


We got another mouse!! We only had 2 and they're both gone and the good thing is neither one of them had to die :) I'm a huge animal lover lol.

It got stuck on the glue trap and DH was like "omg, we got another one" and I saw it struggling on the trap. It started crying and I told DH to get cooking oil, bring the mouse trap into the hallway and pour cooking oil on it and he'll come off without having to die. So, he did. I watched him come off. Poor thing was crying but he's okay :) I sound crazy, I know lol.

The exterminator is still coming tomorrow just in case there's more but I doubt it. I've only seen 2. I'm so glad they're gone and I'm so glad they didn't have to die! :happydance:
Awwww!!! How cute! ^.^ I love mice! I don't love having them in my house (unless I put them there, of course), but they are so cute! When I was a kid, we used to raise domestic mice because Dad had a savanna monitor lizard and that was what we had to feed them.

Since we had to feed them to him anyways...I used them to conduct my own experiments. Don't worry! It wasn't anything to harm them! I would just have different pairs mate to see what the offspring would inherit, and because they were for food, Mom and Dad wouldn't buy more than four (two to begin with, and then a second set to breed with two of the offspring) so I also tested what inbreeding does to them. I learned some interesting things such as: 1. If you mix a brown mouse with a black spotted mouse, after about the third generation a brown spotted mouse with show. They were rare- and we only ever had three...all male, believe it or not. 2. Spotted mice are less likely to develop tumors from several generations of inbreeding, whereas almost all solid colored mice exhibited tumors after five or six generations. 3. As far as color goes, black is the most common, followed by white with black spots, then brown, then white with brown spots. 4. The one trait that ALL of the spotted mice exhibited was a large spot covering the entire back region 5. Mice will eat their own young if they feel over-crowded, if there is a shortage of food, or if they get into fights with one another (like revenge- I've watched one mouse consistently pick on another- only to watch later that night- while the bully mouse was eating- the picked on mouse would go and try to eat their young. I stopped it, of course, but it doesn't mean it hadn't happened before) 6. Female mice will nurse each other's young, even if they don't have any themselves.

Sorry to get nerdy on you lol but it was very interesting for me and...well...I'm a nerd.

Also, I caught a wild mouse once. I scared his mother and she dropped him- so I took him in (we had mice really bad- but I wouldn't let my parents kill em so glue traps everywhere...however...my Dad was cruel and liked to shoot them with a blowgun...I would cry and bawl and scream and he would just laugh and keep doing it). I used my favorite mouse, Peace (she had a literal peace sign on her face), and used her to "induct" him into the...well...horde lol

NEVER do that, though. Apparently, he had a disease and it ended up killing everyone off :( it started off slow, one by one, but I ended up going to go check on them one day (after about 3 days) and they were all dead.

The lizard had died a few months before this...but he committed suicide. Decided to jump off the top of his cage for whatever reason...we went out to eat and came home n he was dead. Crazy thing.

Sorry to be so gloomy but its good you didn't kill the mice :)

We had one at the house we lived it at before where I live now- I named him Henry lol!
ewww we had a mouse infestation in our old house, we worked out their usual run and set traps to kill them, we tried the nice traps that don't kill them at first but they never worked. In the end after finding 1 in our DD cot they had to go :( and so did we!

We lived next door to an indian takeaway and resturant. We noticed several times in various places a distinct curry smell (couldn't normally smell curry dispite living next door) first it was in the cupboard under the stairs then the airing cupboard then a kitchen cupboard, shortly after smelling it there would be droppings :( We lost count of how many we killed before moving out!!

I hope you took the mice you saved far away from home to let them go, otherwise you may end up with them coming back!!
Good to hear you were able to let the little guy go free:)
We had mice last winter and my 8 year old daughter wanted 2 keep them as pets i thought there was only 1 or 2 but they must have had babies because theres was loads after a few days i had 2 call the council 2 get rid of them and my daughter was so upset :( she wants 2 be a vet when she grows up :) she loves animals more than people! LOL xxx
We had mice last winter and my 8 year old daughter wanted 2 keep them as pets i thought there was only 1 or 2 but they must have had babies because theres was loads after a few days i had 2 call the council 2 get rid of them and my daughter was so upset :( she wants 2 be a vet when she grows up :) she loves animals more than people! LOL xxx

Ewww, don't freak me out!! lol. I hope that isn't the case for us. I mean, we plan on moving in a month or so but in the meantime I don't wanna have to keep finding dead mice or trapped mice on glue traps :(

Aw, your daughter sounds like me lol. Sorry but I can't allow a mouse to die if I know it can get out! I too love animals more than I love people lmao.
ewww we had a mouse infestation in our old house, we worked out their usual run and set traps to kill them, we tried the nice traps that don't kill them at first but they never worked. In the end after finding 1 in our DD cot they had to go :( and so did we!

