Home Birth Photos

that video from the photography is beautiful!


it was so awesome so much emotion I can only pray to have such a wonderful piece of our birth as that!:cloud9:
I won't get a home birth but will be in a birthing center run by midwives. I hope I can still post here when the time comes!
ALL of these pictures are so BEAUTIFUL! Im so excited to go all natural this time!!
Im still too nervous to do a home birth but I am going to hopefully get to have a water birth at the hospital... Im not sure of the policy there though, we just moved haha. I have made it UNMISTAKABLE clear to my midwife that I do NOT want to lay on my back the whole time. She has promised me that if there are no complications there is no reason at all why I wont be able to get up.
With my DD I had an ok birth experience.. I had NO complications with her at all and yet when I got to the hospital they set me up in the bed and after a few minutes I said I had to use the restroom.. they wouldnt let me get out of the bed.. AT ALL.. it was AWFUL I wasnt in pain yet and I wasnt even huge, I gained MAYBE 30 lbs with her.. I had to use a bedpan the WHOLE TIME... I was so mad but at the same time I was so young and didnt know anything :haha: Im so hopeful that this time around Ill get my fantastic birthing experience :)
My unexpected homebirth, started contracting heavily around 3.30am on his due date and he was here roughly at 4.20-4.25am. Very traumatic but amazing


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Liam presenting penis and scrotum first, Noah's bag presenting, twins 2 days old , momma and babies in birth pool. Liam 6lb 10 oz Noah 6lb 5oz @38weeks at home:happydance: best experience of our lives! birth story in twins section


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Oh my gosh Triplets!!! Way to Go!!! Congratulations!! That had to have been very difficult!! so wonderful! :happydance:
Katrina and TripletsOMG such lovely pictures. Congratulations both of you.
Such lovely pictures! Congratulations to you both on h&h babies!
This is such a fantastic thread! I normally skip to the last few pages but I've just read all the way through this one.

Myself and OH have decided we'd like a home water birth, our midwife okayed the idea yesterday and has arranged a pool for us. I did have a bit of a wobble this weekend after reading comments on a newspaper article about HB saying that it's selfish to have the baby anywhere other than a hospital, but I've done my research and decided that it's definitely what I want to do! I hate the idea of being cooped up in a hospital confined by visiting hours and having to wait around to be discharged :dohh:

So thankyou to all the ladies who have posted photos here, they've reinforced my belief that this is definitely right for me, my OH and our baby :flower: Can't wait til it's my turn to post some photos!
I do wish I were home birthing but the birthing center the midwives run feels very much like home (just not mine) and the hubby just can't deal with home birth option.
Here are a couple of pictures from my home water birth - ones without my head as I am feeling a bit shy!


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From my journal :)
Sorry i wrote a story, lol, but it was easier than trying to find all of my photos on here LOL

This is my home birth of Elliot Nehemiah (DS2). My water broke at 7:35am Sat. Feb 11th, 2012. Contractions didn't even start until 3ish PM. They were super easy and super irregular until about 1 or 2pm the next day (Sunday. Feb 12th). I went from active labor (4cm) to placenta in one hour and 40 minutes. He was born at 3:03 PM on my grandfathers birthday and my nieces b-day :cake:

Kendra sent me a CD of some of the birth photos. Didn't get a cool "being born" moment like i did with isaiah, but still neat to see.

***Warning, but not anything bloody..nice thing about water births...just boobies LOL

He was born in our bedroom.










That takes care of the booby pics LOL

...does this photo of dh look familiar? [1st pic]:wacko: he did the same thing during isaiahs birth...which is why i practically broke the poor student midwife's [second pic] hand [3rd pic]:blush:


Ignore my double chin :haha:



Stephen said he needs to send this picture to Mr. Shryer (guy that runs the Honors Shryer Program at Penn State) The shirt he is wearing was from his academic time spent there


Isaiah woke up right as his head was popping out. Was perfect timing for his nap! lol


i cut the cord this time :smug:

One of the MWs [Cindy, the older one] examining him on our bed. Apgars were 7 at 1 min and 10 at 5 minutes...not too bad for a precipitous labor, shoulder dyscotia, short cord and one nuchal cord!


