Christmas Countdown 2023! 0 days to go!

I've done the ones I need to send/give out before Christmas but nothing for anyone in the house
I'm very excited. Payday this week so I can get those last bits, then it's just the rest of the food.
Yay you're getting so organised! I wish I could feel excited, but I'm just not this year
Aw that's such a shame Bev as I know how much you love Christmas. I really hope that by the time Christmas Day rolls around it will work it's magic on you and at least for the day you can feel a bit more at peace.
Aw that's such a shame Bev as I know how much you love Christmas. I really hope that by the time Christmas Day rolls around it will work it's magic on you and at least for the day you can feel a bit more at peace.

Thank you! :hugs:

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