Thanks. I'm not sure about the blocked duct. It's not painful, I just don't know what else could have caused my supply to drop just on one side. And it feels a little hard. I think the pump just isn't really emptying me completely.
I'm trying to hand express more but it's such a pain!
I'm not a doctor so take this with a grain of salt, but I think your ped is just wrong. 30 is the upper limit of what a baby of any age needs. The average for a younger, EBF baby is supposedly 25. And the LC told me around 16 at 11 months, give or take depending on how much solids they are eating.
Mine was taking 28-29 the first few days when he was still taking it in bottles. With cups (plus really trying to offer more solids) he's usually around 19-22, which is how much I was able to pump until a couple days ago.
I hope the fenugreek works for you. It gave me an upset stomach
my capsules were 1500 mg and I started out taking one at a time, three times a day. I think 600 is also a common capsule size and then you take 2-3, 3x. And if you don't smell like fenugreek after a couple days, increase. I don't know anything about blessed thistle, unfortunately.
Are you getting any more with the pump, overall? FWIW the LC was impressed that I was able to pump about 21 oz a day, so if you're anywhere close to 27.5 you're probably doing well. I think it's very normal to have as much lopsidedness in supply as you are describing. I've always had that too.
Are things getting any better with the teething and illness?
Are you giving antibiotics for the ear infection?
I too hope it is eventually helpful for someone to read all this, but definitely feel free to PM me if you want to vent more. It was a really emotional time for me and I'm sure it is for you too. I'm glad you found your way to this thread