List your IVF Successes here

Forgot to say I’m now 36 so ivf cycle was 5 years ago
Age: 29
How long TTC: with current hubby 2 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: PCOS
Treatments you tried before IVF: clomid
How many IVF did you do before success: n/a
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): GonalF, Menopur, prednisone, Synthroid,
How many follicles at ER: n/a
How many eggs retrieved: 13
How many eggs fertilized: 2
How many days between ER and ET:3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1
How many days bed rest: 0
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: none
What day you got your BFP: n/as
HPT before blood test: n/a
Number of first beta: n/a
Number of babies: n/a
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: none
Been wanting to post here for a while! Just wanted to wish everyone trying good luck, sending you lots of happy thoughts and sticky vibes, I know how much of a struggle infertility can be no one will know the pain unless they’ve tried it.

Name: Pink
Age: 32
How long TTC: 6 years
Diagnosis or any known issues: Low AMH & DH low motility & morphology
Treatments you tried before IVF: none before our first successful IVF, tried two IUIs after DS
How many IVF did you do before success: with DS first time success, then two failed IVF cycles, two failed IUIs, and third IVF worked!
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: no
Protocol (meds taken): GonalF
How many follicles at ER: 5
How many eggs retrieved: 5
How many eggs fertilized: 2
How many days between ER and ET:3
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 2
How many days bed rest: 1-2 ish
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: progesterone symptoms so lots of bloating mood swings PMS symptoms
Had a light bleed two days before testing that turned out to be cervix irritated from progesterone suppositories
What day you got your BFP: 11dp3dt
HPT before blood test: none
Number of first beta: 307
Number of babies: 2 (18 weeks pregnant)

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process:
Honestly there’s nothing that can prepare you for this and I’m not the type of person that likes to talk much, so I always go by it as quietly as possible, but staying busy as much as possible did help, I mean the 2ww is always on your mind no matter what you do, days are so slow and everything triggers your hormone pumped systems lol but having been through two failed cycles I can honestly say we are capable of more than we give ourselves credit for, it’s one of the hardest things ever to pick yourself up after a failed cycle, hats off to all you beautiful ladies and best of luck to all of you trying!
Think I’ve posted my bfp from my daughter here before but since then have had my son from ivf

Ivf cycle Nov 2014
21 eggs collected
20 fertilised (half ivf half icsi)
8 embryos frozen
Had a break due to ohss
Feb 15 FET daughter born Dec 15

TTC #2
Sept 16 FET blighted ovum
March 17 FET failed cycle
June 17 FET BFP
Feb 18 son born

Now considering whether to try for #3 this summer as have 4 embryos left

Good luck in your cycles everyone and hope you all get what you wish for in 2019

Now pregnant with #3
Bfp today 5dp5dt after a frozen cycle
Feeling lucky to post here twice!

Name: jsquared
Age: 39 at conception--FET with embryo from egg collection at 36
How long TTC: This time, 2 cycles
Diagnosis or any known issues: Same sex couple, thin lining (Femara is magic)
Treatments you tried before IVF: 5 failed IUIs
How many IVF did you do before success: This baby, 2 FETs
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: Donor sperm
Protocol (meds taken): Femara plus estrogen patch then progesterone
How many follicles at ER: n/a
How many eggs retrieved: n/a
How many eggs fertilized: This pregnancy was the result of an embryo frozen with 4 others in 2015; first embryo resulted in son (2016); next failed, next was successful (daughter 2019)
How many days between ER and ET: 6 day blast
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: My clinic grades with Excellent/Good/Fair. The failed FET was Excellent; Success with one Good; all were PGS normal
How many days bed rest: 1-2
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Nothing until around 10dpt--I had what felt like round ligament pain, which I recognized from first pregnancy. Before that I was sure it hadn't worked. No cramps, no cm, no implantation bleed, nada.
What day you got your BFP: 12dpt
HPT before blood test: Nope
Number of first beta: 288 at 12dp6dt
Number of babies: 1
Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Timing is everything. We transferred on day 7 past ovulation and it worked. I skipped the ERA because my RE said it almost always reveals that transfer was happening too early. He was right! We suspect this was the reason for the first transfer not taking (for second baby; it took 5 transfers to get number one--long story, somewhere in this thread).

Although: I also had a scratch done before the successful cycle. I believe this helped as my lining was a good 2-3mm thicker than it was for the previous transfer (10+ compared to 8).

