Wont eat savoury


Mum to Patrick! :-)
Jun 11, 2008
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So basically as the title says.... Patrick will not eat anything savoury...for months now ive been giving him breakfast which is usually some baby balance cereal, at the moment hes on apple and banana...so i wanted to introduce a second solid meal, ive tried him with all sorts but its a no go....he screaaaaaaaams the place down when i try and give him savoury...choking the lot....but he loves his breakfast??? When i first tried giving him tastes of food he tried savoury no problems, but now im actually wanting him to have it as part of his routine he wont have it. Im introducing a second meal as hes waking up at 2am every morning for a 6oz bottle, hes slept through the night since he was 8 weeks old!Any suggestions ladies? Anyone been through the same? I know i cant just feed him on sweet stuff forever! :hissy:
Maybe it's a growth spurt and he's not ready for a third meal yet. He is still so young, don't sweat it. Try again in a few weeks
Maybe it's a growth spurt and he's not ready for a third meal yet. He is still so young, don't sweat it. Try again in a few weeks

I thought the same thing but its like now when his breakfast wears off about 2pm he is hungry after a 6oz bottle but give him 7 and it comes back up? This will only be his 2nd solid meal a day.
are you after a puree? amelie will only eat vegetables if its the ellas kitchen ones and its a struggle to get her to eat any of the veg+meat jars. usually i just let her eat what she wants as shes still so little. on a normal day

breakfast is a fruit puree and i give her a finger of toast with some puree on it bout 30mins later
lunch is a meat + veg one if i can persuade her to eat it
dinner is an ellas kitchen one (yday was broccoli, pea and pear) and a rusk if its bath time
are you after a puree? amelie will only eat vegetables if its the ellas kitchen ones and its a struggle to get her to eat any of the veg+meat jars. usually i just let her eat what she wants as shes still so little. on a normal day

breakfast is a fruit puree and i give her a finger of toast with some puree on it bout 30mins later
lunch is a meat + veg one if i can persuade her to eat it
dinner is an ellas kitchen one (yday was broccoli, pea and pear) and a rusk if its bath time

Yeah, ive tried alsorts, hipp, cow n gate, organix, hienz.... nothing lol...im at a loss :(
Maybe give him cereal as his second meal untill he's abit bigger? I don't think what he eats really matters at 5 months x
I dont think it matters much either. Theyre still so little and their diet is mainly milk still. Weaning is more about letting him get used to eating and swallowing food other than liquid milk. I thought it was more about the textures. Aslong as its suitable for a baby I wouldnt worry if he'll only eat cereal just yet. Keep trying him and when hes ready I'm sure he'll come to. Maybe you should go down the babyledweaning route if he won eat puree?
Have you tried pureeing some sweet veg yourself.

Try sweet potato or carrot. These are usually a hit with babies as they taste sweet. The same with parsnip and then you can mix the veg's together in different combinations.
I was going to suggest cereal/rice as a second meal, Brooke was having it for each meal until all three were introduced.

I'd suggest whats already been said puree wise, scrap the jars and make your own "sweet" puree's

Sweet potato is great!! team it with carrots or maybe butternut squash
If he eats the baby cereal could you maybe get some plain porridge and add a small amount of veg puree to that and gradually increase the amount of puree. My LO is really fussy about the texture of things and won't even entertain any variety of breakfast baby stuff - I've got a cupboard full of opened boxes! The only thing he will take for breakfast is yoghurt with fruit puree and if he had his way that's all he would eat.
I had a word with a HV yesterday about this cos everytime he starts teething he refuses to eat any solids (except bloody yoghurt!), won't even open his mouth so its not like he doesn't like the taste! She suggested cutting up some peppers and cucumber sticks and putting his puree into a bowl and giving him a spoon and one for you and let him have a go at feeding himself. I was really skeptical but I was amazed that it did actually work. It was carnage in my kitchen after we finished and I'm sure he wore more than he ate, but he did eat something - just think he wanted to play with it for a bit, you know get his hands in it then shove them in his mouth and then he thought well actually this food stuff's not too bad after all! Actually putting the puree onto the veg sticks also worked really well.
Sorry I've rambled on a bit but this is what has worked for us - its so frustrating isn't it!
my daughter is nearly 6 months she has a 9oz bottle in the morning 7am 3 meals throughout the day and a 9oz bottle at 10pm she will not eat savoury foods at all, she gags and screams, the health visitor said that they are absolutely fine on cereals and fruit purees until they are 1 year old as they get the nutrition from the milk. Try not to worry he will be fine go with what he wants to eat xx
my daughter is nearly 6 months she has a 9oz bottle in the morning 7am 3 meals throughout the day and a 9oz bottle at 10pm she will not eat savoury foods at all, she gags and screams, the health visitor said that they are absolutely fine on cereals and fruit purees until they are 1 year old as they get the nutrition from the milk. Try not to worry he will be fine go with what he wants to eat xx

she only has 2 bottles a day? I thought at that age they should still be having mostly milk?
Well his Dad persevered with him yesterday and hey presto we are back on savoury foods, i was just totally baffled as when i first started weaning him with no actual pattern he used to love savoury foods, this is why i was so confused as to why he had suddenly stopped eating them. So for two days now he has had "tea" so fingers crossed we are going in the right direction. Still unsettled during the night though...thats still a mystery as to why? x
just like Blah11 - my LO wont eat veggies - except for Ella's Kitchen!! So I have taken her right back to basics, and picked out some sweet recipes. She didn't like sweet potato and cinnamon, but she did like butternut squash and pear so i made up a whole batch and stuck it in the freezer. For the rest of this week, she is getting this for lunch and dinner so that she gets used to it, then hopefully try something else next week that is similar. After her lunch or dinner I give her some steamed and then blended fruit.

So far so good, and I've banned little stars yogurts coz i think thats what started all this to begin with coz she would reject everything until she got one and then she would sit with her little mouth wide open ;) little minx
Hahahah they are brilliant aint they? I bought little stars yogs too, but they didnt agree with Patrick one little bit and i spent a few days walking round stinking like sour milk and strawberries....god it stunk! Its still going well with the savoury...i just have to be really exagerated when im feeding him like i look at him when it goes in his mouth n im like "oooooooooooooooooooooyummy, num num num, its soooooooo nice" and big smiles when im doing it and normally hes laughing at me probably going "ok mum dont get over excited its only veggies!"
He had cauliflour cheese the other day though, me and OH were like "if he eats this im gonna show my bum in woolies window" well, i nearly had to give him the jar to lick, he loved it! And yesterday was the same with cheesy spinach and potatoe! Hope you continue to do well with your little one. Oh and he slept through the night again last night! woooop xx
try some sweet potato or squash, they're fairly sweet and mine always loved them. Also as has been said, leave the jars and make your own - they taste much nicer, my eldest two would never eat the jars if we were caught out somewhere and didn't have home made stuff with me, didn't like the taste!!

Also, dd2 was never keen on savoury but once she was a bit bigger and could have finger food, she'd happily eat savoury things then.

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