties and catch ups.

That being said, its totally up to you and your partner as to when feel it is the right time to tell, there are no hard and fast rules.
Congratulations on your BFP!

DH and I haven't told anyone yet - well, except for you ladies :)

I really want to wait as long as possible to tell people. I just don't want to deal with the constant questions about how I'm feeling or having people touch my belly because they think it's suddenly public property! The current plan is to tell immediate family at about 9/10 weeks (we'll all be out to dinner about a week after the first scan), extended family on Christmas, which will be close to 12 weeks I think, then everyone else... sometime after that.

I'm nervous to tell anyone before we've had an appointment and know things are going well, and if I miscarry after that... It would just be too difficult to have people trying to comfort us I think.
Firstly, CONGRATULATIONS! I'm due around the 17th of July!
We're wondering, too. I've told my sister and 2 close friends. We're getting married in January and itll be around 3 months at that point. My DF is pretty adamant about not telling everyone until 3 months...however, I don't think we can wait to tell our parents and my brother until then! At least until our first appt, and hear the heartbeat.
It's very difficult to not to tell everyone!

I am not currently pregnant, but my recent miscarriage taught me a lot about telling people. The next positive we get, I am going to wait until I hear a heartbeat. I don't think I could keep it secret that much longer. We will probably tell our friends after the first trimester is over.
I'm 7 weeks tomorrow and the plan was to tell everyone at Christmas when the first trimester was over...but, my body is not going to allow me that, my boobs have already gotten noticeably larger and my midsection is getting....um thicker. I even had several people I don't know mention to mutual friends that I have that "glow" so we are going to tell the family at thanksgiving. Once the family knows everyone will know...I just come from that kind of family lol
Last time we waited for a HB and then told our parents. We then ended up losing our twins and it was hard having to tell ppl. So this time we aren't telling anyone until 10-12 weeks
Like a few ladies here ive had a loss and ive had to tell ppl. Ive told close people, people who inwould tell if i go and have my third loss otherwise personally id wait til after 12 weeks.
I intend not tontell anymore ppl til like i cant hide it anymore,
We told our parents at 3+6 and I had to tell work super early due to restrictions but the rest of our family and friends we told at 12+3 once we had the results for our NT scan :)
This pregnancy and also our rainbow we waited till 12 weeks :)
Oh but I told my mum and siblings as soon as I found out :)
Congratulations!! There is no blanket "right" time to share your wonderful news. What's important is that you do it when you're happy and the way you want. Also that you receive the best support no matter the outcome. I have had multiple losses and so like to have a couple of scans before announcing properly. But, We've told our parents and my best friend guessed. Next scan in two weeks so we will probably start sharing our precious little secret then.
I'm Due on July 11th! and I'm announcing on Christmas Day :)
I'm waiting til Christmas Day unless anyone guesses purely because I think it will be a lovely way to announce! Plus as I'm currently not at work (still on maternity lol) and we only see family every couple of weeks we think we can hide it.

I've also had a loss and although it was hard telling everyone we had lost the baby, it meant we had so much support from everyone we had told, but as this is our LGs first Christmas we don't want anything to make it a sad occasion so that's why we are waiting until things get further along. Just wish we could have our scan before Christmas!
We told a couple of close friends but will wait until christmas to tell family and everyone else. We get a scan until 12 weeks so mid december. Id like to wait and see everythings ok
We told immediate family (parents and sisters) and very close friends immediately. I told a few work colleagues this week after having our dating scan on Monday. We've made plans to tell my grandparents and aunties/uncles over the next few weeks. I won't be making any Facebook announcements until next month I think. Having losses has made me very protective over this pregnancy!
I only told my mom/brother when we first found out and waited until our dating scan for anyone else. Once we had that last Fri the doc said b/c there was a heart beat the mc risk had dropped significantly so we felt comfortable telling other close family/friends after that. Everyone else will likely be after 12/14 weeks. It's fun telling hehe.
My mom and one of my sister's I told at 5 weeks...my bff the same time and no one else knows yet. We are letting our kids share the news today with my inlaws and my brother...and slowly after that we will share with dh' s 3 siblings and my other sis. Once they all know pretty much the whole town will know. ;-) We had a healthy scan at 7 weeks and are just ready to share the excitement of another new addition to the family!
I told people at about 5 weeks, iv never been the one to keep quiet lol i cant keep things like this in im terrible for it, so everyone knew at 5 weeks :) there is no right or wrong time hun just when you feel ready xx
I'm 6w+2 and we've only told my sister. I'd had questionable hCG levels and 1st ultrasound this past Wednesday. We're going to wait 2 more weeks and hopefully get a heartbeat. I'll feel more confident then. We hope to announce to my parents at 8 weeks, then at Thanksgiving to my in-laws (9w).

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