A note about betas: if your dr is happy, chill. My betas for both my kiddos were lowish. But they climbed as they should, and I've given birth to two whopping healthy babes. People love to post their high betas like that means they're cooking up the stickiest of babies. BS. It varies. Don't stress. <3

Love to all you girls going through it. You're gonna be okay.
Congratulations everyone

Age at time of cycle: 31
Diagnosis: irregular cycles but classed as unexplained, no endo or pcos
Treatments before ivf: 9 months of 100mg clomid
How many ivf before success: completed a freeze all cycle so no transfer due to ohss. Froze 8 embryos.
First fet 4 months later was a success, now 3.5 year old daughter.
Second fet when she was 18 months was bfp but ended in early miscarriage. Second fet after dd was bfn. Third fet after dd was a success and is now 16 month old son.
Donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol: 200 gonal f and cetrotide, triggered with buserelin for initial cycle.
How many follicles: 35
How many collected: 21
How many fertilised: 20
5 day transfer no bed rest
Grade of dd was 5AB and ds 4BB
Symptoms in 2ww: both had a few twinges to one side about 2-3 days after transfer. No cramps, then 1 wave of nausea with both at 5-7dpt this then stopped until over 6weeks
Tested with dd at 5dp5dt and ds 7dp5dt
With the miscarriage cycle I got a faint positive on a frer at 4dp5dt
Only tested with a frer with all cycles
Currently waiting to start trying for number 3 next week, 4 Frosties remaining

OMG! Congratulations on your 3rd!! We were on the same thread for your 1st or 2nd! How are you? I am back on my IVF journey for #2. I have 2 frosties and will be getting one transferred in a week!! Wish me luck!!!
Name: Becca

Age: 31

How long TTC: Off and on since 2011. Solid 5 years. Never had a BFP in all that time.

Diagnosis or any known issues: Unexplained before starting IVF. Anticardiolipin antibodies and Reproductive immunophenotype positive.
No male factors.

Treatments you tried before IVF: 6 rounds of clomid unmonitored. 6 IUIs.

How many IVF did you do before success: One retrieval freeze all. One FET.

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

Protocol (meds taken): Retrieval meds BC 2 weeks, 11 days of Gonal 225am 150pm, 10 days Menopur 75, 6 days cetrotide. FET prep 1 month of BC, 1 month of lupron, 2 weeks of estrogen patches, lovenox, PIO, baby aspirin, medrol, intralipid infusion.

How many follicles at ER: Unknown

How many eggs retrieved: 17 with 15 mature

How many eggs fertilized: 13 with 10 blasts frozen

How many days between ER and ET: 2 months.

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 5AA

How many days bed rest: 3

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Light cramping starting day after transfer. Frequent urination. Creamy CM. Feeling hot. Slightly swollen and sore breasts.

What day you got your BFP: 4dp5dt

HPT before blood test: Yes

Number of first beta: 261 at 9dp5dt
Second beta 1177 at 12dp5dt
Third beta 3566 at 15dp5dt

Number of babies: One

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: The retrieval process is so exhausting. Medication administration isn’t that bad and that part doesn’t last very long. The bloating is ridiculous. I gained 15 lbs from bloat. It is a long process that takes a lot of patience as nothing is set in stone.

Push for testing that you feel that you need, even if your doctor doesn’t think you need it. I believed I had an immune issue and looked specifically for an RE who believed in immune testing. We added an intralipid infusion and lovenox because of my immune testing... this lead to the first bfp of my life.
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Name: Azasha
Age: 31
How long TTC: 4 Years
Diagnosis or any known issues: PCOS & Newly DM (HBA1C 6.7mmol/L, AMH 9.2)
Treatments you tried before IVF: 3 x Clomid, IUI x 1 Failed
How many IVF did you do before success: 2nd Fresh Cycle Successful
Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No
Protocol (meds taken): Gonal F 150 unit, Menopur 75 unit, Ganirelix 0.25ml, Crinone Gel PV, Ovidrel 250
How many follicles at ER: more than 20
How many eggs retrieved: 24
How many eggs fertilized: 17
How many days between ER and ET: Day 5 Blastocyst (Womb Lining 10.6mm Tri-laminar)
How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: 1 Fully Expanded Day 5 Blastocyst Grade B (9 Grade B Frozen)
How many days bed rest: None (20 Days HL)
Symptoms or issues during 2WW: Cramps, Tired, Emotional, Cold Feet & Hands, Sleepyhead
What day you got your BFP: 5dp5dt (Faint Line)
HPT before blood test: Yes
Number of first beta: 21st Oct 2020 - 1117.7iu/L
Number of babies: Waiting for 1st Scan

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: It's important to prep your body, mentally, physically & emotionally. 1st IVF is a trial procedure to allow the Dr to gauge how much drugs we need to response before a successful pregnancy occurs. For 2nd cycle, I took Blackmore's Conceive Well Tablets for 2 months, roasted almonds, pregnancy formula during my stim sessions & till today. Stop taking in cold drinks eg soda, ice tea, caffeines or any herbal drinks. I only had warm water, pregnancy milk & red dates drinks during this whole 2nd IVF session. Keep your womb warm 2 days before ET using the hot rubber pack over your lower abdomen every night & stop after the transfer. Wear socks to keep yourself warm.

