Had 12 week scan today, guessing a boy based on nub theory

I can't imagine being done, i know i will be. most likely after the next one. but its still sad to think no more babies. Today has been a big day. ds4 had his first hair cut and looks like a little boy rather than a baby, and ds1 knows the truth about Santa :(
Aww how old are your babies? Both my boys had to have their first hair cut before their first birthday. Ds1 was 5 months and ds2 was 3 months. I really didnt want to, but they were born with a full head of hair and it got long very fast. Ds2's hair almost covered his eyes so I just had to get it done.

I know 4 will be our max, but idk why just thinking about having my last scares me...its just sounds so final but you are right though...we gotta stop somewhere right?
I think once we decide to have our last it will be bittersweet for everyone but at least we have the ones we made I just hope and pray I will have a little girl in the end
I think once we decide to have our last it will be bittersweet for everyone but at least we have the ones we made I just hope and pray I will have a little girl in the end

Yea, thats why I am thinking about waiting a few years to have my third..guess I am trying to lengthen the process, because if I do get pregnant next summer and it happens to be a girl most likely my baby making factory will be shut down. Although my husband respects my wishes and if I insist he probably will say yes to no. 4 but he did make it clear that he REALLY only wants 3 kids...given our next is a girl.
They are 8,7,4 and 1. Ds4 was 1 on Monday, I don't like to cut their hair before they are one. No reason really I just don't like to, but then again all of them have had longer hair when small. Ds2 still now has longer hair. I'd just trim the front before that if it was in their eyes. Although know a friends boy had had 8 cuts by 14 months because she liked to keep his hair short and 'boyish'. Ds4 has a proper little boy cut now.
I must say there's a few things I would like to do that we don't want to do with a baby, so there is lots to look forward to when they are older.
Being so sure I won't get a girl I'd probably would consider stopping at 4, but I've already got number 5 pictured in my head, and named and I want him now lol
There's a saying "things happen when you least expect it to". I'm happy that you are able to except another little boy. If it happens to be a girl, it'll be like icing on the cake!

There are tons of activites to do when kids get older such as hiking, adventure parks, road trips...I've always wanted to go to disnery world and dh said "you gotta wait til the youngest is at least 5". Got a point there.
Yeah I'd love to go on holiday to another country. I've never left the uk. But it's not something we'd be able to do every year it every other year or whatever so I want them all to be old enough to remember it. Also It would be easier travelling without all the baby/toddler stuff that's required and kids that can stay in one spot when waiting and read and stuff on the flight.
The older 3 were asking to go to Chessington this year but the oldest is the only one tall enough for some of the rides and I didn't think they could handle the queuing.
So results came in and my dr called to confirm I do have gestational diabetes :(
Motherofboys - Yea, its kind of tough isnt it...can you take them to another place that also has kiddie rides for the smaller children?
Kaicee - Dont stress too much! I was diagnosed with gd with both my pregnancies and ate crap most of them time but my boys turned out fine. I dont know what the protocol was with Zachary since he was taken away to the nicu and didnt get to stay with me, but Jayden had his blood taken for 24 hours and by 24 hours if it was stablized then they stopped. Usually if you breastfeed or give them formula right after they are born, the sugar will go up. That being said, if I were to do it again, I would definitely watch my diet, cant stand seeing my baby get poked so often again.
I think Chessington does have a kiddie section and there were other rides they could go on in the bigger part, but it seemed like such a big drama. "You can't go on this but you'll still have to wait half hour while Mummy takes him on it, then I'll go on your one with you because you both need an adult and Daddy can't go on the rides" and theres no one would would come with us. The other places aimed at younger kids all seem to be themed in things the boys say are 'babyish'. Just easier to wait till they are older.
Anyway I started spotting yesterday and its a bit more today so looks like another month over.
It wont be too long before they all grow up...time goes by very fast! My little guy is turning 2 next month and it feels just like yesterday when I had him.

My new baby is super cranky lately. He's been fussy which makes me think that he is hungry and when I feed him he wouldnt take it...you see days like these make me cant wait for the baby days to be over :wacko:. I guess what you dont have you miss. I bet when he turns 1, I'll miss these days again...but honestly, I think by the time I have no. 3 things will be soo crazy that I think I will stop having anymore.
Having our third boy over here. I'm not terribly disappointed, because we'll try again, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed at all. I'm terrified that our 4th will be a boy too. Not sure DH would let me try again for a baby girl after 4. I know when I have my ultrasound, I'm not having the tech tell me the gender when I'm in the office because If it's a boy I'll cry my eyes out. Gah! Part of me feels silly for feeling like this when there are some people who can't even have kids, but I cant help it!
I'm not super worried about the gd since I had it before it just mean more injections and insulin it just breaks my heart that this baby will have to be poked more at birth and I have to go to a special gd clinic on top of my dr app
Chelsea - I know what you mean. I am nowhere near trying for no. 3 yet, but somedays I get scared that it will be another boy. Well, a part of me is hoping for a girl but the other half kinda wants a boy...just because dh really wants to stop at 3 given our next is a girl. Tbh though, I find it quite exhausting with 2 kids already I might or might not stop at no. 3, but just in case I wanted to having a girl next would be great because if I decided I wanted to stop I can...gosh hope I am making sense here, I am totally exhausted.

Kaicee - I didnt have to use insulin just controlled my diet but baby still got poked every few hours. I bet I will have gd again next time. When is your gender scan? Cant wait to hear what you're having, hopefully its a girl!
OMG, it's half term and ds2 and 3 are fighting over ds4!! And af is well and truly here.
I wish I had a few years to wait, it feels like now or never.
OMG, it's half term and ds2 and 3 are fighting over ds4!! And af is well and truly here.
I wish I had a few years to wait, it feels like now or never.

lol what are they fighting about? Is age a factor to why you couldnt wait a few more years?
Over who gets the play with him! Why they both cants at the same time I don't know!

Mostly yes. Dh is already about to turn 46, and while could could still father a child for many years to come, he already has some health issues which limit him work wise and isn't as active as some men his age.
The main reason in favour of waiting is the house. Sure sometimes when everything is mental here I wonder if I could handle it with another, big I know I would, it's just fitting everyone in. But by the time we moved then ttc'd he could be in his 50s, and ds1 could be in his teens and it's just not what I want. I want there to be a break for dh at the end of it all. If I had another now then all those things we want to do could happen before the oldest ones don't want to join us any more and would rather be with their friends. Also the ago between ds3 and 4 was the hardest one . I really didn't like the bigger gap. And I'd like a close sibling for him so when the big ones are off doing their thing he has someone who he can play with.
There are lots of reasons but they are the main things that I think about.
Last time even with controlled diet my sugars were high so I had 2 different insulin a to take and I don't eat that much now

It's next Tuesday 2pm can't wait :)
Hello ladies :) hello hello kitty not spoken for a while, well as u know I've got 2girls and really really really want this one to b a boy I mean I know il b majorly disappointed with a girl obviously won't love her any less but this is our last so il never hav a boy :( I find out next sat please keep everything crossed for me ladies x

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