This is how they weigh them at a home birth. They get this blanket, lay the baby on it, it's attached to some type of scale, and then they hold that in the air (over the bed, not too high though!) and then read the scale :)


Elliot's eyes were SO swelled because of how quickly he came down (4cm-placenta in 1 hour 40 minutes) and probably the shoulder dyscotia had something to do with it. Im not sure when the swelling went down, but he practically looked like a bug :rofl:


Shot with both midwives and the student midwife. I only wish isaiah was in this one :sad1: Cindy is the older woman in the blue. She was hands off but only helped when she was needed, basically a fly on the wall unless we needed her. Which is exactly what she did. She was lovely and only helped when his head came out, to unwrap the cord, and when we realized the shoulders were stuck. She was so smooth and calm about it. The room was amazingly calm, not what you would expect with shoulder dyscotia.
Kate literally was walking in the bedroom door when his head came out. She's the one in the green kneeling in the front. There were a lot of labors that weekend and she was stuck at the Concord Hospital (an hour away), with a homebirth transfer. LOVE her! The other girl...im embarrassed to say, but i can't remember her name for the life of me :blush: which is redic considering i thought i was going to break her hand HAHA

After this pic they had me eggs and fruit ready to eat. They cleaned my house while i was in early labor too. I was surprised when i came down the steps to a clean living room, dishes done, and kitchen swept!


I really really enjoyed it so much (well...i mean, as much as one can "enjoy labor" :rofl: but any other children we have, im def doing it this way again (unless im not low risk or need a transfer). They were great and it was a million times better than my hospital birth!...though isaiahs birth was much more magical...for sure...elliots....we were talking in between contractions the entire time, even while i was pushing! I was SO aware of what was going on...but with isaiah, that was not the case at all. LOL
Getting a US homebirth was EXTREMELY challenging (which is scary to say considering i live in one of the most homebirthing regions in the country!). The Midwives really had to work their magic. I am so blessed to have this opportunity! Less than 1% of all US births are out of the hospital. I am so grateful to have had this experience!
I wanted a HB with DS1, but couldn't get the assistance needed to pull that off. I know this is a HB photo thread, but i wanted to add these of DS1 birth. Considering its in the US, it looks a lot like a HB lol

It was a long haul and 100% back labor. He was persistant posterior, so it was a very very hard, long, painful birth, but i am proud to say that i got through 30 hours of active [back!] labor, and 6 hours of pushing a sunny side up baby all on my own...thank the good old Lord for water births!!!! (especially in the hospital, in the states-they are very rare!) And no G&A as it's not offered here. Even though it was very long and painful, i found it to be much more magical than Elliot's Birth. With Elliot i knew exactly what was going on, and even while i was in transition and when i was pushing i was having humorous conversations with everyone lol But with isaiah, man! I was having out of body experiences and falling in and out of sleep. In fact, i can tell you exactly what everyone in the room was wearing. It was as if i was watching myself give birth! I never knew i could feel that way or do such a thing!

Baby was posterior (back to back) and it took forever (30 hours)...100% back labor..i hope this time doesn't take so long and without the back labor!

1.) active labor.Id say 6CM. I instinctually did a TON of hands knees/leaning over. I would float in the water on my back, but when a contraction started i would flip (back labor is NO joke :nope:...FAR worse than "regular labor")

2.) a little graphic :blush: but oh well! Thats my mom and hubby ...23 hours into labor, transition

3.) transition (lasted 9 hours :shock::shock::shock:...thats def NOT as quick as they say it should be!)...about 24 hours into labor. Sleeping in between contractions.

4.) pushing. I used many different positions! It took me 6 hours! Thats sunnyside up babies are killer :haha:

5.) 30 hours later and he finally arrived!

Some more

6.) check out that circle on his head! thats what a posterior baby gets :haha:

7.) my mom and dh is behind me. :cloud9:

The second to the last one is graphic, sorry! But thats the placenta, and i thought i would include it because its what nourished my baby for 9 months...make that 10 :haha: (didn't have him until 41+5, and the placenta was in PERFECT condition!)


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