Work (rant)


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2007
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The crafty F***in B*****s!!!

So i told my bosses last week that i was pregnant, everything seemed fine.
Had my 6mth review yesterday and the twats are reducing my hours from 19 per week to 14 and then in the not so distant future down to 9hrs pw. :hissy:

then they go on to say that maybe i should look into whether i'd be better off not working at all?!!!!! Supposedly this had nothing to do with me being pregnant and was decided before i had told them! But when ive thought about reducing my hours means that they wont have to pay me maternity pay, i am so hacked off and feel like telling them to stick their job right up their arse but that's what they ultimatley want, in my mind anyway, and i am certainly not giving them to satisfaction!!
Oooo.. that sounds dodgy! I'd be mad too!!! Is there any way you can ask them (IN WRITING) why they decided to reduce your hours and does it have anything to do with you being pregnant. If nothing, it will gee them up to realising that you're not taking any crap sitting down and they better watch it because you could sue them for sexual discrimination if they don't have a good enough reason to reduce your hours and/or treat you any different.

It makes me mad when employers do stuff like this!!! Grrrr... :hissy:

Hope I've helped though... :hugs:
They said that they're reducing my hours because i havent been the same since i went back after having callum (ive had PND, FFS!!!), i just find it too much of a co-incidence that all this has happened since i told them i was preggers!!

I so dont want to go in this afternoon!!
id definately take that up with someone a bit further hun. Is there someone in HR you can speak to? Definately sounds dodgy to me.

id definately take that up with someone a bit further hun. Is there someone in HR you can speak to? Definately sounds dodgy to me.


No one, just them. Its just a small business that i work for. I havent got a clue where i stand or what i can do!! :cry: Ive had no sleep worrying about it, my oh earns an ok wage but not enough to pay for everything and if i lose my job im gonna be £500 a month out of pocket.

i feel like ive been totally stabbed in the back, ive been there the longest, i stayed around when they took over despite everyone else leaving and being told that they'd be a nightmare to work for!! Why didnt i bloody listen?!!:hissy:
Thats really really awful. Maybe CAB could help if you ring them? They might be able to tell you who else to go to if they can't help.

That deffo sounds like they are breaking the law - try calling acas for advice but when you go in this afternoon say to them -you do need it put in writing why your hours have been dropped...

I think you may find (although i might be wrong) that even saying they are dropping them because you havent been the same since having a baby may be illegal??
oh another thing she said was that she really doesnt want to have to pay me maternity pay for me to have to go back and be the same as i was when i went back after callum!!!

The whole thing just makes me think they are trying to make me jump before they have to push, iykwim!! They have no grounds to get rid of me!!
have a look at this site hun

they are really helpful if u ring them up. Its free and they know all about employment laws etc

good luck xxx
thats really bad!

now forgive me coz i'm typing one handed got bubs asleep on me but...

as for work i'd seek advice from cab or your union if youre a member.

as for maternity pay, you should still be entitled to maternity allowance shouldn't you? they take any 13 weeks from a test period of so many months, a year or just over if my memory serves me right. theres a wage threshold i can't remember what the figures are off the top of my head but if you google it or pop into your jobcentre. hope thats of some help x
oh another thing she said was that she really doesnt want to have to pay me maternity pay for me to have to go back and be the same as i was when i went back after callum!!!

The whole thing just makes me think they are trying to make me jump before they have to push, iykwim!! They have no grounds to get rid of me!!

She said what????!!!!!! There is grounds there for discrimination - dont take this one lying down love!!! xxx:hug::hug::hug:
Deffo sounds like sex discrimination to me - you really need to contact CAB or ACAS pront!

Also for commenting on your previous depression - I believe that would count as Disability Discrimination - i.e they don't want to have you back if you have depression - which is classed as a disability.

They really should be being very careful, as if you do have a case, you can (and should!!) take them into proceedings over this.

As for the wages, you have to have been employed and earning over £90 pw for the weeks leading up to 15 weeks before your EDD. They cannot take just any weeks, they take the ones just before your 15 weeks.

Bu yes, seek legal advice. Also write to your boss - recorded delivery signed for - and ask for reasons (in writing) as to why they have lowered your hours. If she stipulates the same then you have their discrimination in writing.
Thats awful! They are soooo in the wrong. Its surprisingly common it makes me so angry! Definitely dont let it go... call acas.
If you have a contract I don't think they can just reduce your hours without your agreement. Does your contract state the amount of hours you work a week?
If you have a contract I don't think they can just reduce your hours without your agreement. Does your contract state the amount of hours you work a week?

see thats the thing, ive never signed a contract, no one has, so that could work against me!

I think the whole top and bottom of it i that by reducing my hours and me getting under £90 a week, they wont have to pay me smp, they are so sneaky.

Whats really pissed me off even more is that they are just assuming im not gonna cope when the new baby comes and my depression is gonna get worse, well tbh its them thats making me feel bloody depressed!! And how dare they just assume things, for all they know having this baby could just click everything into place for me and i could just manage perfectly fine but at the end of the day thats got jack shit to do with them!!
this is utterly disgusting honey! i would def. speak to the CAB! bloody cheek! x

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