Being induced?


Mummy to Evie
Nov 9, 2010
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Hi everyone, I am being induced on Wednesday morning (gel), and would just like to read as many labour stories as possible where it started with induction pleaaaase.. Obviously I dont expect u all to write them again buh if u could just post the link to them so I can have a look?

Would really appreciate hearing all ur experiences?

Thanks :hugs:
Hiya u was induced but i didn't get a chance for the gel I had the drip and had my little one 13 hrs later lol the contraptions come on really sore and strong but it wasn't all a bad experience :) xx
I had the drip with both my boys and it took 12hrs both times I also had epidurals with them everything went good :)
Oh I forgot to add I went to 6cm with just gas and air then took the epidural I never ever wanted one but believe me it's the best thing I ever done lol xx
I was induced and had a fantastic birth. around 2 hours of active labour, no pain relief (had the epi but he was too quick and didn't get a chance to use the epi!)

You can read it here
Awwh thanks everyone, how long did u all stay in hospital after? I want to be out as soon as possible..x
hi hun, ive been induced with both my girls, both times had my waters broken and put on the drip twice too. with dd #1 labour was 10 hours from waters breaking to her being born. i had g&a and an epidural at 7cm. it was no where near as bad as i had imagined. with dd #2 labour was 4 hours from start to finish but i only had contractions for less than 2 hours. it all happened so fast that when i asked for an epi it was too late. her head crowning was the most painful part but again not that bad for me really.

before having dd#1 i was terrifed as i was told by friends etc that being induced was more painful than going natrually but having being induced twice i can say its not that bad. it is quicker (for me anyway) but look on the bright side, you'll meet your LO sooner. good luck hun, youll be fine, just focus on the end result xx

with dd #1 i was in hospital for 5 days as she was jaundiced with dd #2 i discharged after 24 hours
I was induced due to PIH.
I had two set of pessary/tablet things, which gave me little contractions but not strong.
They broke my waters for me which did hurt as i wasn't ready yet, the consultant did it for me. THey gave me gas and air for this part so it wasn't so bad.
Then i was hooked up to the drip which really kick started everything. I did it all in 6 hours on gas and air with half a dose of diamorphine in the middle (which didn't do much).

It's not unbearable, yep it hurts but concentrate on your breathing, breathe the pain "out" so to speak. Oh, and if you can move about..i was bouncing on the ball, leaning over the bed and my OH, had my naked bum in the air (the shame) was most painful lying on my back to be honest. The more you move about the quicker your baby will come in my experience.

Best of luck, i'd do it again tomorrow!
I had my water broken and on petocin drip...I also had an epidural and my labour was 9 1/2 hours from start to finish. I was in hospital for 3 days due to having to get a catheter re-inserted since I couldn't pee on my own :(
i was induced with the gel and had a great experience. heres my birth story. feel free to PM me if you have any questions. i was out of the hospitel just over 24 hours later.
Hi! :hugs: I was induced also.. I won't go on about it here but if you have any questions/ need any advice, then PM me xxxxx
Here is my birth story, I will warn you I *did* have a complication (from a combination of factors, the induction being one, but the pain medications, time of labour, and size for gestation being the others). However, I was able to still have a vaginal delivery :) Good luck!
I was induced voluntarily. I went in when I was 40w2d. They were supposed to start me on the gel but my doctor immediately skipped to the pitocin. So they started it at 9am and my labor was progressing, by 4pm I was 6cm, but I stayed 6cm for two hours and my doctor was concerned so I ended up having a c-section. Wish I had waited though rather than getting induced because I may not have had to have a section! I stayed in the hospital for three nights since I had a section, if I had a vaginal birth it would've only been two nights. :flower:
I had an induction from hell! They put a tablet on my cervix and said they'd check me in an hour to decide what to put in my drip. Well all I needed was the tablet, I was 6 cm when they checked me, they then broke my waters which kickstarted my labor. My dd became distressed, I got an epidural at 8th, I wanted desperately for everything to slow down. Then it was push time but poor baby wasn't descending, they let me push for maybe 15 minutes before they took me for a c section. Basically my body reacted very strongly to the induction meds and my rapid labor distressed my baby. From the time they placed the tablet to when they cut her out of me was less than 3 hours. Had I let it go naturally I may have avoided a c section. Good luck I hope all goes well for you.
I was induced with pitocin... started at 8:30am and pushed my daughter out by 9:25pm that night. It does get quite painful, just remember to breath through the contractions. I got a epidural at about 6cm and it was heaven! Everything went smooth. Good luck hun!
I'll just give the short version. Induced because of hypertension at 40+3, 25 hours of labor but Emma's heartrate kept dropping and I had to be on oxygen and on my left side the entire time to keep her heart somewhat on a normal level. 25 hours on your side is no fun let me tell you. But finally after being stuck at 7 cms for hours and her heart rate dropping yet again, they decided to get her out quickly with an emergency c-section. Not an ideal birth story but I'm proud of it regardless and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. :flower: good luck!! :hugs:
I had drip & epi same time, was 10cm in about 8 hrs.
mine is in my sig i was induced and had the most fantastic birth xx
I've given birth twice - my most recent one was an induced labour. I would much prefer to go through the induced labour again as it was much quicker - I was in active labour for 4 hours and yes, the contractions were stronger and closer together than the first time around but I didn't have time for an epidural (although I did want one lol). It's only been 3 months since I had my baby but I have to say I feel really proud of myself and the way I handled the labour. Good luck with everything, i'm sure it'll be just fine and you'll be glad in the end if it was a quick labour! x

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