I'm in the UK.
I wanted to bf until DD no longer wanted to, and naively assumed that that's automatically what would happen. BF was promoted strongly and FF was never mentioned. Friends with kids would ask while I was pregnant 'you ARE going to bf, aren't you?'
But after a long obstructed labour, I gave birth by emcs to a macrosomic baby with low blood sugar who was also still stoned on the two doses of pethidine I'd had during labour. Her latch was practically nonexistent, and I needed a midwife to help each time. They tried to help, but every one of them had a different idea, none of which worked. I was assured she didn't have a tongue tie, and they offered me the use of a pump but when they couldn't find one they just shrugged. I was never offered to see a lactation consultant. It was only when DD was 9 weeks old, when we saw a private LC, that her posterior TT was found.
I hand-expressed my colostrum in hospital and spoon-fed it to DD inbetween formula topups, and started expressing as soon as we got home. I kept trying DD on the boob for months but she never managed it. I'm still pumping now and will continue til her first birthday. I pump for 2 hours a day but I don't produce enough so have to ff as well.
The health professionals aren't particularly bothered now - the support just wasn't there - they support you unless it's not working, in which case they shrug and hand you a bottle, and wash their hands of you.
But when DD was tiny I took her to a baby group and sat listening to a mum telling her friend all about how women who don't bf just didn't try hard enough. Right, like I'm not trying hard enough to give my daughter breastmilk. I've had people ask me why I'm not bf-ing and when I explain there's this pitying look in their eyes that I detest.
I have to say though, the worst of it is online. Sites like Alpha Parent wind me right up (articles with titles like 'why it IS my business if your child is formula-fed', etc), and threads mentioning bf/ff on forums and facebook groups (particularly weaning ones, for some reason) usually descend into real, venomous nastiness towards ff-ers.
What really really gets to me
(and this is not a rant at anyone here, please please please do not take this as an attack, I'm just venting!) is the line of argument that formula is inferior and you're not doing your best by your child by giving it, and you need
educating because you're
poisoning your kid and they're going to suffer all their life because of your lazy decision...oh, but that's not relevant if you couldn't bf (oh, but did you know all women except a tiny tiny minority not even worth mentioning
really can bf if they just try hard enough?)'...surely formula is the same regardless of the reason you're giving it? If it's good enough for those who can't bf, why isn't it good enough for those who choose not to?
I have never and would never judge anyone's parenting choices...sometimes they're not choices at all, and what business is it of mine anyway? None of us know what road anyone else is travelling. I agree there needs to be much much better support to help those who want to bf but are struggling, but the anti-formula brigade need to get off their high horses and stop attacking other mums for doing what's best for their families.
Aaaaand breathe