Worried about giving birth already! Lol


Mummy to Izzy <3
Oct 19, 2013
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I was thinking of how I want my birth plan.. I think ive decided I want it to be as active as possible (not lying on a hospital bed) with intervention only if I need it.. I know it's early to be thinking about this but I was having a cruise round third tri and now in scared because quite a few posts are about how much pains they're in or how scared of giving birth people are :( but of course lots of posts celebrating the birth of their child which excites me but urgh. It's gonna hurt.
Don't be scared!! You hear (and remember!) a lot of horror stories but rarely hear the good ones! With my dd I had a great labour - it was very quick, and of course, it hurt!!! But it honestly wasn't unbearable and after I'd had her, the mw asked 'would you do that again' (!) and I was like - definitely!!!

It's very hard because until you've done it you just don't know - even when you have, you don't know what's going to happen on each labour!

You kind of just have to roll with it and hope for the best - there is no point stressing (easy to say I know!) because you have very little control over what it will be like. All you can control is how you view it/feel towards it and if you're stressed it's more likely to be hard (well IMO anyway!)

Hugs and lots of luck! X
Not gonna lie...it's gonna hurt lol!! But just think about what you get at the end of it all xxxx It's probably a better idea to put your efforts into baking that little person for the next 6 months and worry about the actual giving birth part when you write your birth plan with your midwife (I think I did that around 32 weeks) and then when it's actually happening!! No one can tell you what it will be like because everyone's experience is totally different!
Yeah, it will hurt, but it doesn't have to be like in the movies where you see the women screaming their fool heads off cursing the men in their lives. The more active you are in taking charge of your pregnancy will help considerably. I can't say this enough, educate yourself on everything! Natural birthing, c-section, pain meds, induction, everything you can get your hands on. The better prepared you are the less scary it will be.

I first watched the documentary by Ricki Lake, The Business of Being Born (which I highly recommend to everyone, it's on Netflix!) and branched out from there in terms of learning. Find a doula in your area even if you can't afford one, I still recommend just sitting down and talking to one. They are very knowledgeable and can help ease your fears.
Thanks ladies! I'm aware it will definitely hurt I think it will be more the anticipation more than anything haha! You're right I'm going to make sure I know all the available options to hopefully make it much less stressful x
Yeah, it will hurt, but it doesn't have to be like in the movies where you see the women screaming their fool heads off cursing the men in their lives. The more active you are in taking charge of your pregnancy will help considerably. I can't say this enough, educate yourself on everything! Natural birthing, c-section, pain meds, induction, everything you can get your hands on. The better prepared you are the less scary it will be.

I first watched the documentary by Ricki Lake, The Business of Being Born (which I highly recommend to everyone, it's on Netflix!) and branched out from there in terms of learning. Find a doula in your area even if you can't afford one, I still recommend just sitting down and talking to one. They are very knowledgeable and can help ease your fears.

I watched that Business of being born a little while back, it's a real eye opener. I was shocked at how too much intervention can create a domino like effect with the inductions ect.. x
Yes obviously it will hurt like nothing you've known before but I had a third degree tear and forceps with my dd and I'm still REALLY excited about labour next time . It's such an amazing overwhelming experience that takes you into another world. It will hurt like hell and you'll swear blind it'll never happen again but you'll eventuslly look back on ot with fondness and emotion and be desperate to do it again!! X
Also by the time you go into labour you'll probably be so desperate to get it out all the nerves will be replaced by desperation! (This is from a 14 day overdue mummy!!)
Also by the time you go into labour you'll probably be so desperate to get it out all the nerves will be replaced by desperation! (This is from a 14 day overdue mummy!!)

Haha! I hear a lot of ladies wanting baby out I'm sure I'll feel that way come the time too when I just tire of being pregnant!
Also by the time you go into labour you'll probably be so desperate to get it out all the nerves will be replaced by desperation! (This is from a 14 day overdue mummy!!)

13 days overdue for me last time!!
Wow that must have felt like a long time pregnant but I bet totally worth the wait x
Totally worth the wait, but I was "ready" for her to come out from about 38 weeks lol!! seriously though, someone in work has just had a 2lb 31-weeker and I would take an extra couple of weeks of pregnancy over that!

I was absolutely fine until the baby engaged full at around 40 weeks. Then I could breathe as she'd moved out of my lungs but developed an awful waddle haha!

I had my hair done on my due date and when the hairdresser asked me when I was due she nearly fell over when I said "today"!

Also, it was quite funny, we were discussing baby names and 2 of the hairdressers in the salon were called Chloe, which was the name we had chosen if we had a girl!
Totally worth the wait, but I was "ready" for her to come out from about 38 weeks lol!! seriously though, someone in work has just had a 2lb 31-weeker and I would take an extra couple of weeks of pregnancy over that!

I was absolutely fine until the baby engaged full at around 40 weeks. Then I could breathe as she'd moved out of my lungs but developed an awful waddle haha!

I had my hair done on my due date and when the hairdresser asked me when I was due she nearly fell over when I said "today"!

