Why is my ex being such a pain and can he do this?


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2009
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I am new here, I got dragged here by a friend who is also a single mum herself.
The short version about my background is that I met my ex on a rebound after a very long term relationship that ended after 13 years ( though we are still friends) I met my ex, the baby of my father shortly after and I thought he was great, he seemed down to earth, funny, had a job and his own place so we dated but it was too much, too quickly, too soon, in the space of less than a year we split up three times, he left me at a hotel on holiday and was going to go home without me because he didn't like the waiter's friendship with me. I had a miscarriage, but above all of that he was extremely insecure, needy, and controlling and we just kept arguing all the time.
Found out he is full of bullshit too, he lies and this I put down to the fact that he has been smoking cannabis since he was 19 which I didn't know about until it was too late, his best friends smoke cannabis also. We are both 31 and have no children.
Anyway found out I was pregnant again, we got engaged, he asked me to give up my job and move to his area, miles away from my family and friends.
It was hell, he gave me no money, he was out all day at work, he was controlling and contented for me just to be in the flat miserable, he refuses for us to relocate somewhere neutral and despite my being pregnant and being so ill that I ended up in hospital on a drip, he still used to keep making demands on me such as wanting sex and lots of attention even though I was ill and suffering from 24 hours nausea for 5 months!
Anyway, I decided I cannot live like that, that he only cares for himself so at around 8 weeks pregnant, I ended the relationship and went back home.

We kept arguing lots via texts and emails, I told him to return my stuff, when he came up to return my stuff I told him despite not being together I hoped we could be friends for our son's sake and gave him some photos of the first scan I went to alone ( Didn't take him as we were both arguing so much) rather than sit and talk through agreements about our son,he stormed out of the house when I was 12 weeks pregnant and that was the last I saw of him, we just spent the remaining time bitching via text until eventually I told him we need to call a truce and to stop it because our son is the one suffering in all of this because it was stressing me out which in return is stressing our son out. Especially since the ex really pushed his luck by trying to involve my mum by texting her stupidity such as " Your daughter would not let me touch her belly or talk to belly" My mum was disgusted that he texted her nonsense like that and since I was only 8 weeks pregnant at the time and ill why on earth would I want him touching and talking to my belly? but that is the kind of control freak he is. He even used to hassle me all the time about not wanting to walk around naked, he thought I was a prude because he liked to walk around naked at home.
He agreed to stop bitching and we have actually been getting on well, I have been updating him on everything, even been emailing his mum who i don't like to update her on baby. We agreed on the names, and I told him I am so happy we are getting on well as friends.

Well, yesterday something changed as I told him that since i am not working and i am on benefits I will need to update Social about my circumstances and what would he like me to do about it?
He replied back that he has now decided he wants to go through CSA and Solicitors!!! What?! Why?!
I get just £40 a week benefits, when baby comes, I will get £55 a week, because the ex would rather give the CSA his whole £70 a week which means out of that £70 I will get just £10, giving me and his son £55 a week to pay for food, gas and electric. I had not even ASKED him for money, I could understand him doing this if I was a being unreasonable and one week I asked for £50, and the following week I asked for £100 but I would have just wanted something like £20 a week until I am back at work, then I will be able to have his whole £70 to help towards bills.

Anyway, I asked him why he has decided he wants to go and make it all restricted, formal and horrible, he said so that he has rights to his son.
I never ONCE denied him his rights, and I told him, that since we are not married I don't HAVE to put his name down on the birth certificate, I don't HAVE to use his surname and if I am not getting any money off him he has no case because CSA would not be involved since I WON'T be requesting his money from him. He obviously needs his ten pounds much more then I do.

I texted him today to say I want to see him today because I Am furious, he replied he is watching a match ( nice of him to put a match before his son's welfare) and why am I furious that he wants rights and to do it legally?

