AF due today and still no sign, I wrongly had myself convinced this was the month it would happen, i really felt different, but after taking a test and it being negative I wish I never got my hopes up. I was fine about it until OH asked me was there any sign and I told him no, but had done a test and it was a 'no' too he did a big sigh of disappointment. When I asked him what the sigh was all about he said he was fed up trying! I know he is just disappointed, me too but I think I am more annoyed with his response and made to feel like it's my fault, which it prob is to be fair. Started thyroxine this month so was hoping it was going to work miracles but it's early days and extremely low dose so I shouldn't have expected. Just hoped it would happen before I got my hosp apt through to see FS. Apologises for the rant. Think it is the first time in a year or trying that I have let it get to me, plus I went to my slimming class tonight and am back Up to the same weight I was when I joined about 9 mths ago!!! Not good!