wot song is..


lucky mum of one of each!
Aug 31, 2006
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stuck in ur head??? mine is 1 4m doodle do(cbeebies)

makin do with wot we do....
lets get goin, toodaloo!!!

were dibdab scribble n im stick, lets get busy
quick quick quick!!

helping hands with things 2 find...

ok i think u get it :rofl:
Mines now that song yvanne grrrr :twisted:
mine was Big cook Little cook the other day and had it in my head all day!!!
the song thats in my head is

another girl another planet

off the woolworths/argos? advert on tv
"Whats the story in Balamory?
Wouldn't you like to know!"

Bloody Cbeebies :evil:
Jo said:
"Whats the story in Balamory?
Wouldn't you like to know!"

Bloody Cbeebies :evil:

dammit woman ill b singin tht all week now :rofl:
nah ive got this 1 tho..

im pc plum and ill tell u wot ive done...

aaaaargh i h8 pc plum :evil:
OMG i would love to slap that guy!!!!!
I hate that programme so much, i know i know i should switch it off but i leve on in background for Jack

Much prefer Me Too now

Oh and have you noticed how nearly every fire in Fireman Sam is started by Norman??????

That kid needs an ASBO :rofl: :rofl:

Sorry Random and have taken over your thread i just needed to get it off my chest :D
yeah and how normans mum swears the sun shines out her sons arse!!!!

i h8 me 2... if i hear that woman saying come away in petal once more.....

lol my tv is on cbeebies allllll day :? as background noise i mouth along 2 the programmes :rofl: joys o kids eh ;)
I know them all off by heart they are showing same stuff from when Em was tiny :shock:

Gets worse as soon as she comes in from school Nick goes on, my bloody telly is not my own :x

Gotta say i do like Drake and Josh though :)
Yvanne said:
nah ive got this 1 tho..

im pc plum and ill tell u wot ive done...

aaaaargh i h8 pc plum :evil:

He is so gay!!

also hate the school teacher with the flip up hair and the teeth! can't remeber her name but she gets right up my nose!!
Yvanne said:
drake n josh....

You don't know that programme do you?
Dead funny on Nickelodeon about 4.30 os summat
here come the rubberdubbers , slpish splash splish splash!

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