Working Mums Support Group

I think the worst part of being back at work for me is the sicknesses Lucy picks up at nursery. We've had 2 separate bouts of 39C temperatures (and ear infections) within 2 weeks of each other so I'm staying home for a week so she can hopefully get completely over this sickness before getting another one! Arrrrghhh. At least she'll be out sick less when she starts school. :?
So today was a hard day emotionally....While at work i called mum to see how they were getting on and she went on about how Hero was babbling and laughing and being really happy.I was counting the hours to get home and spend some fun time with her,only to comehome to a crancky sleepy baby....I gave her a bath which she didnt seem to enjoy,fed her and she fell asleep....I had a mini breakdown that immissing out on all the good stuff....I hope tomorrowis is a better day...sigh...
ahhh hun i know how you feel, i had him screaming all weekend due to teething but i just kept thinking he just didnt want to be around me because he was fine with child minder :( i just kept crying

I've been off work sick the past 2 weeks. I have had such bad morning sickness. I was due to go back on Sunday so I went to the Dr today and he has refused to sign me off. He said I have Hyperemesis Gravidarum. I have been getting soo dizzy and passed out once then almost another time with the baby but luckily my mum was with me. I havent been sick too much the past few days but the constant feeling of nausea is always there, my head hurts, I can barely focus sometimes. Sorry for the woe is me!

Anyway I just know my work are not going to be happy with me at all.

Any suggestions on how to break it to them that I'm going to be off for another 2 weeks at least?

I would be honest with them about your situation. The truth is that feeling the way you do doesnt make you all that productive anyway...As head of my department i never get upset when something like this happens, its part of life!

I've been off work sick the past 2 weeks. I have had such bad morning sickness. I was due to go back on Sunday so I went to the Dr today and he has refused to sign me off. He said I have Hyperemesis Gravidarum. I have been getting soo dizzy and passed out once then almost another time with the baby but luckily my mum was with me. I havent been sick too much the past few days but the constant feeling of nausea is always there, my head hurts, I can barely focus sometimes. Sorry for the woe is me!

Anyway I just know my work are not going to be happy with me at all.

Any suggestions on how to break it to them that I'm going to be off for another 2 weeks at least?


:hugs: I really hope it passes soon. Really the best thing to do is to stay at home. I'd have a word with work and tell them everything. I'm sure they'll be understanding because of the nature of your job. xx
vickyd :hugs: My LO is a little like this at the moment. She has got in a bad habbit of hardly sleeping at nursery (think she is over stimulated with all the other babies/toddlers). I'll pick her up and she'll be asleep at about 5:30 until bedtime. Gutted! I've asked nursery to put her to bed twice a day and for the first few days she didn't sleep then started to for short periods but she is a much happier baby at home now because of it. Maybe that might help? xx

tb2962 This is exactly how I felt pretty much from Christmas to when I returned to work (a few weeks ago). I was panicking thinking LO won't cope and I was just generally dreading going back to work because of it. I've got to say apart from a few tears in the first week, I'm enjoying being back at work. LO is thriving at nursery. I peek in on her when I arrive to collect her and she's playing happily or eating her dinner like she would do at home. There have been no behavioural changes at all which I was worried about xx
I returned to work today I can't complain too much, I am a teacher and so after two weeks and four days it is the summer holidays and me, DH and Doodle will be going to Cornwall for our holidays, and then I'll still have the rest of the summer break at home with the little man. And then I'll be part time in September, so it's not all bad.

Found it quite hard leaving Doodle this morning. MIL and FIL have come up and are staying with us for the next two weeks so we don't have to put him in nursery until September, which I am very grateful for. I would have found it much harder having to drop him at a nursery I think.

