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Your csection story?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
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Hello :) :flower:

I was just wondering what everyones section story was? why did you have a section? how was the procedure? what happened before, during and after surgery? how did you/your OH feel? How was baby afterwards? how was your recovery? etc

Thank you so much for sharing!!!! xxxx :thumbup::flower::kiss::hugs:
I had a c-section in December due to a traumatic birth with my son. My section was considered elective.

To sum the experience up in one word - AMAZING! I knew my date from very early in my pregnancy so when it was brought forward by 3 days I was both excited & scared. We arrived at the hospital at 7am, we were shown to the room where I was told to change into my gown & hop onto the bed for my stockings to be put on & to have a drink that reduces stomach acid. My BP was checked & I was asked a few questions & then the anaesthitist came in to tell me what she was going to do. By 8.30 I was being wheeled to theatre, right before being taken to theatre I panicked & started bawling, I was very nervous & the staff were amazing! Around in theatre my hubby was taken away to get changed & I was prepped for the spinal, I had the drip in inserted & the local & then the spinal went in! Next we were taken to have our baby!!!! My OB came in whilst everything was being prepped & said a quick hello & got straight down to business - at 9.04am our baby girl was born!!!

Things I found interesting or wasn't expecting -
- the strange feeling of being touched/cut but not feeling pain!
- the local & spinal are super easy, no pain at all just a small pinch for the local.
- not being able to have hubby with me in recovery sucked!!
- trapped wind hurts a lot, ask for pain relief immediately!
- the catheter isn't that bad.
- getting out of bed is not nearly as painful as having to lay there for another second.
- see point above but laying in bed with minimal movement really is uncomfortable.
- the 3 needles to prevent blood clots aren't so bad I just wasn't expecting them.
- coughing, sneezing & laughing are all uncomfortable & a pillow pushed onto ur scar helps!
- the pain relief is awesome!!!! Suppositories are horrible to have put in but provide amazing relief!
- I had dissolvable stitches & my scar healed quickly.
- I hated taking the dressing off the scar.

All in all, I would choose a c-section over a natural birth any day!! I've experienced both & never would I go back down the natural path!!!
Um, well, I had three...but I don't feel like writing out all three...so I will give some details of each.

First baby - had complete previa and had episodes of massive bleeding during pregnancy. Was advised section. Ended up going into labour spontaneiously at 38 weeks, and went to hospital, they checked me - yup, in labour, waters gone. I drank a drink, got an IV and blood work, went to OR and got spinal. Laid down...did not feel a THING at all...nothing. They said "It's a BOY" and everyone sang happy birthday and I held him as they stitched me up. I was moved into the recovery room, with my baby, and I breastfed there. I had complications after that...but, I will spare everyone.

Second one, had a scheduled section, basically because they advised because of the previous. Went into labour spontaneously at 37 weeks though. THought it was diarrhea pains and sat on toilet for HOURS before waking hubby and going to hospital. They checked me and I was in labour. Had the drink, a little shave. Went to get spinal. They couldn't do it, and they had to put me under (general). Woke up, no baby. Nurses couldn't tell me what I had or if she was OK. OB saw hubby in lobby when doing his morning rounds and he brought my baby in, for a quick visit as she was in the sick baby nursery as she had premature lungs. I had breastmilk still (had just quit breastfeeding) so she was tube fed breastmilk and when she was well enough, she came in my room.

Third was a scheduled section at 38 weeks due to a thin uterus caused from severe scarring from a uterus infection after my son discovered during my second section. Was like going for a filling. Went in, got IV and room. Brought to OR, got spinal. Laid down...did not feel a THING at all. They pulled her out, we got to hold her...and she stayed with me the whole time and no real complications -yay!
Thanks ladies love everyones unique stories!! Xx
my first c/s was hazy as it was a emerg one . my second i went in for pains in my upperside at 37 weeks .so they decided to section me . i was given the drink for acid then walked down to thearte and put the spinal in . then abt 20 mins later my son was born i never felt a thing no pulling or tuggin. the scariest thing for me was the spinal made my leg shoot out lol freaked me lol :flower:
I had a perfect, trouble free pregnancy and went into labour at 39+4. At the hospital 12 hrs later I was examined and they felt baby's bottom instead of her head! A doctor did a scan to confirm it and there was her head, just below my rib cage with her little toes by her ears! So, off for an emcs. I was so scared and panicking but once the epidural went in and the pain went away I felt better. Then they couldn't find baby's heartbeat which terrified me. I thought we'd lost her :( That was the scariest moment of my life.