We lived next door to an indian takeaway and resturant. We noticed several times in various places a distinct curry smell (couldn't normally smell curry dispite living next door) first it was in the cupboard under the stairs then the airing cupboard then a kitchen cupboard, shortly after smelling it there would be droppings :( We lost count of how many we killed before moving out!!

I hope you took the mice you saved far away from home to let them go, otherwise you may end up with them coming back!!

Oh my God. That's insane. It reminds me of the show Infested. Nah, where DH put them I doubt they'll come back but I did learn that they give off a smell and that's how they know where to go. Like, they know they have been someplace before or that other mice have been someplace and they end up going there. So we gotta clean the floors with Clorox, nothing like lemon cleaner or anything sweet cuz it can draw them back in. Ugh, I can't wait to leave this building. We've never had a mouse problem before.
Awwww!!! How cute! ^.^ I love mice! I don't love having them in my house (unless I put them there, of course), but they are so cute! When I was a kid, we used to raise domestic mice because Dad had a savanna monitor lizard and that was what we had to feed them.

Since we had to feed them to him anyways...I used them to conduct my own experiments. Don't worry! It wasn't anything to harm them! I would just have different pairs mate to see what the offspring would inherit, and because they were for food, Mom and Dad wouldn't buy more than four (two to begin with, and then a second set to breed with two of the offspring) so I also tested what inbreeding does to them. I learned some interesting things such as: 1. If you mix a brown mouse with a black spotted mouse, after about the third generation a brown spotted mouse with show. They were rare- and we only ever had three...all male, believe it or not. 2. Spotted mice are less likely to develop tumors from several generations of inbreeding, whereas almost all solid colored mice exhibited tumors after five or six generations. 3. As far as color goes, black is the most common, followed by white with black spots, then brown, then white with brown spots. 4. The one trait that ALL of the spotted mice exhibited was a large spot covering the entire back region 5. Mice will eat their own young if they feel over-crowded, if there is a shortage of food, or if they get into fights with one another (like revenge- I've watched one mouse consistently pick on another- only to watch later that night- while the bully mouse was eating- the picked on mouse would go and try to eat their young. I stopped it, of course, but it doesn't mean it hadn't happened before) 6. Female mice will nurse each other's young, even if they don't have any themselves.

Sorry to get nerdy on you lol but it was very interesting for me and...well...I'm a nerd.

Also, I caught a wild mouse once. I scared his mother and she dropped him- so I took him in (we had mice really bad- but I wouldn't let my parents kill em so glue traps everywhere...however...my Dad was cruel and liked to shoot them with a blowgun...I would cry and bawl and scream and he would just laugh and keep doing it). I used my favorite mouse, Peace (she had a literal peace sign on her face), and used her to "induct" him into the...well...horde lol

NEVER do that, though. Apparently, he had a disease and it ended up killing everyone off :( it started off slow, one by one, but I ended up going to go check on them one day (after about 3 days) and they were all dead.

The lizard had died a few months before this...but he committed suicide. Decided to jump off the top of his cage for whatever reason...we went out to eat and came home n he was dead. Crazy thing.

Sorry to be so gloomy but its good you didn't kill the mice :)

We had one at the house we lived it at before where I live now- I named him Henry lol!

LOL, I told DH if we can't kill them let's just keep them for pets haha. These 2 mice were relentless!! Nah, I'm a big animal lover and I wouldn't have been able to shoot at them lol. You kidding me? I put freaking cooking oil on them so they got away lol. I'm nuts like that :)
Aaaah little mousies are so cute!!

We've had a few over the years (all named Dave I might add).
I always feel so sorry for them, they are just hungry and looking for a bed for the night....aaaah.
Ha ha, Im such a dope!!
Glad you caught them. Do you have cats? We have three cats and occasionally they bring in a mouse and it escapes into the house! They usually catch it the next day though :-( poor mouses
Aaaah little mousies are so cute!!

We've had a few over the years (all named Dave I might add).
I always feel so sorry for them, they are just hungry and looking for a bed for the night....aaaah.
Ha ha, Im such a dope!!

LOL, you sound like me but DH is like "hey, they aren't paying rent here alright!" lmao
Glad you caught them. Do you have cats? We have three cats and occasionally they bring in a mouse and it escapes into the house! They usually catch it the next day though :-( poor mouses

Nah, DH is allergic lol. There'd be no way of having an animal in the house but I'm hoping they stay away now!
LOL, you sound like me but DH is like "hey, they aren't paying rent here alright!" lmao

HAHA, Love it!
Bless em. Can imagine packing up their little suitcases with sad little faces after being booted out! :haha:

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