When to retest...?


Active Member
Sep 22, 2010
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Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am 22 years old. I have been with my husband for 5 ½ years and have been married for almost 3 of those years. I guess we are classified as "not trying, not preventing."

I have irregular period, probably every other month. My last period was in the first week of August. September 16 & 17 I had light pink/brown discharge only when I wiped. I researched it and it sounded like implantation bleedings. So then I started watching my body for more signs. I was very tired and dizzy until I started prenatal vitamins. I am still a little tired, but not as much. I have had cramps in my stomach area on both sides and middle for the past 5 days. Nothing extreme, but light pain. For the past two weeks I have lost 12 pounds. I am a heavy eater so this is very different for me. A couple of days ago I didn’t want to eat but when I started the vitamins, it seems that I have somewhat of an appetite back. I have taken dollar tree ($1 each) and First Response Pregnancy Tests and they have all come out negative. I have maxed my health insurance for doctors visits and blood work, so that is not an option right now.

From my calculations, I implanted Sept 16th which is around 10 days after conception. So Sept 18th I was 2 weeks + 2 weeks before conception = 4 weeks. So If I am, I am 4 weeks and 4 days and still no positive result from a pregnancy test yet.

Does it sound like I’m pregnant?
When should I retake the pregnancy test?

Thanks for your time and comments!
<3 Jen
Hmmmm maybe give it another week and test again then. It does sound like you could be pregnant hun. But if your still getting neg tests in about 2 weeks you may need to go back to the drs. Or wait it out as long as it would be if you having an irregular period. Sorry i cant be much more help hun.
Yeah from my figures I am atleast 12 DPO, this weekend I am going to retest. Hopefully, it says positive so I can get out of limbo! :haha:
hmmm you should be able to get a positive any time now then. Good luck.

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