Working Mums Support Group

Also, I have foolishly signed up to mark GCSE papers for an exam board this summer and the marking begins tomorrow. I will probably be spending all evenings and weekends marking for the next couple of weeks so may not get on here much. At least I will have my days with LO though and hopefully earn enough money to pay for our summer holiday.

I am now going to kick back with a nice glass of wine and enjoy my last evening off before the chaos ensues.
well i did it today, i went back to work

dropped baby off at 7:45am and went in to go over some things, he quite happily went to childminder and gave lots of smiles, wasnt a bit bothered when i left lol

i got a bit upset and felt sick but i fociised on starting the new job and felt sick because of that haha

work went well, busy busy and the childminder text me a few times throughout the day to let me know he was having a ball :D

oh well day 2 tomorrow ........................
I'm Cat and my LO is Thomas. I am the Head of History at a Secondary School and am going back on the 18th July. There will only be one week then before the summer hols so will be back properly in September. LO will be with his Daddy for the week in July and then with a childminder from September. I will be working 4 days a week.

Looking forward to getting to know you all and probably sharing a few worries, tears and rants in the coming months. I am sure it's not going to be easy but I am trying to think positively about it. I have also done some KIT days and really enjoyed them.

Oh and Stacey - if you want to ask anything about doing a PGCE in Secondary History, I would be happy to help.

Thank you I sooooooo want to be a history secondary teacher I have done for years but got side tracked by archiving. I spent a week in a school last week and really enjoyed it. I think I would relish the challenge and rewarding nature of the job, but talking to PGCE students has scared me about tackling too much with a baby (plus wanting a baby in 2013 so would perhaps have to delay the NQT a bit which I've been told is not a good idea) -oh and my husband is military so that would practically make me a single mum trying to qualify, and away from family plus not a great wage for full time childcare- Part of me thinks I should wait, but I'm not the sort to sit around at home or do just any job I want a career. Sorry this turned into a rant lol- I will be interested to read how you get on.
Well done Shellie, glad the first day went well.

Stacey - It is a great job in many ways and I am lucky that I have a job I enjoy to go back to you. However, I will be honest with you and say that the PGCE and NQT year is bloody hard work and long hours so would be hard with a young baby, especially if your OH is away and your family isn't nearby. On the other hand, it would be great when your kids go to school as you wouldn't ever have to pay for childcare during the school holidays.

I have been very lucky and found a childminder who is willing to work term time only so she is not charging me for the weeks when I am on holiday. This has made childcare much more affordable. I am also hoping to leave school early (3.30) on 2 days a week so that I can spend some quality time with LO and then do my planning / marking etc when he is in bed. In that way, teaching is great for juggling work with family life.
Rant coming I'm afraid! I've been back at work 2.5 months now for 3 days a week. Some of u may have seen before that I went through a difficult time on maternity leave. My oh was out of work and then he had pnd and we nearly split a few times (been together 11.5 years so really didnb want to).

Anyway my mum had caleb last night and I've been to work today. I was really pleased to see LO but had agreed that oh would put him to bed as I need a bath.

Well oh kept on about how tired he was and went to bed at 6pm - he's still snoring now. He wouldn't get up so I have fed, bathed and put lo to bed. Just finished cooking and eating dinner and will make bottles and have bath. Not going to get to wath my favourite Luther so not amused!!

Anyway just wantd to get that off my chest!!
Hi I am Shelley and I went back to work on Monday too.
I am doing flexible hours, some time in office and some at home, with some help from sil when in office.
It's hard work so far as lo is only small ( 11 wks tomorrow ) so still unpredictable sleep patterns etc. plus it's hard to find the time for the work i need to do from home and look after lo at the same time.

Does anyone have any tips on working from home?
Leanne, sorry to hear you are having a hard time. :hugs: That is one of the things I am most worried about when I go back - that OH wont pull his weight and I will still end up doing all the housework, cooking, washing and looking after LO when I am not at work. Is your OH working now too? Hope you managed to sky plus Luther and maybe he can look after LO tonight while you catch up on your telly.

Hi Shelley. :hugs: That must be so hard returning to work while your LO is still so tiny. I don't really know what to suggest about working from home. It will probably be easiest while your baby is still tiny as I assume that they still sleep quite a lot. I am trying to mark exam papers for the next couple of weeks to make some extra cash before I go back to work and I find that I can't get anything at all done during the day so I don't even try - I just do it when he has gone to bed at night. Do you have anyone else at home who could watch LO for a couple of hours while you get some work done?
well i did it today, i went back to work

dropped baby off at 7:45am and went in to go over some things, he quite happily went to childminder and gave lots of smiles, wasnt a bit bothered when i left lol

i got a bit upset and felt sick but i fociised on starting the new job and felt sick because of that haha

work went well, busy busy and the childminder text me a few times throughout the day to let me know he was having a ball :D

oh well day 2 tomorrow ........................

SO GLAD your first day went well. :flower: I've bene back since Thurs last week and the first day was by far the worst and then its got better since so it'll all be okay x

Rant coming I'm afraid! I've been back at work 2.5 months now for 3 days a week. Some of u may have seen before that I went through a difficult time on maternity leave. My oh was out of work and then he had pnd and we nearly split a few times (been together 11.5 years so really didnb want to).

