I am so sorry you are going through this.It is too many no good men in the world,makes me feel like it's a curse or something smh For one,your hormones are all over due to pregnancy.So a lot of the time,you miss him because you are carrying apart of him.If he left you and you were not pregnant,you would still hurt but would pack your bags and get over it.How well do I know? I just posted a thread up here asking when will the pain end.It hurts and when you love someone...it really hurts...when you love someone and are pregnant..especially with your first child...it reallllly hurts to the millionth power.Yet guess what? the pain eases with time,but my goodness I am not going to lie to you...when you are in love...it takes a even longer time.
My main question is : what is keeping you there in the middle of no where? do you have family elsewere? in another state? Being in isolation is not good~ The idle mind is the devil's playground.Memories will make you want to die without that person.Thinking about old times will drain you dry.I cried majority of my pregnancy,I wanted that man back or him to want me,just that bad.Don't forget you have a little person growing within you that has a heart beat bc of you do.So every emotion you feel,he/she feels.If you want that baby to survive and have a relaxing/safe time in your womb,you need to let him go and leave.
put your pride aside and go stay with family or a friend,gather yourself together and birth a healthy beautiful child.You are doing the same thing I did and I regret,I put more energy into that man,than I did into enjoying my pregnancy.Life is not over,in weeks it will be just beginning.That child needs you more than that man does.Taking my own advice,even though it hurts to breathe somedays! You were given that angel for a reason.You are given a human being life,how powerful is that.How wimpy is he to walk away from such a precious moment.Stop giving him your body,energy and thoughts.You do not know who he is sleeping with,so being intimate is risky for baby.It is also draining you emotionally and your down emotions are draining the baby.You are at a risky stage of pregnancy right now.As impossible as it sounds,you gotta get out of that environment.Please LEAVE!! I know it hurts,i hurt every single day.It's not going to be easy,but it is something you have to do.Dont think about the other woman if there is one.no one can build happiness with another person after abandoning their child and woman.Karma does not work like that,he will pay for what he has done.Being patient is hard,but with patience,so much will be accomplished...including him answering for his faults.
my suggestion is to drop everything and leaveeeeeeee! PLEASE leave for the sake of you and that innocent baby.You are a young mother of only 1,so you are able and capable of making it without him.We will not be the 1st or last to go through this~ Hugs and please make phone calls and leave that home.It will not be any easier to be out there with a baby,you need love and support around you.You need your family and friends or just out of that environment.I hope you make a great decision for you and your lo.Much love and hugs,and remember you are not the only one going through it...most of us are finding our way♥