The midwife came round yesterday to check on Halen and I mentioned that he seemed to find it hard to stay latched on (he's doing fine now, think he just found it a bit hard to get the hang of it)
She grabbed my boob and tried to force my nipple into his mouth? Didn't ask, just grabbed, I didn't really know what to do and just sat there a bit gob smacked.
He screamed and wouldn't go anywhere near my boob, then when she finally let go and gave up, he went sleep.
He had fed for 14 mins half hour before so wasn't hungry anyway, but why on earth did she feel the need to do this??
I don't really know what to say if the next midwife who is coming today does this as well??
She grabbed my boob and tried to force my nipple into his mouth? Didn't ask, just grabbed, I didn't really know what to do and just sat there a bit gob smacked.
He screamed and wouldn't go anywhere near my boob, then when she finally let go and gave up, he went sleep.
He had fed for 14 mins half hour before so wasn't hungry anyway, but why on earth did she feel the need to do this??
I don't really know what to say if the next midwife who is coming today does this as well??