July/Aug 2022 babies ❤️

Sorry ladies I’ve been fully in the newborn bubble! Baby Miles decided to come before my scheduled c section day of Monday. I woke up at 1am Sunday morning with contractions 15 mins apart but I tried to sleep through them but that wasn’t working. So we called my brother to come and stay with the kids and headed to the hospital. He was out by 4:50am! All went well and I can’t believe I have a newborn again. I’ve got bleeding nipples so pumping, hoping to get back to breastfeeding tonight. Still in hospital which has been nice as they gave me a suite! Here he is, looks just like my ds.

Congratulations @Lucy3 !! He’s gorgeous! Glad it went well and quick. See if your OB can prescribe Nuemans Nipple Cream. Its a miracle for cracked nips. Safe for breastfeeding, I used it with all 3.
@Lucy3 congratulations! He is gorgeous!!! Hope you are both doing well! Embrace that newborn bubble, it is the best feeling! xxxx
Awww he is perfect. My jaw hit the floor at how it went from contractions to birth. That was so fast.
My smallest was 5lb 7oz and was one of my most painful births weirdly.

how are you feeling in yourself hon? Glad You didn’t need that section so You can heal way quicker.

soak up every second of that newborn bubble love it goes so so fast.
huge congratulations hun! hes beautiful! i cant believe all the babies are now here!!

i still feel like im in the newborn stage. Theo is now nearly 7lbs at over 7 weeks so im happy hes finally packing on the weight. he still sleeps alot too.

how is everyone doing
huge congratulations hun! hes beautiful! i cant believe all the babies are now here!!

i still feel like im in the newborn stage. Theo is now nearly 7lbs at over 7 weeks so im happy hes finally packing on the weight. he still sleeps alot too.

how is everyone doing

So glad he is gaining so well now love. That fantastic. What a trooper eh.
Thank you lovely ladies! Just got home abd feeling good. Still no tears which is not like me, usually by day 4 I’m a mess but I’m happy to say this time I’m not as emotional. Has anyone else had that? I’m wondering if it’s because I was so anxious during pregnancy that it’s just a relief to have him here safely. Who knows!
@Rach87 thanks I’ll definitely ask about the nip cream. They were so bad and then the next night I got so engorged my milk wouldn’t even come out. Awful! But settling down now. Just saw Sadie is 8 months, what a fun age!
@Suggerhoney how are you doing? I need to catch up!
Oh @Lucy3 he is just so cute.

I’m ok love. Cycle 7 ttc now. Cd5 but only just as it’s only 13 mins past midnight lol.
AF has slowed down so probably stop soon and just waiting for ovulation.
Was cd 20 last cycle thanks to covid: my Af was late as well also thanks to covid. It was 37 days. Longest cycle I’ve ever had in all the time I’ve had cycles.
Was definitely glad seeing the back of it.
Hoping ovulation will be around my normal time of day 13 but have a feeling it will be late again.
Only time will tell.

hope ure feeling good in yourself love.
I never got the baby blues with my youngest:
But once I hit 3 weeks pp I got supper low because I missed being pregnant and having a bump. He was supposed to be our last but my husband agreed and said we can try for one more and that’s what we did.
Very broody now so hopefully get my rainbow in the not to far future.
@Suggerhoney I hope this cycle is shorter, so much extra waiting with the late ovulation which is never fun! I’m enjoying following your journey and know it will happen for you. My DH said we should go for number 4 the other day lol. The OB said all looks good in there so that’s good! That’s interesting you didn’t get baby blues with your youngest, I usually get it pretty badly so enjoying feeling happy (for now!) will go over and have a look at the testing group, still stalk there and cheering you all on x
Good luck sugger, I'm still following, just trying to get through the holidays!

One more week left, we're off to a caravan today, only half hr from where we live but a change of scenery, back next Sunday and school Monday
Typical though yesterday me, Dd and ds were sick from a bug, feeling better today but was so drained and tired, stayed in bed from 6 which messed Evelyn's sleep as she doesn't usually go to bed til 10,so by her usual 3am wake up she was wide awake! Just had to do it though couldn't keep eyes open.
Looks like we will be getting to the caravan and isolating for another day! Got board games though haha

Apart from that were all good

Evelyn is 8 weeks on weds and weighing 8lb 10oz, well she was last Monday lol
Awww thanks ladies means a lot ure following my journey and @Lucy3 thanks for given me that hope I sure hope ure right.

already feeling I will be out again and not even ovulated yet lol.

cd7 so just waiting. This part is so boring.

Hope your all ok and the babies.
Nice to hear from you Star. Glad all is well, aww little Evelyn, tiny little peanut. So cute! Miles was weighed yesterday when the health nurse came to do the one week visit he’s 6lbs8 so getting back to birth weight but he feels tiny to me, he’s my littlest baby yet.

always following along @Suggerhoney! Cheering you on from the sidelines! My OB says fertility doesn’t really decline till around 43 and of course still totally positively after then x
Nice to hear from you Star. Glad all is well, aww little Evelyn, tiny little peanut. So cute! Miles was weighed yesterday when the health nurse came to do the one week visit he’s 6lbs8 so getting back to birth weight but he feels tiny to me, he’s my littlest baby yet.

always following along @Suggerhoney! Cheering you on from the sidelines! My OB says fertility doesn’t really decline till around 43 and of course still totally positively after then x

Awww I remember my son being 6lb 5 when we brought him home. He was so teeny. My dd was only 5lbs and she was so so tiny but shes 9 now so hard to remember.
Times goes so fast.

I’m 43 in December love so not looking hopeful:(
@Suggerhoney i realty do think you’ll be pregnant again. Sending all the baby dust for this cycle. How cute are they when they’re tiny, trying to enjoy it all as I know he’ll be so big before I know it!

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