
My DD is a wailer. She doesn't do it in playing, she does it as a way to get herself heard! Some mornings she wakes up and starts wailing at the top of her voice about something ridiculous, like the fact that she fell asleep the night before without finishing her milk or the fact that one of her teddies has fallen out of bed. I hate it and always tell her off. I tell her I can't understand or talk to her unless she speaks to me in a normal voice. It seems to do the trick most of the time. My older two can be very noisy, both in arguments or in play. They shriek around the baby. I just tell them off for it. I hate it and I have strict rules about shrieking, wailing and screaming (which don't always get followed as you can tell!).

I think in your situation it's fine to have a rule about no shouting and no wailing when she's playing. It won't affect her game, she can still play just as well, just a bit more quietly. Maybe tell her that her baby brother doesn't like the loud noise and she needs to be quiet for him?
I would totally tell her to stop the noise. It's perfectly ok to ask your child to play quietly, or at least quieter.
I think it is reasonable to ask her to keep the volume down, so that she isn't disturbing anyone else in the house or your neighbours. She will still be able to play, and I'm sure she's used to being asked to keep it down as she's bound to play the game at nursery if it's something she's really into, and they won't let her shriek really loudly.
I think you are over thinking it a bit. If any of mine are too loud I ask them to quieten down a bit. None of them have ever gone on to think that playing is bad
I think you are over thinking it a bit. If any of mine are too loud I ask them to quieten down a bit. None of them have ever gone on to think that playing is bad

I agree, I think it's important for them to have boundaries about how to play appropriately and I think if she played like that at nursery or pre school they would ask her to quieten down so it's fine to do the same at home. I don't think you will put her off playing, but if she did stop playing babies for a while it wouldn't be so bad.
I agree that you should be able to tell your little girl to play a bit quieter. BUT you know her best, so how about talking lots about "happy babies" and how to make baby feel happy. So if baby (upsy daisy) starts crying, she can use a number if different things to help her stop. Really stress the positives of a happy baby & praise her when her baby is fed, wrapped up warm & sleeping. You can even use your baby as an example.

I think it might also be worth talking about the difference between baby crying (they have no words so it's their only way of telling you they need something, or something is wrong) vs crying at nursery (sometimes it happens when someone is feeling sad, but most big boys & girls need to try & use their words to tell people when something is wrong). Or something more specific to her nursery & what she's seeing. It sounds like she's mixing up baby crying & whatever she thinks "naughty" crying is.

Good luck! I'm saying this whilst I only have one - not entirely sure how far my patience will stretch with dd plus a young baby!!! I'd likely be setting boundaries about playing quietly!!!
I think you are over thinking it a bit. If any of mine are too loud I ask them to quieten down a bit. None of them have ever gone on to think that playing is bad

I agree, I think it's important for them to have boundaries about how to play appropriately and I think if she played like that at nursery or pre school they would ask her to quieten down so it's fine to do the same at home. I don't think you will put her off playing, but if she did stop playing babies for a while it wouldn't be so bad.

It's actually the opposite at nursery it seems!! Only yesterday we walked into the play room and a couple of boys were screaming and shouting, they lobbed their toys on the floor and ran off. I've very very often said things to my LO, when kids are misbehaving and being loud or hurting one another, things like 'why are they shouting? that's too loud!', 'why is be hitting him, that's really unkind and we definitely don't hit people!'.

She is very quiet when I see her in Nursery, but she comes home singing the games she plays like sleepy bunnies - they pretend to lay down and sleep, then jump up and yell out loudly. There's row row your boat 'and don't forgot to scream AHHHHH!'.

Honestly, the Upsy baby thing is the only thing she's done (side from banging the blocks) that's been her actively making loads of noise. She asks me to brush her toys hair after I do her hair in the morning, and each toy sits on my lap. She has them all talk, but when it's baby Upsys turn, she makes the wailing noise. I used to talk to her, ask 'what is wrong!', but it's futile, she just keeps wailing, so I just ignore it now. Upsy doesn't actually talk anymore, she only wails. I think my daughter just likes making the noise. :wacko:
Just a quick update. The pretend wailing happens less, thankfully, but it occurs now more in boredom and drowsiness, I think. She'll alert me to something - usually stupid - like her shoes being upside down in the hall, and whilst she's not at all upset about it, she just wails slightly. She's not crying, and she's not pretending to, she's just taken to making this noise.

She lays on her bed sucking her snuggle blanket and wails.

She does it usually in laughter, almost like a nervous laugh. Yesterday her daddy pretended he forgot where we lived and drove past our house, and she giggles and wails at the same time.

It's an awful awful awful sound but honestly I'm just truly glad it's not actual upset whinging.

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