At that age, my daughter was probably definitely feeding about that often. Well, 8 feeds a day, 2 of which would have been at night (11pm and maybe 3am), so in 12 hours she would have 6 feeds, which is I guess roughly every 2 hours. So that sounds normal. But is it possible he just needs to get to sleep earlier? And if you have to do the school run, can you drive around a bit extra to let him sleep in the car or get him to sleep in the car seat before and let him sleep after by gently carrying him in. At that age, my daughter was having maybe 3 naps a day of maybe about 45 minutes to sometimes an hour and a half. She never slept in a cot though, always on me, in the wrap, in the car, in the pushchair. We just weren't home that much, so she slept where she had to. It might just be a matter of doing what you can do to get more sleep during the day. If I had just laid her in the cot, she wouldn't have slept much. She liked to be moving or close to me, so that's what we did. I think it helped her nighttime sleep a lot to be well-rested from the day, so it was worth it. Otherwise, if it's not causing a problem, that might just be how he is. A 5:30am wake up can be normal and lots of babies do get up that early (and toddlers too, ugh!). So it might just be when he gets up.