Hi, all. I have recently noticed that I have 2 moles that have somewhat changed in appearance. One is on my chest, and the other one is on my breast. The one on my chest seems to be getting some texture to it, and it has grown slightly larger. It has also seemed more "square" lately than "round" like it used to be. The mole that is on my breast has seemed to "flatten out" (if that makes any sense) and it has definitely changed color. It's lightened up a lot, almost as if it's turning flesh-toned. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else has "normal" moles that look like this, or should I get them checked out?? I took pictures with a penny for scale so you can get an idea of their sizes. Thanks for your time.
WARNING----I kept this pic as PG as I could (I covered up my nipple), but it IS a pic of part of my breast. Please ladies, just be mature please. I wouldn't dare show this to you if I wasn't so freaked out!
WARNING----I kept this pic as PG as I could (I covered up my nipple), but it IS a pic of part of my breast. Please ladies, just be mature please. I wouldn't dare show this to you if I wasn't so freaked out!