Anyway my mum had caleb last night and I've been to work today. I was really pleased to see LO but had agreed that oh would put him to bed as I need a bath.

Well oh kept on about how tired he was and went to bed at 6pm - he's still snoring now. He wouldn't get up so I have fed, bathed and put lo to bed. Just finished cooking and eating dinner and will make bottles and have bath. Not going to get to wath my favourite Luther so not amused!!

Anyway just wantd to get that off my chest!!

:hugs: I don't know the full history you mentioned above but I'm guessing you would have already raised this issue with him. If not, I'd suggest giving him a gentle push. Usually works on my OH! :haha:

If that doesn't work, you are more than welcome to use this group to rant away. We're all here for you x

Hi I am Shelley and I went back to work on Monday too.
I am doing flexible hours, some time in office and some at home, with some help from sil when in office.
It's hard work so far as lo is only small ( 11 wks tomorrow ) so still unpredictable sleep patterns etc. plus it's hard to find the time for the work i need to do from home and look after lo at the same time.

Does anyone have any tips on working from home?

I don't have any tips for working at home, but I'll list a request at the top of this thread in the hope someone might be able to help x
Day 4 was completed yesterday and I took a days annual leave today as nursery couldn't fit her in on Wednesdays in June. Not that I'm complaining... Its lovely to be at home with LO but OMG I've just realised how hard work it is. Hats off to SAHMs! Never thought anything of it when on ML. I feel a bit selfish thinking it as I've loved being home with her.... x
Im Rahna, LO is harry and i went back to work 3 mornings a week (16hrs) when he was 9months old. I am skint thought - nursery fees are killing me so i am increasing my hrs to 4 morninngs.
:shrug: Even though more work means more nursery so more nursery bills but no choice!! I work 8am-2pm 3 days going up to 4 days.


I am now working four mornings a week but still part time - phew!:thumbup:

How are we all finding work? I love being back, love my job and my collegues and LO has settled into nursery great - he absolutely LOVES it!
well i did it today, i went back to work

dropped baby off at 7:45am and went in to go over some things, he quite happily went to childminder and gave lots of smiles, wasnt a bit bothered when i left lol

i got a bit upset and felt sick but i fociised on starting the new job and felt sick because of that haha

work went well, busy busy and the childminder text me a few times throughout the day to let me know he was having a ball :D

oh well day 2 tomorrow ........................

Well done to you and LO!! It does get easier the more you do it!

Hello ladies!

Hope you're all doing ok! Well done to those who have gone back to work this week, it is hard, but like polo_princess said, it does get easier!
I tend to make sure that I plan something fun to do at the weekend with hubby and LO, it really helps me get through the week, especially if its a stressful weekend at work!!!
Afternoon ladies

Well completed my first part time week back at work. It wasn't too bad but did feel like I didn't get to see much of her by the time I got home, she wanted feeding and then she's in bed at 7pm otherwise she gets upset. On the bonus side though it was lovely to spend the last few days with her. I know we don't really do much but I love being there for her. She's started babbling a bit and becoming more interested her toys too.

How's everyone else? :flower:
Hi ladies! Excuse the baby brain but is this the group that was started in baby club????
My name is Vicky, im a chemist and i am head of research and developement in a large company. I took only 3 months off, and have been back full time for almost a month now. I have a very demanding and stressful job which requires alot of travelling. I will be travelling again for the first time since my baby girl Hero was born in August. Im going to China for 10 days so im really stressing about the time difference (im from Greece) and being able to see her on skype.
Anyone have to travel with their work???...
well week one nearly over, baby is fine and loving it, also now has 2 teeth cut bless him!!

nly thing is i feel like i dont hav enough hours when i get hoe to see him and relax lol
Well done Macmad on completing the first week - I am sure that is the worst bit over with now.

Wow Vicky. That must be scary thinking about having to travel away from LO. It sounds like you have a fantastic job though. I would love to go to China.

Hi Shellie - congrats on your LO's teeth - my Thomas is still a toothless wonder at 11 months! That is my main worry, that by the time I get home from work, I only get to see him for a couple of hours and then its bedtime. I may try and push his bedtime back a bit to give us a bit more time - and hopefully stop him waking up at 5am!
I pushed bedtime to 10-10.30 pm....She has responded very well to it and ive got the added bonus of her sleeping till 6.30 am at least!!! When i get home for work i dont bother with any housework, i immediately start playing with Hero. My house is a complete disaster at the moment....
im lucky enough that my oh does all the housework so i just cook dinner when i get home then play wit lo, is hard but i know it for the best
Hi :flower:
I have a 7 month old and am due to go back to work in 2 weeks (starting off with 3 days, then prob 4). My LO will be staying with my MIL. I am dreading it - I've got to the point where I'm so sick of dreading it and thinking about it, that I almost want it to hurry up so I can get it over and done with. From the posts I've read, it seems like the build up to it is worse than actually going back - I really hope that is the case! :cry:
im lucky enough that my oh does all the housework so i just cook dinner when i get home then play wit lo, is hard but i know it for the best

I would say youre super lucky!!! My OH is useless around the house....

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