Yes, okay, i know twins are twice as many as singletons!


Two Beautiful Angels
Apr 3, 2011
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Okay, i'm rarely over here, im only 18 so i spend alot of my time in Teen Pregnancy.

Basically i'm sick of all my friends reminding me that twins means two babies. Do they think i dont know that? I've been through school and im pretty confident in my counting, especially up to 2!

They're telling me how hard its going to be, and how i'll get half as much sleep as i would with just one newborn. Well i've heard that twins are actually easier because they apparently get into a rountine quicker than with singletons. I mean, idk, i've not had them yet, although i am hoping its true. I want to be able to feed them around the same time, and bath them around the same time. Do my friends think im gunna give them total opposite routines? :dohh:

I even had one girl telling me that my vagina will, "stretch twice as much." They dont come out side by side at the same time! Gosh i dont know how im going to deal with this for the rest of my life. Being told by other people, (none of which have even had singletons, let alone twins) how hard it is. :shrug: back off! I'm sick of it already.

Will these people ever just give over and stop giving me their unwanted opinion/inexperienced advice?

I'm blessed to be having twins, im over the freaking moon. The only think that irks me is the lack of variety when it comes down to strollers! :haha:
Hi sarah. The world is filled with people waiting to tell you you're gonna fail hun - it only drives me harder to prove them wrong ;)

You're gonna be fine, and no doubt a fantastic mother. I think as a younger Mum you will probably be more open minded, less rigid and more flexible in your approach - this all serves to make motherhood a more relaxed and chilled-out experience. Twins are brilliant, and you will never fail to feel special for having them every single day xxx
Hi sarah. The world is filled with people waiting to tell you you're gonna fail hun - it only drives me harder to prove them wrong ;)

You're gonna be fine, and no doubt a fantastic mother. I think as a younger Mum you will probably be more open minded, less rigid and more flexible in your approach - this all serves to make motherhood a more relaxed and chilled-out experience. Twins are brilliant, and you will never fail to feel special for having them every single day xxx

Thank you!
I know im young and sometimes i do stop and think, "Oh my world, how in the hell am i going to manage this?" But im pretty positive about it, if i couldnt handle twins, i wouldn't have been blessed with them.

Also, i love all your childrens names! We considered all of your boys names. :)
oohh gosh you'll be great!!! think of it this way if people are totally knackered with one baby then you cant be twice as knackered can you!!!

I am 38 and did it fine - you are old enough to be my daughter you will breeze through it with all that energy!!!

Stuff them - you will be amazing!
I too am sick of people telling me ohhh twins how will u cope and double trouble everytime I get it I say " I think u mean double joy" and walk off :). I am over the moon to be having twins and think twins are such a gift ! And I totally have to agree I spent all day looking in pram shops where are all the twin prams there is none anywhere , I do like the bugaboo donkey but the price is a no no :( xxx
Ps I love ur message about ur hands been full u should see my heart that's so lovely. X
Yeah as soon as my friends and family found out I'm having twins, it's "my friend has twins and she hasn't slept in 16 months" or "you're not actually thinking about exclusively breastfeeding are you?" or "so and so has twins and never leaves the house anymore".

Like lizziedripping said, I am determined to prove them wrong. I mean I've had one baby already and maybe he was an easy baby, but it wasn't *that* difficult, so even times two it has to be manageable, even if challenging.

Also my mom had twins and she at least breastfed for a couple months and I remember her taking all of us (4 under age 3) out all the time by herself (or with another mom and her kids) - the zoo, the beach, playgrounds...

And Littlemo, my mom was 21 when she had twins (and already had two other kids) and she said being a young mom was great, because she had so much energy. I'm not quite so young (27), but young enough that I hope I will have the energy for it too. Although I sure don't have energy during this pregnancy.
i love twins, n would love to have twins,dun listen to them,u r lucky
Sarah, it definately is a blessing to have twins. yes its hard work, esp in the beginning, but as they get older, I've found that it's got easier and my boys give me sooo much joy. With just one smile or giggle, they wipe away all my tiredness. Twins are amazing, dont let anyone make you think otherwise. Unfortunately you'll find people will always say daft stuff and give you unwanted attention with twins, but ive learnt to brush it off. One woman said to me today
"oh, they're not twins are they?"
"yes they are."
Really? One looks bigger thant the other. One boy one girl hey?"
"err nooo, two boys"
"Oh. Well it helps that one is bigger, you can tell them apart. Make sure that the other stays smaller that way you can always tell them apart"!!!

Yeah no problem lady, i'll just starve one while i fatten the other, great idea!!!:wacko:
Ha ha ha, I love people and their remarks too! My current favorite is: "triplets???!!!!! better you than me!" to which i say: "yes, it's better me than you! I cant wait!" I also love when people say they'd commit suicide, I just say, "really? You're nuts!" LOL
I have to admit I have found having twins a real challange esp in the first 3 months, however it has also been the most amazing exprience. Everyday I look at my boys and think how lucky i am to have had twins. its the best feeling when they are both in their cots smiling at you first thing in the morning, no better start to the day.

I make sure i go out with them oftern, you just have to be organised. it takes time but you soon learn what makes life alittle easier.

Thanks for all of your support!

I might struggle because im going to be in college, but hopefully i wont be there that often.

I plan on exclusively breast feeding until i go back to college, and then i'll breastfeed as much as i can, and then express milk so they'll still be getting my breastmilk. Although i do know that it might not all go to plan, and if i have problems, i'll just express. I know Formula isnt Poison, but this is just something i want to do.

Tbh, i'm very lazy as it is :haha: But i'll probably just spend forever awake staring at them for the first couple of days, until the tiredness really kicks in. But hell, i'm ready for it. I'm gunna be a Mummy! :happydance:

I love them both so much already, when i feel them squirming around i just wanna scream and tell people. Except when Ledger decides he's quite comfortable with his foot inbetween my ribs, thats a slight downfall :haha:

Also, any Stoller recommendations would be greatly appriciated!
So far we're thinking of getting the Graco Quattro Tour Duo :thumbup:
I totally hear you on the just staring at them for days until exhaustion kicks in!

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