I used wondfos for cycles 2-4. I always got a positive, but it was typically the day I ovulated! Not good for planning our timing. This cycle, I tried the Clear Blue Digital Advanced Ovulation Detector (or whatever the hell it's called, blinky and solid smiley one). That was cool, except I got "high" fertility in the middle of my cycle, then ran out of test sticks because I have looong cycles (the only way to get more sticks is to buy a completely new kit). I also used a different OPK from amazon: babi. At first, I hated the babis because they were always so faint, I never got lines like I did on the wondfos (even if they were negative, seeing a line was just reassuring). With the babi, though, I got two positive days, the second on the day when my cervix was the softest I've ever felt.
So I'd recommend a different brand if you aren't sure about the wondfos!
Also, pineapple: I've tried it two cycles now, having never eaten pineapple in my life. I find that I actually like the core more than the actual fruit part, although it can have a tough texture. It's recommended to eat 1/5 each day for the first five days after ovulation. Sidenote husband brag: The highlight of this cycle was when my husband brought me a bowl of pineapple, cut up neatly and vamped up with brown sugar, vanilla extract, a second vanilla flavored liquid, and some regular sugar. It was an awesome reminder of his support while we work at this baby thing!