But, first day done. Going on a school trip tomorrow (which I didn't know about until this morning!!!) and then it's Wednesday and half the week is done!! It went quickly and actually, once I was into the swing of things, it wasn't half as bad as I'd thought. I think the anticipation was worse than the reality.

yey you going back to work, it really does get easier, ive been back 3 weeks now and seeing how much Nicky is benefitting from childcare cnfims it is the right choice

he is interacting more with other kids, trying to talk more, going out more than i could get to take him, he loves it
New Mrs W, glad your experience of going back to work has so far been positive. Lucky thing going on your hols! The anticipation was much worse than reality in my case too.

Shellie, that's amazing! So glad your LO is benefiting from childcare. It's amazing how far my LO has progressed being at nursery.

How are we all today?
Hi ladies, what a great thread ;)

I am not back at work yet, due back week commencing 12th sept, eekk and I am so scared.

My situation. I found out that I was pregnant a week after I started my new job, not the best time hey and ended up off sick after 5 months due to complications during pregnancy. I will of had 14 months off when I go back, it will be like starting a new job all over again.

I filled up reading all of your posts and I really am dreading leaving Harrison. In a way it still doesn't seem real that I have to go back. I have been living in a little bubble these last 12 months and I really don't want to go back to my old life. I so love being a SAHM, being there for my older daughter every morning, being able to take her to school and pick her up everyday. I love spending all day with Harrison, that he relies on me to do everything for him.

I am going back 3 full days a week 22.5 hours, which is wonderful, as I get 4 days at home. I am a care worker at the hospital and it took me so long to get a job at the hospital, I don't want to give it up. I won't get the opportunity of my job again. But I can't bear to leave Harrison yet.

How do you ladies cope with house work on top of work? I struggle at the moment, so it will be even worse when I am back working, lol.

Sorry for the long post. And hats off to you all for juggling work and family life xxx
Hi Ladies, I'm happy to see this thread. My LO is 11 weeks and I returned from my maternity leave on Tuesday. I have so many mixed feelings about being back. I feel sad cause I miss my baby, I feel glad to get back into a normal routine, I feel guilty for feeling that way, I feel happy that the baby seems to be doing really well in day care, and jealous that others get to take care of my baby and see all of his smiles. What a rollercoaster!

I am still debating possibly quitting my job but not sure what else I would do. I would love to work part time but I would still have to pay for full time daycare so we wouldn't have enough money. I have also thought about going back to school at night so I can take care of LO during the day. I just have a really well paying job right now and not sure we can afford to lose it.

I have a ton of travel coming up and I am dreading it! One class is 4 weeks long. Ugh I will miss my LO so much!!!! :cry:

So happy to have a place to come to vent about working.
I see this thread hasn't been used in a while but I hope some of you lovely ladies are still out there as I am returning to work tomorrow after nearly 14 months off and I think I am really going to need a bit of support. I am a teacher and am going back 4 full days a week. I have loved the last year with my LO but in many ways, I feel that I am ready to return to work and get some of my old life back. It is the leaving him that is going to hurt and feeling like I am missing things after being there for every second so far.
I see this thread hasn't been used in a while but I hope some of you lovely ladies are still out there as I am returning to work tomorrow after nearly 14 months off and I think I am really going to need a bit of support. I am a teacher and am going back 4 full days a week. I have loved the last year with my LO but in many ways, I feel that I am ready to return to work and get some of my old life back. It is the leaving him that is going to hurt and feeling like I am missing things after being there for every second so far.

Oh hun please dont worry yourself about it and I hope your first day hasnt been too terrible :hugs:

I went back to Work in May only to discover I am pregnant. They werent the most supportive but after I went off for 2 months with hyperemesis they offered me a daytime position (I worked shifts) on the same money etc etc. It means I now work 5 days fulltime and have had to put LO into child care.....but you know what? It's actually ok! My daughter still loves me. I miss her face like crazy but the smiles and actual hugs I get now more than make up for it.

Just remember why you are doing it, that it wont always feel as bad as the first few months and eventually your LO will be old enough to completely understand why you are working so hard.


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