I'm really stressed out. I started a new job in July and am on a 6 month probation which was due to end this coming week. I had a phone call from my manager on Friday saying that they had decided to extend my probation by two months because I had been working from home for 3 weeks due to a pregnancy complication. (I had a blood clot attached to the gestational sac). I didn't take the time as sick leave, I was working and it was agreed by all parties and it was occupational health who wanted me to stay home until I had the all clear at the 12 weeks scan.
My performance has been good and my manager made comments to me on Friday saying they wanted to give me a chance to prove myself to get back to my pre-pregnancy self because they knew I had been suffering with anxiety over the past month.
I argued that I thought that this was pregnancy discrimination and how could they justify extending my probation by two months when I have had only 3 weeks away, and I was working!
I called ACAS and they told me that employers cannot use pregnancy or any pregnancy complications as a reason to extend my probation and so I have had to write a letter to HR and my manager outlining my concerns.
I'm just so stressed now as I have to go to work in the morning straight into a meeting with my manager. Can they seriously do this? If they stuck to the two month probation extension then it would end two weeks before my maternity leave starts and I'm so worried they will not keep me on, leaving me with no maternity pay. :0(
Thanks for listening ladies xx
My performance has been good and my manager made comments to me on Friday saying they wanted to give me a chance to prove myself to get back to my pre-pregnancy self because they knew I had been suffering with anxiety over the past month.
I argued that I thought that this was pregnancy discrimination and how could they justify extending my probation by two months when I have had only 3 weeks away, and I was working!
I called ACAS and they told me that employers cannot use pregnancy or any pregnancy complications as a reason to extend my probation and so I have had to write a letter to HR and my manager outlining my concerns.
I'm just so stressed now as I have to go to work in the morning straight into a meeting with my manager. Can they seriously do this? If they stuck to the two month probation extension then it would end two weeks before my maternity leave starts and I'm so worried they will not keep me on, leaving me with no maternity pay. :0(
Thanks for listening ladies xx