Okay I'm finished for Elyse:
- Loving Family Dollhouse
* Bathroom set
* Everything for Baby set
* Garden fun set (or something like that)
- Pucci Pup (Yorkshire terrier in a bag with dog bowl, sweater, bone, etc)
- Fur Real tea cup pet (Maltese in a purse)
- Melissa & Doug farm animals sound puzzle
- Plan Toys wooden veggie set
- Mr. Potatohead (50pc?)
- MegaBloks (100pc primary colours)
- Finding Nemo DVD
- Ice Age DVD
- Shopping basket with 20pc plastic food
- "The Hockey Sweater" hard cover storybook
- Graco baby doll playpen
- Aquadoodle mat
- Crayola Tadoodles bath crayons & tugboat set
- Melissa & Doug Cutting Food set
- Whimzy Pets x 4
- Dry Erase crayons (for the easel her nana bought her)
- 72pc letter & number magnets
- 10pc Playdough party pack tube
- Avon bubble bath x 2
- Avon bath paint x 2
Ended up giving her the Little Mommy Scoot so Cute doll.. she opened it and was really excited.. I figured she wouldn't be as excited Christmas day because of all the other stuff she's getting. And I gave her the Disney Princess saucer chair because I didn't want to wrap it
I know for sure my MIL got her a Puma track suit & an easel.. I know my mom would like to get her a table & chair set... and my brother and sister got her the LeapFrog Phonics Bus, the Little People airplane set.. and the Baby Alive - Baby All Gone doll. My mom got her a couple of puzzles too.
OH (not done) but so far:
- Wii Big Buck Hunting (or w/e it's called, it's wrapped so a mystery now lol)
- The Pacific DVD set
- 'The Portable Dante' (includes the whole Divine Comedy, I think OH will enjoy that type of read)
He wants a shake weight? lmao. So if it's in the "As Seen on TV" store, I'll get it.. otherwise will probably buy him shoes and a couple of shirts? Maybe cologne, he needs some.. need to do his stocking too.
"To mommy & daddy from Elyse" - a tree ornament that's a key, it says new house 2010.
My MIL- I think I'm leaving it up to OH, might get her a "nana" gift from Elyse.
My FIL - leaving that up to OH too
My Mum - Dead Sea Cosmetics nail set
My sister - Dead Sea Cosmetics nail set
My dad - ?? usually get him some kind of gift set from the LCBO, like a bottle of liquor with a couple glasses, he has quite the collection of beer/spirits branded glasses, like Bacardi, Crown Royal, etc.
My brother - ?? I know he probably wants beer TBH but my parents would shoot me