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Whoa! Was gone for a while - update!


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2012
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Hi ladies!

So, the Saturday before last I started vomiting and my life was basically miserable for about a week. Within the last few days I've come out of it, only to move our entire house and office to new premises this weekend and completely lost all of my energy in the process. But!!! Important updates!!!

For those of you who knew about the situation with my OH, he is no longer my OH, and we're both very happy about it! We spoke, and we both agreed to end the relationship, not a tear was shed, he said he DOES want to be a part of her life and we even decided on a name for her (or for him, we agreed on a boy's name as well). He has agreed to support me and the baby and let me continue to work for our company remotely, and I'll begin turning over the functions I can't do remotely to one of our friends who has agreed to come in and take on what I was doing. I begin that next week.

I am going back to the States, and, I have my scan tomorrow morning! Woo! So excited!

And I know tons of you are going to say I'm crazy but just remember there IS a slight chance that I'm further along than we think I am (especially since I have an undeniable and huge belly now) but I swear to god I have been able to feel her kicking, the night before last night, that next morning, and last night. My ex-OH even put his hand on my stomach last night and said he could feel it. I think she was hiccuping and it was all of the excitement of my physical exertion with the moving and cleaning.

So, that's the update! I will let you guys all know how the scan goes tomorrow! I can't wait! I am hoping for a happy, healthy baby and a hint from the sonographer on the sex!
No shit I was literally just thinking I hadn't seen you around for a bit.
I'm so pleased you've sorted it all out with your now ex OH and scan tomorrow! How exciting!
Make sure you post a little pic if you can :)
I swear I've been feeling flutters too, had a scan for my bladder and kidneys yesterday and got to see bub for a few seconds. She/he was jumping around and flapping arms and legs all over the place lol which reminds me I need to book my 12 week scan.
I'm so excited for you!
I'm so happy to hear that all is well and that ur feeling happy again!!! I'm also happy to hear ur over ur MS..... Congrats on working things out to where u and ex OH have a good understanding and u can enjoy ur pregnancy!!! Good luck with the scan and like misscalais said put up pics!! :)
Haha I was thinking the same thing today!!! I even looked to see if you moved to second trimester! Happy things smoothed out between you two and you will be coming to the states! Can't wait to see your scan and dates!
Ha - I've transferred to second tri but came back to see if you'd had your scan... and was thinking - Hmmmm, no threads from Skywalker, usually there are about three a day, I hope nothing's wrong!

Good luck for the scan tomorrow!
Lol true, usually there were like three a day! Aw thanks guys! You're so sweet :hugs: I am so happy, too! I definitely will post pictures of the scan tomorrow once I stop squealing about how happy I am :D I also am going to Skype with my Dad because he wants to see the pictures so bad. I'm hoping they can give me a video of the scan because I've been trolling through Youtube videos of 12 and 13 week scans and hopefully I can post a picture!

Misscalais, when do you feel your flutters? I feel mine often in the past few days when I'm laying down and I've been still for a while. I've been so much more active in the past few days with this move and I think it must rile up my baby and get her all hyper or agitated or something because when I finally lay down it's like she's a Rockette doing cute little high kicks :haha: It's pretty rhythmic! I wonder if it is kicking/flailing or hiccuping. Probably kicking/flailing as it only lasts for probably 15 seconds or so. So exciting you're feeling flutters too!

You guys are so sweet thinking of me! I thought of you guys often too but I couldn't even look at my computer screen for that week because it made me so sick! So glad that is over and hopefully it doesn't return. Now I'm just eating everything in sight again. Definitely going to start swimming when I get back to the States!

:happydance: So excited! Lol and happy to be back on the boards. I was so knocked in the head for that week. And also so excited to be able to be excited about this pregnancy now. And excited to show you the pictures! I can't wait! :D Ah! It needs to be morning. 10am, please come faster.
Normally when I'm laying down. I've only felt it the last couple of days but its definitely flutters and its amazing lol I have a retroverted uterus so I never really felt them with my boys so I'm very surprised I can feel it this early.
My boys used to get the hiccups from around 30 weeks and on cue every night right when I went to bed, never missed a night it could go on for half an hour used to drive me insane but I can't wait to feel it again this time lol!!!
Ahh I'm so happy for you! Lol!
Normally when I'm laying down. I've only felt it the last couple of days but its definitely flutters and its amazing lol I have a retroverted uterus so I never really felt them with my boys so I'm very surprised I can feel it this early.
My boys used to get the hiccups from around 30 weeks and on cue every night right when I went to bed, never missed a night it could go on for half an hour used to drive me insane but I can't wait to feel it again this time lol!!!
Ahh I'm so happy for you! Lol!