Once in theatre they were very quick to get her out and I saw a little head pop up over the screen as she was shown to me :) I remember her having lots of hair and looking tiny! I was waiting for her to scream but instead she made a tiny little squeaky cry. She was 5lb 2oz and perfect. MY OH cuddled her while I was stitched up. It was a weird feeling having surgeons rummaging around in your tummy without it hurting! We had some time in recovery which was nice as it was lovely and calm and quiet.

I hated being on the ward though. I'd never been in hospital before and found it scary. I remember the agony of the trapped gas. Trying to stand up. All the noisy people, trying to sleep and not succeeding. I managed to walk rather than shuffle after 4 days. Ooh and I was scared to take the dressing off in the shower so a lovely nurse did it for me. Nobody tells you about the constipation either! That was awfully uncomfortable! I wish I'd moved round more in hospital as I expect it didn't help that I was too scared to move! I had heavy blood loss in surgery which we didn't find out until 3 days after. Anaemia made me feel rough, dizzy, sick, exhausted. Painkillers are gooooooood too! The hardest thing though was not being able to get out of bed to get to my baby. I found it so hard to sit up and get off the bed! Also failing at breastfeeding. I'd sit for hours trying to feed her but she just wouldn't latch. I exclusively expressed for 3 wks but had to stop to let my body recover. I couldn't cope anymore. I wanted to concentrate on my baby :)

BUT even though the recovery was hard I would do it again. I'd know how better to deal with it next time. My LO came through it perfectly and we have a wonderful bond (even though I didn't manage to breastfeed her). She is the best thing to ever come into my life and I wouldn't change her or the birth for the world :cloud9:
I had an emergency c-section three weeks ago 16-hours after my waters broke. I was put on a hormone drip to speed things along as my waters had meconium in it. After 12-hours they claim I 'failed to progress' as I only reached 5cm dilated. I begged them to leave me another hour or two to see if I could do it myself but my son had other ideas & decided to move into the breech position. I was sectioned 20-minslater.

The section itself was very straightforward, quick and completely painless but I do feel I missed out on something because it wasn't the natural birth experience I so desperately wanted. The recovery has been a bit of a pain too. I feel fragile & uncomfortable & not being able to drive is a pain.

I was induced with my son, as he was 40+12. Pregnancy had been painful, I had been in and out of hospital with contractions since about 32 weeks. It was pretty ridiculous! I'd had 2 sweeps and the midwives were all convinced I'd go naturally, but I didn't.

I had the prostaglandin pessary, and contractions started every 3 minutes. They told me they wouldn't break my waters because I was contracting so well. My son's heart rate was very high and there was a bit of concern. So when we moved to labour ward they broke my waters :)dohh:). Pethidine didn't touch me, gas and air was ok I guess. I was given an epidural but it didn't work.

I got to 10cm and pushed and pushed. But he wasn't coming and his heart rate was still very high.

They tried ventouse but it didn't work. So my son was born via the sunroof! He was very stuck in my pelvis and the midwife was about to push him up the birth canal. When he did get out he had a big handprint bruise on his back from where the surgeon had had to pull him out :(

Afterwards I felt awful. I managed to convince myself that he wasn't mine. It took me months to come to term with it, and I really do think having an emergency csection was a massive contributing factor to my PND. Of course I love my son, and I'm so grateful for medical advances that meant we were taken down for a csection - things could've been very different :(

My scar was apparently 'very neat' but got infected which was very painful. I think sometimes you're so nackered after having a new baby that you forget you've had major surgery.

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