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''Women should be allowed to abort a baby because it is the 'wrong' sex''

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Mummy of 1
Aug 29, 2012
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I came across another article while trying to find the link above, quoting nurses who had found themselves in situations where abortions had failed and babies had been born alive - unwanted and often left to die....
I found this article very upsetting so be warned if you do decide to read it but it helps me back up my argument.

Most people find out the sex of their baby between 18 and 22 weeks, the article talks about babies as young as 21 weeks surviving, even if that particular article isn't to be believed there are definitely cases of it happening! So my argument is - regardless of whether or not the woman is ridiculously distressed about the sex of her baby (which I find evil in itself regardless of culture, religion etc) she would more than likely be quite a way through the pregnancy before she found out.
I find it astonishing that someone is suggesting that this is ok??

There are so many people that can't have children that desperately want them and it makes me so mad to read crap like this. If you don't want the baby atleast give him/her a chance! What do you think?
That is absolutly disgusting.

That article about babies surviving an abortion & being left for hours to die made me sob. That is vile.

As for the sex selection abortions... if thats how a woman feels she should keep her damn legs shut for the rest of her life. Thats a disgusting attitude. If your baby is the "wrong" sex (which no baby is, ever!) then let it be adopted & go to a family thats not so utterly vile & narrow minded.

I'm appalled anyone could possibly argue for this. I understand pro-choice, I don't agree with it, but I don't own every woman on the planet & their circumstances aren't mine so I have no say, but for christ sake! How could anyone abort a planned & wanted child because it has the wrong reproductive parts!!

I'm sickened by this, absolutly sickened
It's very rare that things make me cry but that had me sobbing in tears. It was so awful to read.

I'm against abortion because there are other options like adoption.

Here you are not told the gender until 20 weeks and you can only have an abortion up to 14 weeks.

It makes me so sick to the stomach that people are willing to abort a child just because its not the gender they wanted. No one should "want" a specific gender, a baby is a gift and the gender is irrelevant.
If the sex is that important to a parent that they are willing to abort them frankly they are too selfish to even be considering children
I understand this is current news at the moment and therefore considered topical but whilst the news and debates part of the forum is more relaxed with the moderating, threads still have to adhere to the forum rules.

While BabyandBump tries to remain pro-choice on most subjects, out of respect for majority of our members that are either trying to conceive, or pregnant, we ask that you do not discuss topics on abortion and terminations outside of the 'Ethical Prenatal Losses' forum.

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