I'm a good candidate for a VBAC, I had natural with my first, my section was only required as both twins were breech, my incision is transverse, etc.
But we shall see, I'd prefer a section, I had a rare cord issue with one twin which would have killed him if I laboured, I had the other twin with strep b, my first had macorium which I realise is common but still scary when he needed recused, I have a fear of going over due and losing the baby as I've had a few friends who that happened to, and a section gives some ability to plan. Plus I'm considering sterilisation which could be done at the same time. None of my reasons are grounds for section but I'll fight to at least be heard.
I actually enjoy labour, so I have no issue if I went into labour early, but my scan was horrible the tech just kept sharing how this and that are impossible to spot, we have history's of heart defects etc in the family too and I just wanted a bit of information about when to spot these things, but she basically said they wouldn't see it, especially the cord issue. I asked them to mark my folder with strep b and they said no, they don't so that here, and I'm thinking, imagine I go into labour and they refuse the anti bs, I was lucky to have one child come through it, two would be tempting fate too much.