I said to him because by doing it HIS way, it means I won't be putting his name down on the birth certificate now or using his surname because he is obviously going to use it to control me and the baby so the only access he will be able to have of his son is via courts, which means he will see his son what 2 hours a week? supervised in an office somewhere? That is what he wants to do legally rather than us have a friendship and we both decide ourselves on when he can see baby ( I want our son to have a good relationship with his dad) but no, seems like the ex is keen to do it through the solicitors.

What are his rights? I don't want my son left overnight with him at such a young age, I don't mind it when he is 3 and talking so he can tell me if he is happy but I am not due until August, it is my first child, I will be breastfeeding him and I am awfully protective over him because his dad is just a control freak and I don't want my son being used or unhappy. Will the court demand that my son can stay with his dad without me there overnight despite him being breastfed and us living miles away from each other?

I will also be writing a will that my sister gets to have my son if anything should happen to me, as the ex is not responsible.
I am so worried and upset about the possibility of not being able to protect my son and him being away from me.

Oh, we also argued because he wants our son to be circumcised as he is ( his mum is Jewish, his dad is English) I said no because it is not my culture and I am not inflicting my son with pain to remove something he is naturally born with.
I know that if I put him down as the father on the birth Cert, he will be given Parental rights which means he can demand the son be Jewish ( the ex is not a practising Jew) and have a circumcision right?
your not together hun, you need to do what is rite by you and your son!
you are not obligied to name him as a father, but if your wanting to seek legal advice to see what they say xx
He has changed tack now, said that he will do a trust fund and when our son is older he can find him and get to know him. And if I want to communicate with him, I am to do it via CSA. He is just so immature and petty. He has refused my friendship, my olive branch because he is too selfish to put his son first.
He likes control and I think he hates the idea that I am getting on fine without him, that I can manage without him, so he is begruding that HE will have to travel down to me to see his son, that HE will have to give some money to us, he wants to know he has control and he is the one with everything but I told him, I don't want money or anything, I will do it myself. I just wanted him to be there for his son.
I was not going to put him on the Birth Cert until he has proven himself to be a worthy dad, but I was going to use his surname but i won't anymore because he has proven he just likes to use our son in his games.

I know he will be in touch around my due date, and when he does, it will be on my terms, he is NOT using our son for his games and he has to STOP trying to hurt me through our son too.
I can see why he has been single for years and years, his ex would never marry him, or move in with him and I never understood why, now i do!
Sounds like you are so much better off without him chick, Do whats right for you and your son, fcuk your ex.
he sounds like a pleb chick, go thru csa yourself, you get 20 a week off them and you can tell them you dont want him to know your whereabouts too if you move

id cut contact, your better off on your own xxxxxxxx
Sounds tough and also similar to my ex BF. Who is abusive and controlling. Your FOB does a lot of the things that mine does. This thing about saying hes watching a match when you want to talk...is him wanting to be in control! It has to be on his terms or none at all. I don't think it sounds like you can be friends with him. I think he may continue to blow hot and cold and when hes blowing cold. He will use your son as a weapon. I know this is just my thoughts and I can't be sure, as I don't know him. But from what you have written, this is what has been going through my mind. Use CSA or maybe a solicitor. You will get legal aid.
I am sorry though, because I sense you want it all to be OK and I can relate to that. But its just that sometimes these guys won't let it be OK and run smooth and in a rational way.
Didnt wanna read and run, but it seems your both much better off without him!! xxx
Current update is that I spoke to him because it was becoming ridiculous, one minute wanting lawyers, and then deciding he won't see his son at all. He finally admitted that he is suffering from panic attacks, depression and has been crying randomly all the time, to the point his mum is really distressed and worried about him ( God, he is SUCH a girl!!).
The reason for all of this is because he does not understand WHY we broke up, even though I have told him time and time again and he is scared of missing out on everything his son will do, putting him to bed, seeing him wake up, taking his first steps etc because we are not together, he said he also finds it painful because he does not know if he is able to see us and deal with the pain of not being able to be with me and his son in the way he wants.
I wrote him a very long email explaining in very simple terms all the problems and that I was never going to stop him seeing his son, after that email he said he had the first decent night sleep in months, that he feels reassured and he is all excited and happy now and wants to be friends.
He sent mum some flowers and a note to apologise to her for his behaviour ( she refused the flowers and his apology but he has to realise he has a lot to prove now) he sent me flowers too,i didnt thank him for it, I just told him, flowers aside, the main thing is we NEED to get on for our son's sake. He agreed, He wants to take me out to dinner and so on.

