i bet recovery after c/s cannot be much worse that recovery i had after episiotomy
Agreed, not that I have had one or plan to but my mother had one with me and it got infected, she had forceps too, and although she could not feel a thing because of the epidural and pethadine combined stopping her feeling the forceps or cut but she was in so much pain afterward, I was not able to be fed for two weeks via the breast as mum was in too much pain and mentally stressed, she had bad PTSD from the delivery and begged for a C-section but it was the 80s so they just laughed.
My mother had two natural births after me and although the labours were quick it took her a month to recover from each because she had such bad piles and tearing. She still insists she should have had a C-section
After having her gall bladder removed and surgery on her stomach and bowel she said the recovery was much easier than that of the birth with me so yeah I would say a C section would be much easier to recover from that a BAD vaginal birth with episiotomy and forceps etc