Will it be hard the second time around?


Expecting :)
Oct 26, 2012
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I just found out I'm pregnant with #2. With #1, we struggled with breastfeeding in the beginning. For one thing, I had flat nipples so my son had trouble latching. Also, when he did latch, it was painful for me. We had to use nipple shields for the first 5 weeks or so, which helped with both issues. On the plus side, we never struggled with supply or weight issues. This time around, I no longer have flat nipples thanks to 13 months of BFing my son. I kind of assumed that BFing would be a breeze the second time around and it just dawned on me that it might not be.

I'd love to hear the experiences of those who have breastfed multiple kids. Was it easier/harder with the second, third, etc?
I really struggled with feeding DS1 and stopped pretty early. In the first three weeks I developed a massive over supply, had mastitis three times and had scabs so big that I thought my nipples were falling off.

This time it has been so much easier. Incredibly easy in fact. DS2 latched like a dream from the word go, I've had no over supply and best of all no mastitis. It's been lovely. DS1 has thankfully handled me feeding really well, even In the early days of constant feeds. I even caught him breastfeeding his dolly the other day:haha:

I spoke to a lactation consultant before DS2's arrival as I had the same worry as you. She basically told me that no baby is the same and my word was she right!
Thanks wifey :) such a cute story about your son BFing his dolly!
I had a really bad time first time around, this time it's like my boobs knew what to do! Although I only stopped feeding my first when we got pregnant, I hadn't expected the 2 weeks of pain/sensitivity when a newborn latches. Definitely worth sticking it out though!
No baby is the same. If you are worrying about it maybe you could get your support network sorted now. I don't know what it is like in the USA but I'd advise a UK lady to visit her breastfeeding cafe while still pregnant and get to know the LC there, to talk through her worries with her health visitor and write in her birth plan that bf was difficult first time and she may want support with it second time round (so midwives don't assume Mum's a relaxed pro). Try to work through any existing upset/trauma you may feel over what happened with your first too, so you can put it behind you. I'd recommend "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" as a good book (even though I hate the title).
We had a rocky start with my first DS bc I had an overactive letdown and he was quite small so not latching well. It was pretty stressful but we got it sorted by the second week and successfully BFed for 22 months.
With my second DS it was a total breeze. He was a pound bigger than DS1 (7#12oz) and I was so much more calm and confident about the process that I really think that helped. I was also able to calm down my overactive letdown a bit with him by not pumping. He's 20 months old and still going strong! Good luck to you and congrats on your :BFP: !
I think I am the odd one out, but I found breastfeeding harder the second time.

Sophie hard a hard time getting a deep latch and I had cracked nipples and blood blisters. I was embarrassed by my lack of breastfeeding skill and didn't admit to the pain or blisters so that was silly. There was this expectation that it would all be so easy for me as I had breastfed with my son fine.

I had anxiety with feeding her at night once she got to 3 months which was weird! My milk didn't let down and the more she fussed and the more I thought about it, the longer it took. I also had some sort of performance anxiety about nursing in front of others that I never had with Thomas.

She took a dislike to nursing atround 11 months. She went on a strike for a few days and I didn't have a pump. I tried to hand express but only got a few drops put. By the time she decided to nurse again my milk had gone salty tasting and she refused it again. So it all ended at 11.5 months.

I had nursed my son until 17.5 months and it would have been longer but I was pregnant and had a huge nursing aversion.

I think I put a lot of pressure on myself and told everyone it would be sooo easy, that I didn't take into account that every baby and experience is different.
It was harder 2nd time around at the beginning due to having tongue tie and getting it snipped(last time we had it too but didn't snip it and I think it was harder for longer..
So yes, harder for a shorter amount of time.
I found it much easier as I already knew what to do and if any issues came up (I had cracked, bleeding nipples after a few days) I knew how to fix it myself quickly. My DS isn't bothered that I have to feed his little sister a lot and I've found it a lot better than I thought I would. Yes, every baby is different, but the actual basics of bf I found were the same and that helped things settle after a few days.
With DD1 I struggled with latch, cracked nipple, mastitis and basically figuring out how to make it work.

Second time was so much easier because I knew when the latch was wrong, knew how to get him to open his mouth and to let go when he wasn't in the right position, and I had a lot more confidence in my ability to make it work.

First two babies didn't react at all to what I ate but I found the next two were very sensitive, especially to caffeine, garlic, citrus, even celery. We had a few bad, colicky days before I figured out what I could eat and what I couldn't.
SO much easier 2nd time around for me. :)
Thanks everyone. Sounds like it's different for everyone and I'll just have to wait and see. I hope it's easier the second time for me!

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