He has one more strike and then he is out, I still won't be putting him on the birth certificate at the father until he has proven himself, and if he does, then I have no qualms putting him down as the father, I probably still will double barrel our names though.
I think your better off without him hon, don't have much advice but didn't wanna read and run!
Hiya hun,

For now don't worry at all about the solicitor making a ruling about access etc that's waaaaaay off & no if you are breastfeeding they can't demand you express & let him take the baby overnight so don't worry.

With regards to the csa he is better paying it direct to them, If he doesn't he can quite easily ring them up one week & say he has given you £50 & as your allowed £20 a week they would stop your income support to adjust it & they would take off £30.
He can do this week in week out & get away with it, You can also say you never got anything from him meaning he would then get charged for it twice unless he had proof he paid you in the form of a signed receipt from you. So it works in both ways, You are MUCH better taking it from the csa then he cant claim to of given you more because they can see exactly how much you are getting. Trust me this happened with me countless times, my sons dad isn't on the birth cert either which i am sooooo glad at!

To me it sounds like he is coming out with excuses for his behaviour & that's not on, I agree getting on for the sake of the baby is good but if it means you are constantly bogged with his stupid actions then i wouldn't bother with him at all.

hope your ok x
As for him having the baby, as you are feeding yourself he wont be able to have baby overnight untill it is fully weaned and you can ask that all his visits are supervised so you can feed babs.
Thanks everyone, so far everything seems to be going well and i have high hopes that he will be a decent father when the time comes, my priority is our son, as long as he is there for him in the right way, I am happy.
As for the baby's name, even if the father is on the birth cert, the baby can still have just your name. Having the father on it is more to prove who the father is (at least that's the way it is here in the US, you can give the baby your name here)
I will double barrel our surnames but I wont put him down as the father on there yet as I dont want him having parental rights until he has proven himself to be a good dad.
Im in a very similar situation only my son is 6 months old and my ex is a solicitor! Think carefully before going to the CSA!!! My ex too is contolling, blows hot and cold and likes to play games. He seems to have no regard for our son. I want him to have a relationship with his son.
My ex is insisting we have a DNA test to prove he's the father, which is ridiculous as we were trying to concieve for 3 months and he even came to the doctors with me for advice. I also loved him a lot and to suggest I cheated on him makes me very angry and hurt. He's already admitted he knows he's the father but wants a DNA test to gain Parental Rights on the advice of his solicitor. He is refusing to contribute towards our sons expenses even though I have receipts, as he wants me to go through the CSA - he can deny parantage and force the CSA to do a DNA test. Apparently he cannot go to court for Parental Rights without the test. Like you I do not want him to have Parental Rights and his name is not on the birth certificate. I have told him to keep his money and he can see his son when I say so, and definately not over night - if he had Parental Rights I would have no choice.
Athena, that is my worry, I won't be telling him when I get the birth certificate, I will keep fobbing it off when he asks. I will double barrel the surnames so he knows that his son has his name also and hopefully that will make him happy.
I am not going through the CSA, firstly because i am not at work at the moment so the money would be absolutely pittance and I would much rather go without and also because like you said if we go via CSA he can claim he is not the father thus wanting a test, and if it shows them as the father, they will then demand to go court and get Parental rights. I had no problems with him being on the birth cert when we were together and engaged but since I ended it, his behaviour has just made me very wary, and i know in order to hurt me he just might use his authority as his father to make life difficult and I am not going to risk that so I would rather go without the money.

I thought partners could still take us to court csa or not and demand a DNA anyway?! xx

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