ADHD in itself is open for discussion. What the doctors look at to diagnose ADHD, its just a list of things normal children do. Some examples i found online:
* Seems not to listen to what is said to him or her.
* Avoids tasks like homework that require sustained mental effort.
* Easily distracted.
* Forgetful in the course of daily activities.
Hmm sounds like alot of children to me... I might be being biased as i'm studying social work and we get taught the social model opposed to the medical model, so when behaviour is diagnosed as a disease, it just doesnt fit right with me.
I hope your son is OK, good luck x
ADHD will not be diagnosed in a child till they are 6 as the behaviour before that can be seen as that of any child...however when they get to 6 and are in school full time and have a more structured routine and more is expected of them it becomes more noticble and they are 'different' to that of there peers.
my son is 6 next week and he is in the final stages of being diagnosed with ADHD but they will not give him the official diagnosis until after his 6th birthday and the only reason that has come about as his headteacher at school is also the SEN dor the school and she has expressed concerns about his behaviour.
i do feel ADHD is too often used an isnt over diagnosed because more often than not it is a parent saying their child has it as an excuse for their behaviour.
but as a parent with an ADHD child i can assure you it is alot more longwinded and heart breaking than just an excuse.
you get to a pont as a mother that you feel a failure that youre childs behaviour must be something you are doing wrong (even if you have children who behave diff|) you feel like nothing you do makes a difference and that you really cant cope...going to the doctor is always a last resort because it makes you acknowledge that you arent coping.
but it really does make it difficult for children who genuinlly do suffer (and yes they can suffer because of it many get excluded from things because of something they cant control|) because people say oh so many kids have it....its not real...which then makes it harder for people to accept ADHD children.
op I can completly understand how you son was exactly the same as a 2 yr doesnt isntantly mean he has ADHD as sometimes the routine of school changes their behaviour...but if it does continue dont feel like it is tyour fault these things cant always be helped
but in answer to your question yes 2 yrs old is too early to try for a diagnosis the doc wont even entertain the fact that its a possibility