Thanks Aimee
It seems like the BF forum has been pretty quiet lately, but I need some support and a place to write everything down so I figured I'd come back and chronicle our progress here.
I'm still not sure what the cause of the strike is. It seems like teething, because it seems like he wants to nurse but can't. But on the other hand, teething tablets and medication haven't made much of a difference so I'm not sure. A LC I just spoke to said it sounded like bottle preference and I probably won't succeed in changing his mind at his age.
So he is still on strike. My hope is to keep my supply up (or increase it, if I can) in the meantime, do whatever I can to encourage him to nurse, and recognize that it's really up to him. So basically I am EP for the foreseeable future.
Here's what I've been doing so far:
I've been trying to reduce any mouth pain in case it is teething. I can't see any teeth but his gums look a little purple and swollen. Gave him Tylenol on Friday, Advil Saturday morning and evening, and teething tablets every so often Sat and Sun.
Trying to increase skin to skin time. I also took a shower with him for the first time today. Can't hurt my supply so I think we will make it part of the routine, at least some mornings. My milk actually let down everywhere on Sunday during STS time -- that hasn't happened in months!!
Trying to offer to nurse, not too much, but only when he asks for it (which he still does), or at bedtime or when he's just woken up (during the night or in the morning). I also try to time my pumping so that I'm not totally empty at those times. Often he will put his mouth on the boob or even latch and suck a few times before turning away. My goal is to be selective enough that he is at least willing to try most times, so that I don't frustrate him.
Giving bottles on demand and trying to pump every time he takes a bottle. He's had 28-29 oz and I've pumped 22-23 oz. The remainder has been frozen EBM. Starting Saturday afternoon I've had DH give him all his bottles except right before he goes to sleep.
The one exception to feeding on demand is that I've been feeding him at bedtime and naptime to help him wind down (when he used to comfort nurse). This has usually worked but not always, and sometimes it's taken as much as 6 oz to get him relaxed, which is a lot of milk. Also it breaks the "no bottles from mom" rule, which makes me a little uncomfortable. I want to tell him that, if he wants milk and cuddles before bed, he needs to nurse!
I started taking fenugreek, 1500 mg 3x a day. First dose was Saturday afternoon. I don't smell yet
And here's what I'm planning going forward:
I'm going to keep pumping as often as I can (it's going to be more difficult now during the week -- I may have to go 3-4 hours in the evening after I pick up LO, which isn't ideal) and taking the fenugreek at least until a couple days after I notice the smell -- and if I don't notice it by tomorrow, I'll add a fourth pill per day. However, the LC warned me that it's hard to increase supply at this age, so I'd like to be realistic about that.
I'm going to try to encourage LO to reduce his milk intake. The LC said that around 16 oz is normal at his age (she was very impressed that I am pumping as much as I am, which felt good because I have certainly worked hard at it!). So we have something to work toward from 28+. I'm going to offer a lot more solids, and offer them first (rather than milk) if he shows hunger signs, and try to work in calorie-rich ones like yogurt and avocado in addition to just fruit and veggie purees, puffs, and teething biscuits. I'll also encourage him to drink plenty of water with his solids (he loves water but we've been worried about letting him have too much!). Of course, he can have milk, if he wants it. But we've been offering milk first usually so far and this seems like a good time to change that.
I'll continue the skin to skin time and offering to nurse when it seems most likely to succeed, but not forcing it.
We will stop using bottles and offer EBM in a cup. I will ask daycare to make this change too.
Finally -- this is the toughest one -- we will work on not feeding to sleep, and ultimately on night weaning. This would make our lives a lot less stressful because sleep and milk wouldn't be so dependent on one another now that milk is in short supply, and both DH and I wouldn't have to be up in the middle of the night (for me to calm LO while DH warms a bottle, or for DH to calm LO while I pump a bottle). It's going to be tough because we don't have a good alternative way to soothe LO, but we'll try whatever seems sustainable. I am already putting him down awake, and he can self-settle when he wakes up at night some of the time, so he's already partway there, even though he still clearly has the association. (I've already tried a pacifier a few times and he hasn't taken it, so it really is
feeding to sleep, not just sucking.)
That's it for now...I'll come back and update!
I know it's up to him now whether he wants to nurse again, but I just want to feel like I gave it my best effort, since it has been such a wonderful thing and I was really hoping to continue until at least December (when we will be traveling). The Serenity Prayer is my mantra! It would really mean a lot to me, though, to get him to 12 months on was my original BF goal and it's within reach even if he never nurses again. I have somewhere around 400-600 oz in the freezer so it just depends on how much I can pump and how much he wants to take. But that means I can defrost about 15 oz/day on average so hopefully it will be enough to get us there.