He is almost 8 months and has been the easiest, placid baby until this last few weeks. He got tonsilitis and had an allergic reaction to penacillin and he's not been himself since. He is well and truely over the reaction now but is teething peggy no.5.
He is now mobile and seems to be tantruming at everything!!! Whining all the time. Wont sit on my knee, does his best screaming ironing board impression when going in the car seat or pushchair, screams when things are taken away. Constantly throwing his head back screaming in a wind pipe blow manoover! His sleeping has gone awful, he always woke for 1 feed but has gone back to 2 night feeds,although I am sure he is not hungry but he wont be comforted by us when he cries, picking him up makes him worse and he screams louder (just like his brother used to do) so a lot of the time we have to just leave him screaming which is awful.
Anyone else??? x
He is now mobile and seems to be tantruming at everything!!! Whining all the time. Wont sit on my knee, does his best screaming ironing board impression when going in the car seat or pushchair, screams when things are taken away. Constantly throwing his head back screaming in a wind pipe blow manoover! His sleeping has gone awful, he always woke for 1 feed but has gone back to 2 night feeds,although I am sure he is not hungry but he wont be comforted by us when he cries, picking him up makes him worse and he screams louder (just like his brother used to do) so a lot of the time we have to just leave him screaming which is awful.
Anyone else??? x