Wikileaks - terrorist organisation?


Toddlers are fun :)
Apr 9, 2010
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Wikileaks are in the process of publishing around 250k secret cables from around the world, leading to some governments calling them a terrorist organisation.

Soooo..... wikileaks - terrorism or freedom of information?

Hmmm its a tough one but id say that when there is classified information involved, we just have to respect that freedom of information is just not always feasible. This is information about discussions from 270+ embassies from 1966 to 2010 - thats a mass of information!

I mean until all of the info is released and we know the true extent of what has been discussed/reported etc we can only guess the impact that any revelations will have but worst case scenario (which imo is probably likely!), the information collated within such documents could not only jeopardise relations between countries but could absolutely jeopardise public safety. In reality there are 'secrets' that 'we' as the public should be privy too, being that those in power should not be pulling any dodgy stunts or 'lying' in any way anyway so I mean why would they be bothered about this leaking when they have or should have nothing to hide, right?... Ideally yeah, but thats just too naive and not how the world works.

This is only going to put pressure on already strained relationships. There is already so much conflict going on in the world, I see no need to dredge up more and for what reason? With what aim? It can achieve no good imo.

It could quite easily be classed as terrorism. Under the Terrorism act of 2000 (in UK) this could be classed as action which could 'create a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public' .

I have a sick baby to tend to tonight, hence why im still up so will get back to this but wanted to throw my two pence in anyway :haha:
It is not a terrorist organisation and I personally support what they did. They've not released anything (so far) that can lead to loss of life, just embarrassed some big countries.
I agree with Marley ... in my opinion all Governments mis-use official secrets acts to hide their poor behaviours :shrug: Behaviours which have nothing to do with putting anyone at risk and which ought to be in the public domain - after all we elect these people and they are supposed to be transparent in more or less everything that isn't connected with war strategies or protecting people from physical harm.

There is a ton of stuff that our own Gov't exclude from the Freedom of Information act which has nothing whatsoever to do with national or individual security .... like the Dunblane Enquiry, the true cost of the Monarchy and loads of other stuff. That stuff should be in the public domain and whistle blowing sites like wikileaks are, in that sense only telling us what our Gov'ts should be being transparent about anyway :shrug:
Freedom of information. They never hurt anyone physically, just some feelings!
Sorry, i fully intended to post my thoughts on this last night but fell asleep (for a change!)

I have seen some of the cables that have been released and so far there is nothing hugely damaging that I can see - just embarrassing! In my view, with things like these it is only marked secret to save face with the public. The 'secret' tag should only be used to protect a country or its people from harm IMO.

The 'people' are finally starting to pay attention now and take an interest - there are over 1million fans of wikileaks on facebook in just a few days since the website was taken down.

It is the governments to blame for any mess that is made here, not wikileaks. It kind of reminds me of something one of my school teachers said to me once... 'don't ever write anything down at school if you wouldn't want your parents to see it' :haha:
At the risk of sounding thick I don't understand it, I don't know what's been 'leaked' and how it could put us at risk...

Anyone? :haha:
At the risk of sounding thick I don't understand it, I don't know what's been 'leaked' and how it could put us at risk...

Anyone? :haha:

They have leaked a lot of government records that were marked secret. Search them on FB, you'll get a good idea of the kind of thing x
Well it depends on the content of those cables and it obviously depends on your perspective. A lot of what has been leaked seems like political society gossip. A few of the things are interesting/relevant and some of them seem utterly pointless although somewhat embarrassing. :shrug: If I'm honest I'm undecided but I doubt I'd go as far as calling them a terrorist organisation. The way they're targeting Assange is a little OTT in my opinion. If you can't keep your government intelligence secret then your should be looking to sort your own problems out instead of trying to get an individual. If Wikileaks and Assange can do it so can other people.
Nope, not a terrorist organisation. As others have said, nothing has been leaked so far that will put people's lives at risk. It may simply embarrass a few high profile figures.
I am glad they have been released!

It should be public information anyways. We elect these people into office, technically the info does belong to us!
A lot of what has been leaked seems like political society gossip.

I thought this as well. Like what one country said about another makes them sound like a bunch of bitchy teenage girls. :haha:

As to Wikileaks being a terrorist organization, I find it shocking that is being considered. Hypocritical for nations that look down on censored countries and have lofty ideals of freedom of speech and the press. Wikileaks seems more like what journalism is supposed to be, rather than the sad 24 hour media circus it has become.
Like others have said as far as I've seen pretty much everything released seems to actually be quite inconsequential. I am finding myself very interested in what is happening to Assange though. The US seem to be behaving disgracefully in trying to extradite him and since when was ANYONE chased around the world on a rape allegation? No doubt it won't be true. The US can be so clumsy sometimes. I hope he doesn't get extradited. It seems he is in a race to prove the conspiracy behind the allegations.
I've heard of it but I've never looked into it. I've been hearing about the guy who started it on the radio though and the rape allegation in Sweden. It all seems a bit far fetched from me - like PB said, I've never heard of someone being chased from Sweden to the US (or vice versa) on a rape charge. They are probably trying to get rid of him because they know he has something really worth while up his sleeve :)
Apparently it's easier to get an extradition to the US from Sweden than from here which is why he came here and they're trying to get him to Sweden. It's like a spy film! :wacko:
Yeah it is PB, nothing like a bit of drama to stop people being interested in the stuff he puts online :rolleyes:
Definitely not a terrorist organisation - that's the governments/countries/people concerned naming it that for their own benefit - public see the word terrorist to describe something/someone & it automatically stirs up a lot of hatred! I'm glad it's out - no one has been hurt (that I know of?) just majorly embarrassed!

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