Why did you and your baby's daddy break up?

Hi ya, just readin through all your post, although I am not single... YET!

My Other half is really doing my head in one min he wants baby next min (when hes round his mates) he doesnt its making me ill.

I'm wondering if i would be better off on my own, i'm getting past the point of caring now hes acting sooooo imature! kasey xx
Hi ya, just readin through all your post, although I am not single... YET!

My Other half is really doing my head in one min he wants baby next min (when hes round his mates) he doesnt its making me ill.

I'm wondering if i would be better off on my own, i'm getting past the point of caring now hes acting sooooo imature! kasey xx

Kinda sounds like my situation... Brandon and I have been on/off, mostly on for the last 4 1/2 years... With his job, he is really only going to get to see the baby on weekends. I don't think things will work out with us, but I really hope he can be a good father at least. As I have ranted before, he is clinging on to immaturity as long as possible and it really pisses me off... we are both 23 and have good jobs, but he keeps thinking the baby will financially ruin us... :dohh: Fricking tard. Sometimes he is so nice.. talking to my tummy, giving me foot rubs, etc. then he turns around and does something dumb like plan a guys boating trip for the week I am due!!! Gaaaargh..

So we are on the fence I guess.
I dont know if we have officially "broken up" or not. You see, I got pregnant here in Germany, but I am from the states. In just 22 days I will be going home. He's such a sweetheart...always calling to make sure I'm fine, bringing me fresh juice and healthy food every time he comes over.. The original plan was to move to Berlin together, because that's where he is moving for work in October. One night we had a conversation about love...and he admitted, as much as he cares about me, it's not love. And we both realize that raising a baby together and living together requires love in order to be successful. So he says he will come visit every year and I will come back here too.....I'm scared shitless that it'll all fall apart. That saddest and most pathetic part is that I do love him, very much so, and that just makes it harder. Especially with all the hormones flying around. Sometimes I cry when I think about going back to the states to raise a baby almost completely without him. Then I try to remind myself "He doesn't love you. It's not right for LO. We've got to go home." I thought finding out I was pregnant was hard but it's just getting harder as it goes along.... 22 more days til the big flight.
I dont know if we have officially "broken up" or not. You see, I got pregnant here in Germany, but I am from the states. In just 22 days I will be going home. He's such a sweetheart...always calling to make sure I'm fine, bringing me fresh juice and healthy food every time he comes over.. The original plan was to move to Berlin together, because that's where he is moving for work in October. One night we had a conversation about love...and he admitted, as much as he cares about me, it's not love. And we both realize that raising a baby together and living together requires love in order to be successful. So he says he will come visit every year and I will come back here too.....I'm scared shitless that it'll all fall apart. That saddest and most pathetic part is that I do love him, very much so, and that just makes it harder. Especially with all the hormones flying around. Sometimes I cry when I think about going back to the states to raise a baby almost completely without him. Then I try to remind myself "He doesn't love you. It's not right for LO. We've got to go home." I thought finding out I was pregnant was hard but it's just getting harder as it goes along.... 22 more days til the big flight.

I am sorry that's so tough!! I hope it all works out for you. You deserve someone that loves you and cherishes you...don't forget that! :hug:

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