Long story short, my husband and I have 3 LOs. Our youngest will be 2 in a fee months and I am JUST now getting him weaned (really only nursing at night now). We've been using NFP as bc since he was born and my cycles have been pretty regular. So this weekend when the chart said all clear, we believed it.
Fast forward to yesterday and I find myself with EWCM. Figured it was a fluke, forgot about it. Today, EWCM again so I decide to take an old OPK (we are talking 5 years old here ). STRONG positive on that sucker.
I know people hate these posts, but I'm trying to get some input on what I should expect. From what I've read, I should still be in the clear as I would have only OV today, but I've never really used OPK so I don't know exactly how accurate that line of thinking would be.