Also, it was quite funny, we were discussing baby names and 2 of the hairdressers in the salon were called Chloe, which was the name we had chosen if we had a girl!

Aw bless you! I've heard when baby drops down it's definitely better for your breathing but probably not so good for your poor bladder lol!
That's awesome you still went about your daily life even on your due date. I think that's probably better for keeping you more relaxed and in normality a little longer rather than sitting at home thinking of labour as doomsday or something haha :D
That's funny they had the same name that you chose. We have a few names but will probably think more seriously nearer the time.
Totally worth the wait, but I was "ready" for her to come out from about 38 weeks lol!! seriously though, someone in work has just had a 2lb 31-weeker and I would take an extra couple of weeks of pregnancy over that!

I was absolutely fine until the baby engaged full at around 40 weeks. Then I could breathe as she'd moved out of my lungs but developed an awful waddle haha!

I had my hair done on my due date and when the hairdresser asked me when I was due she nearly fell over when I said "today"!

Also, it was quite funny, we were discussing baby names and 2 of the hairdressers in the salon were called Chloe, which was the name we had chosen if we had a girl!

Aw bless you! I've heard when baby drops down it's definitely better for your breathing but probably not so good for your poor bladder lol!
That's awesome you still went about your daily life even on your due date. I think that's probably better for keeping you more relaxed and in normality a little longer rather than sitting at home thinking of labour as doomsday or something haha :D
That's funny they had the same name that you chose. We have a few names but will probably think more seriously nearer the time.

We only chose our names in the last few weeks. In fact we still ummed and awwed about our girl names and our boy names (we stayed on team yellow all the way through!) right until the very end! I think if we'd had a boy it would have been a more difficult choice. DH was set on our girls name!
Yeah, it will hurt, but it doesn't have to be like in the movies where you see the women screaming their fool heads off cursing the men in their lives. The more active you are in taking charge of your pregnancy will help considerably. I can't say this enough, educate yourself on everything! Natural birthing, c-section, pain meds, induction, everything you can get your hands on. The better prepared you are the less scary it will be.

I first watched the documentary by Ricki Lake, The Business of Being Born (which I highly recommend to everyone, it's on Netflix!) and branched out from there in terms of learning. Find a doula in your area even if you can't afford one, I still recommend just sitting down and talking to one. They are very knowledgeable and can help ease your fears.

I watched that Business of being born a little while back, it's a real eye opener. I was shocked at how too much intervention can create a domino like effect with the inductions ect.. x

It really is an eye opener! I swore up and down that if I ever had another (this was a few years back before I even considered having another) that my labor and delivery would be much different.

Whatever happens, I hope we all have a safe delivery and healthy baby! :D
It hurts, but it an amazing fantastic pain! (Or maybe that was all the gas & air).

I think one thing to remember is that most of the time when the body hurts it is because something is wrong. With labour its because your body is doing its job.
I am only 11 wks and I am already scared to death. I look at 'terms' & types in labour and devliery and read stories, I feel like preferring 'C' section.

When I came to know about pregnancy, I was so nervous and worried about weight gain ,body changes, boobs..bf'ing putting out of shape, and pumping was something I felt hateful.
I used to see everything thin, size 0 around me.
Visiting doc helped a lot. She had given me so many magazines to read and then forums and going to baby stores, looking toys, baby clothes..made me ready and not care about my body.
Now I notice everyone pregnant around me. :)))

Now birthing is my biggest fear. I am sure its bearable as most women survive it. But I have seen women having some permanent damages :-(((((
With my son's birth, I was completely unprepared for the intensity and power of labor. I gave birth naturally at home and it was a wonderful experience, but it was just SO intense. I underestimated the experience entirely.

This time around I am doing hypobirthing and accupuncture to help with the labor. I highly recommend doing some PREP *now* so that you feel better prepared. :) It will relieve your anxiety too.
It's completely different for everyone.

When I had my sweep at 40+1 the MW asked if I could feel baby really low. I said no :/ I can't feel anything. She said the baby's head was right there and I was 5cm. I had no idea!!! I had some contractions the night before but managed to sleep through most of them.

Then I went into labour that night. My contractions were every 5 minutes the whole way through. I didn't even feel the pushing part and I had no pain relief. Just go in to it opened minded :)
I was induced at 14 days over and my dd was finally born 16 days late!! So I can sympathise with anyone going overdue!

I'm going to try hypnobirthing this time. I was in labour 24 hours last time and it ended in an emcs. I was a typical example of the cycle of intervention although I think that's often because a baby which is 14 days overdue isn't coming naturally anyway due to size or position or similar.

I'm allowed to try to have a vbac this time and I'm hoping the hypno will help relax me more. I panicked about the pain which made it worse.

To the op, I agree with all those ladies who have said there's no point worrying. So often people scare monger and tell awful stories but you've no way of knowing what yours will be like. And it won't last long! Mine was quite traumatic and I'm doing it again! It's all worth it once you've got your baby in your arms!!! Xx

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