why can men be so horrible when they want to be? my hubby just turned around to me and said that he dont want to ttc any more!? wtf?? why would you say that. its what we both wanted and now i feel all alone.
im having such a hard time at the mo af playing tricks on me and doing my head in say that but i am not over stressed so dont think its that. af started sunday am red blood on tissue enough to have me thinking i had started then nothing what so ever for a while went for a wee and again enough when i wipe to think af was there then nothing dont even need to wear a pad as now know by being on day two of this weird af that i will only need to wipe after weeing to find the blood. no cramping no pms symptoms so wtf
im having such a hard time at the mo af playing tricks on me and doing my head in say that but i am not over stressed so dont think its that. af started sunday am red blood on tissue enough to have me thinking i had started then nothing what so ever for a while went for a wee and again enough when i wipe to think af was there then nothing dont even need to wear a pad as now know by being on day two of this weird af that i will only need to wipe after weeing to find the blood. no cramping no pms symptoms so wtf