Okay my list now-->
GIFTS (bold = bought)
Mr. Potatohead - I think it is a 50pc set. It's at my mum's because I bought it out with her and Elyse fell asleep in the car, had my hands full and she was rushed lol.
Megabloks - 100pc
Little Mommy baby doll toy (the crawling one) - got it 30% off for $19.50
Plastic play food - 20pc
Wooden vegetables set by Plan Toys
Aquadoodle (regular basic drawing mat)
Loving Family Dollhouse (my mom found it on sale in the States, is picking it up tomorrow since she is on vacation there and can bring back quite a bit of stuff)
Fur Real puppy.. it's from their tea cup line, it's a Maltese that goes in a purse
Ice Age DVD
Ideas- room sets for the dollhouse, art supplies, table & chairs set (I might end up buying before Christmas to use soon anyway), Handy Manny tools set, Handy Manny or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse DVDs
Big Buck Hunter (Wii game)
Ideas- merch and/or tickets for our city's CFL team, a sappy family/sweetheart personalized gift of some kind, pajamas
M&Ms Minis tube
Playdough fun size tube
Alphabet magnets for the fridge
Ideas- Whimzy pets- she loves little stuff like that.. stickers, slippers
Ideas- drum sticks, mickey of Whiskey or something