Lol aw, that's kind of cute, but must have been annoying while you were just laying down and trying to rest! My mom said that I hiccuped ALL of the time lol. But that's me, too! I've just noticed it the last couple of days especially, when I lay down and there she goes! I wonder if the baby is like, "I'm not ready to fall asleep! You were so active and woke me up and now I want to tumble around!" Do you notice more fluttering and kicking when you've been really active and then lay down? That's what seems to happen in the past few days for me, unless it is a coincidence. I'm so glad you can feel them now because you weren't able to feel them before! Also, I saw an ultrasound on Youtube where the baby had the hiccups and it was the cutest thing in the world! Every so often the baby's whole body would thrust forward, float back down, and repeat.
Glad to hear you you and your ex have worked out where you both want things to go from now. That is great.
Glad you are feelimg better too. Wow you have had a lot happen in a short space of time.
Will be looking out for your scan update tomorrow. Enjoy it.
Good luck with your scan can't wait to see the pic :) I'm glad you are happy and feeling better
Glad to hear you you and your ex have worked out where you both want things to go from now. That is great.
Glad you are feelimg better too. Wow you have had a lot happen in a short space of time.
Will be looking out for your scan update tomorrow. Enjoy it.

Yes definitely has been a lot happening in such a short space of time! And I still have more to do, like find another apartment because the one I had set up fell through (not easy to do internationally but very awesome to have friends and family on the ground helping me look!), need to sell most of my stuff since shipping would cost many times more than I paid for everything I own and I won't be able to carry that much on an international journey as a pregnant woman (plus it's nice to downsize and have some extra cash!), need to turn over the functions of my job that I can't do remotely to another person and a few other odds and ends, and then I can go. So this scan tomorrow is like a vacation! A brief moment when it can just be about me and baby, and I get to see on the screen what I've been feeling becoming very active in my belly :happydance: :dance: Will definitely give you ladies an update!!! Did I miss anyone else's scan and update by the way?? I was permanently attached to my bed for so long.
Just popped back to see how you were getting on! good luck with your scan & glad you have got everything sorted x
Glad to hear you you and your ex have worked out where you both want things to go from now. That is great.
Glad you are feelimg better too. Wow you have had a lot happen in a short space of time.
Will be looking out for your scan update tomorrow. Enjoy it.

Yes definitely has been a lot happening in such a short space of time! And I still have more to do, like find another apartment because the one I had set up fell through (not easy to do internationally but very awesome to have friends and family on the ground helping me look!), need to sell most of my stuff since shipping would cost many times more than I paid for everything I own and I won't be able to carry that much on an international journey as a pregnant woman (plus it's nice to downsize and have some extra cash!), need to turn over the functions of my job that I can't do remotely to another person and a few other odds and ends, and then I can go. So this scan tomorrow is like a vacation! A brief moment when it can just be about me and baby, and I get to see on the screen what I've been feeling becoming very active in my belly :happydance: :dance: Will definitely give you ladies an update!!! Did I miss anyone else's scan and update by the way?? I was permanently attached to my bed for so long.
So happy your going to have a moment to just enjoy it! I had another scan yesterday and my positivity paid off and I shocked my doctor! Everything is great now, measuring at 6+3 and I was 7 yesterday based on lmp so it's pretty correct. Need to still be on moderate bedrest because hemorrhage is still visible but he isn't worried at all as I haven't bled anymore since that one day. The whole office was soo excited that things changed! Nurses I had never met before were passing us and remarking how happy they are things changed. It felt like the doctor briefed everyone before we came in saying to prepare for a couple who is losing their baby? It was odd but great to know how real the excitement was! Another scan on the 13th and he will tell us then if we can drive down to Georgia on the 16th. Fx!
Peaking my head in...I'm so happy to read this update! I look forward to your pics. :)
Yay :happydance:, I'm so happy everything has worked out so well for your family!! You guys are very blessed to be able to stay busy, figure out the major changes, and get to be excited about your future!!! Keep us updated :winkwink:
I love how fast you reacted to all the things not working out well in your life and how you turned everything around! Of course it takes two to tango, so I am guessing that it was good that your ex-OH was willing to discuss calmly and rationally with you. I am sure you will enjoy your pregnancy much more with your friends and family back home. It will only get better from now on! :hugs:

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