Smartiepants >> she would still have to put in writing that she would like an official letter detailing their grounds for dismissal... otherwise they could argue they were never asked... but I know what you meant, you meant any agreement to anything, which is different.
You can ask CAB to help you with that request, they will write letters on behalf of people occasionally and usually will draft you a letter on the spot.
Many solicitors will also offer you a first free consultation (usually one hour) as well... CAB will be able to tell you your nearest employment specialist.
It just struck me that when you're already low and trying to deal with your pregnancy, all this on top, then being told to go and do yet more to fight them... is probably really daunting. It will really help if you can take someone along with you; not just to give you a boost and some moral support, but also that extra pair of ears are a real help as you can sometimes be told more than you can take in in the space of time, despite writing down notes!