I found this so ridiculous, I was doing it with one of the student midwives, what a laugh we had. Those first precious drops are vital though and even a small amount is like mannah from heaven for William. In a couple of days she'll be on the electric pump and the supply will soon come in. 1 ml is a whole feed at this stage. Expressing at least every 3/4 hours will get it going - this means waking overnight too. A good tip is for her to have a photo of him to look at whilst doing it. Talking about pumps. You may be able to borrow one from the hospital, but it may be worth investing in a good one for home if she is looking to continue with breastfeeding. Having expressed milk in a bottle so dad can do feeds too is great. I recommend the medela swing. It is compact and lightweight and really effective. I got mine for about 80 quid.Thanks again for the lovely thoughts & comments. Wife has managed to hand express some milk for William, Which is hard at the best of times! She has to use her hands at the moment and I have to catch each tear size drip of milk in a syringe! It takes ages to get 1ml and he needs lots before he can come off the drip.
Today is weird, we are both exhausted and if I'm honest we no longer feel elated, infact we feel quite sad and cheated (but don't blame anyone), when we are with him its fantastic, but when we leave it doesn't even feel like we have a little boy, and the pictures look like someone elses baby. I hope that passes soon
They refer to it as day three. Apparently all mums do it, but I think for us it is worse. With me it hit on day 4. They decided to move 3 other women and their babies into the ward. I called my husband and he thought the line was fuzzy. In fact I was in meltdown. He rushed straight to the hospital and checked me out.I will warn you that at some point your wife will reach a 'crisis day', it affects us all at some point, the day when the hormones drop and you cry all day and you just want your baby home now but need to just GET AWAY from it all.
I'm feeling a bit better now, must be all the sleep I'm depriving myself of! I forgot to mention I changed his nappy today and it was a meconium tar pellet that was welded to his botty! He went berserk as soon as I started to undo his nappy then pee'd in the air as the air hit his privates, it was the most amazing thing to see happen, it was just as all the books talk about for full term babies, only everything is in miniature! And I loved every second of it! (apart from the feeling that I was gonna break him!)
They refer to it as day three. Apparently all mums do it, but I think for us it is worse. With me it hit on day 4. They decided to move 3 other women and their babies into the ward. I called my husband and he thought the line was fuzzy. In fact I was in meltdown. He rushed straight to the hospital and checked me out.
Then a couple of weeks later I was having a bath and it hit again. I was upset that when I got home, nothing had changed. We had gone back to same old same old, but it should have been different, Abby should have been with us and we should have been having sleepless nights adn worrying about poo - but we weren't. It was really tough and Mr Foo just didn;t understand. He called my sister and she came down to visit for a weekend and got us back on an even keel.
I'm feeling a bit better now, must be all the sleep I'm depriving myself of! I forgot to mention I changed his nappy today and it was a meconium tar pellet that was welded to his botty! He went berserk as soon as I started to undo his nappy then pee'd in the air as the air hit his privates, it was the most amazing thing to see happen, it was just as all the books talk about for full term babies, only everything is in miniature! And I loved every second of it! (apart from the feeling that I was gonna break him!)