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When will you share the news?


Mum of 2 girls
Aug 5, 2010
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Just wondering who you'll tell and when, once you've gotten your :bfp:?

Hopefully I'll find out at the same time as my husband, as I intend to take tests with him, then we'll tell our parents once it's been confirmed by the doctor.
We're waiting until the 12 week scan to tell everyone else, but we will make sure that our siblings, grandmothers, and very closest friends are the first to know.
Hi Tatoo - I wonder about this also. Obviously dh would be the first to know but not sure about the rest :shrug:
Part of me would like to send my parents a picture of the scan but that would mean having to wait til the 12 week scan - not sure if I could keep it under wraps that long :winkwink: and then akk the other people at around the same time or a bit later.
I expecially wonder about work...
I told my family at 5 weeks and work around the same time. I told work as I felt really sick and it could have impacted on my ability to do my job properly. I didn't tell anyone I wouldn't have been able to "un-tell", my work are very supportive people.
I wonder about this.
I always had it in my head to wait until after the 1st scan just incase.
But I wonder if I could keep my mouth shut and I'll be bursting so my best friends will guess.
Plus I'll have to tell my sister cause she asks me everyday when we will be having a baby! lol!
I'd love to tell my parents who will be over the moon but then we're bound to tell his parents who I think will not be pleased at all.
Maybe I'll just wait and see until it happens and see how we feel?
With all my pregnancies i blabbed straight away.. I always said i wouldnt but i get way to excited and cant control myself :lol:

So i imagine within about 2 hours of finding out everyone will know :blush:
When I found out I was pregnant with Lexie me and OH tested together so he found out when I did and then we told mine & his parents and then the rest of the family straight away, I'm no good at keeping secrets!

This time round I'm going to test in private so that I can suprise OH :) and then we'll probably tell everyone straight away again lol. x
I'd love to tell my parents who will be over the moon but then we're bound to tell his parents who I think will not be pleased at all.

For us, it's the other way around. His parents will (hopefully) be pleased, and they already know we're working on it. I like to think my parents will be pleased, but I'm not sure. I think they still think I'm about 12! lol
I will tell my husband as soon as he gets home, and parents after the first scan. Everyone else at 13 weeks. If all goes to plan that is.

I will keep it a secret. I will ask OH to book a day off work but not tell him why and take him to the 13 week scan. :haha: Not being cruel or anything just thought it would be a nice suprise.

As for friends and family my mum will just "know" but we will have problems with OH's family as his sis has been TTC for 7 years but hasnt conceived despite medical intervention. Im not being horrible but she didnt talk to me for 9 weeks after telling her as apparently i should have thought about her feelings. I will leave it to OH to tell his family.

Just to warn you about it being confirmed by the dr... as you live in Uk it prob won't be! I was surprised when pregnant with ds; went to dr and said had :bfp: he said ok, gave me a pack and sent me on my way! Did not actually know was really pregnant (apart from the ol' test stick) until 12 week scan! Was convinced was going to be nothing and they would think I was a freak but bean was there! Whew as had already told parents as otherwise would have been waiting two months!! :wacko:
Well OH doesnt want to be there when I test incase its a BFN, so would text him straight away, probably tell my best friend when I know as she know's we're trying, and she is aswell so I would expect her to tell me lol.
If it happens before christmas then we will be telling our family on christmas day, my family will know first as we're staying there christmas eve, im planning on getting a grandads taxi car sign for my dad and something similar for my mum, and same for his mum and dad lol. But OH's gf has just got pregnant so dont know how his family would see that whether they would think we were copying, which is so not the case, they've been together literally 2 minutes, me and OH have been together 4 years and have been planning this about a year.

And Eeyore, same with OH's brothers gf basically, she rang the docs to make an appointment and they just gave her the number for midwife and then she made an appointment for 11 week scan.
I didn't know that was how it worked with the doctors! So they just rely on your hpt result? And you just see the doctor to make your antenatal care arrangements? I'm so clueless! :haha:
I tell family a few weeks after I find out, then everyone else as and when, but always after the 12 week or 20 week scan.....I have always told the kids after the 20 weeks scan......

However this time round is going to be totally different, I wont be telling anyone unless they need to know.....
I didn't know that was how it worked with the doctors! So they just rely on your hpt result? And you just see the doctor to make your antenatal care arrangements? I'm so clueless! :haha:

They used to do a blood test to confirm, although I have never had a pregnancy confirmed, they have just taken it that i had a positive and then set me up with the midwife after the appointment.....When I fall with the next one I will be going straight to the midwife myself, as I have had strict orders off her I am to call her as soon as I find out lol.....
OH will know first, obviously :haha: Won't be able to contain it to him!

I think, since I'm in Scotland and my family is all in California, I'll get my mum to get everyone over to the house on Skype so we can see each other and I'm going to tell them all at once :). Plus, it gives me an excuse to see everyone and it'll be the closest I would get to telling them in person :).
I think I'm going to keep it a secret - even from myself!

Strange as it may sound, I don't plan to test until I've missed 2 AFs. Obviously though, I'll have an idea when AF doesn't make her like-clockwork appearance!

I know it can be a little dodgy in the first few weeks and I would hate to see those 2 lines only to have it taken away - I'd rather not know I was preggo at all. I know I'll want to tell my hubby straight away, and couldn't bear to have to revoke the news... :dohh:

Practically, I've been doing pre-conceptual stuff like taking folic acid and giving up alcohol, and during my 2WW I avoid the sauna and lifting heavy things, so I wouldn't be doing anything different even if I did know!

We'll probably wait until after first scan to tell anybody else - but before we all get carried away planning on how we're going to tell people, we'd better get those BFPs - so stop reading and get 'dancing' ladies! :winkwink:

Babydust to all!
Jessie Owl, that's how I wanted to be, or to even almost forget when AF due - But I just can't

Jessie Owl, that's how I wanted to be, or to even almost forget when AF due - But I just can't


I know it'll be really hard - despite all my intentions I bet I'll crumble, test really early and email everyone I know with the news. :blush:

Like you I wanted to just NTNP for a while, but after a couple of failed cycles it soon turned to TTC... I don't know about the rest of you ladies, but this waiting and planning bit's driving me loopy! :wacko:C'mon Storky, bring on the BFPs so we can all move onto the next stage!
DH says we wont tell ANYONE until we have first ultrasound. We just want to confirm it and see the heartbeat before we got telling anyone including our families and friends. Im sure I will tell a couple people in my life tho, its just too hard to keep something like that in. Its so exciting.
Mrs Gax, my OH has said the same nobody to know until first scan , just wish i was at that stage now but hey it will happen for us all we just to try and believe it .
Good Luck to all you ladies xxxx

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