OHSS in 2nd cycle is minimal to none compared to my 1st cycle. The solution to prevent OHSS even with high ER number?
Drink lots of warm water. At least 2L daily. Have Tofu in soups, chicken fillet, beancurds, soya milk drinks and hot rubber packs on lower abdomen.

Pee & poop frequently as possible even if its an hour ago. Suffered my 1st IVF because I tried to keep my urine for so long that it hurts to pee due to the bloatedness, swollen ovaries.. but 2nd cycle was a breeze. :D


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I know it's been a while since someone has added to this thread, but I figured I would give it a go!

Name: Megan

Age: 30

How long TTC: 3 years

Diagnosis or any known issues: Same-sex couple, unexplained fertility issues

Treatments you tried before IVF: 1 natural IUI, 3 medicated IUIs, 3 ICIs

How many IVF did you do before success: 1 fresh cycle before we had success with our FET

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: donor sperm

Protocol (meds taken): Long cycle - For our retrieval, Gonal-F and Menopur to stimulate follicles, then cetrotide to prevent ovulation. For FET, BC, then Lupron injections for about 3 weeks, estradiol pills and patches, and then intramuscular PIO shots

How many follicles at ER: Don't know, but probably close to 40

How many eggs retrieved: 36

How many eggs fertilized: 18

How many days between ER and ET: 5dt

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: For successful cycle, we transferred 1 grade B and 1 grade A- embryo

How many days bed rest: 2 days bed rest, and 1 day of laid back activities

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: I really just felt like AF was coming. I had a lot of cramping (which I always got from PIO too), but I also did feel abnormally fatigued, and actually starting feeling SUPER thirsty.

What day you got your BFP: I got my first vvvfl 5dp5dt, and first digital 6dp5dt

HPT before blood test: Yes

Number of first beta: 377

Number of babies: 1 perfect little babe <3

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: I would have just liked to be prepared for a major emotional roller coaster. This was one of the hardest, most emotional journeys I have ever been on but it was so worth it when we got that first positive pregnancy test. I would have wanted to know that the subcutaneous injections don't really hurt, and to try not to stress the little things. I would have also wanted to know to not worry so much about OHSS. Despite them retrieving 36 follicles, I did not get OHSS, and I think that is largely due to me drinking SO much water and electrolytes (Gatorade and body armor are your friends) and eating very high protein meals. Do prepare for some discomfort after egg retrieval though. I was miserable due to bloat and severe gas pains and constipation, but that did get better after a few days. Also, I would have wanted to know the importance of taking things one day at a time and celebrating little victories.
Our successful IVF was a FET with a 6 day embryo.

Name: Jamie

Age: 37

How long TTC: I don't even know anymore lol 3-4 years?

Diagnosis or any known issues: I have PCOS and hypotryroidism

Treatments you tried before IVF: Pink Stork fertility pills, Pregnitude, Preseed - then on to 4 IUIs and 2 medicated cycles.

How many IVF did you do before success: 1 before the successful one

Are you using donor eggs or sperm: No

Protocol (meds taken): Estradiol, Progesterone in oil, Follistim, birth control between retrieval and transfer, Menopur, Letrozole

How many follicles at ER: 28

How many eggs retrieved: 23

How many eggs fertilized: 18

How many days between ER and ET: 62

How many and quality/rating of embryos/blasts transferred: We had 7 of the 18 eggs make it to day 6 and out of those 7 we had 4 test healthy with PGT-A testing. We have a 6AA (boy), 6AB (girl), 5BB (boy), and 5BB (girl). We wanted to transfer 2 embryos, boy and girl, but insurance denied it, so we transferred the 6AA boy. The rest are in frozen storage.

How many days bed rest: None... they tell you to proceed as normal. We hung around though watching tv lol.

Symptoms or issues during 2WW: I only waited 4 days to test and got a positive test haha and they just kept getting darker! No symptoms or issues. Symptoms started about a week after finding out. Nausea, heightened smell sometimes, starting having tiny cramps today (5 1/2 weeks), and some foods just not doin it for me.

What day you got your BFP: 4 days after transfer! Transfer was 12/15 and received the positive on 12/19

HPT before blood test: Yes I took about 30 lol

Number of first beta: 56.21 on 9dpt

Number of second beta: 221.5 on 13dpt

Number of third beta: 473.2 on 15dpt

Number of babies: Not sure yet, our first ultrasound is 1/17

Anything else you would have wanted to know before you started this process: Ask your doctor to check your Progesterone levels before transfer! I think that's why our first IVF failed. I was taking the Progesterone in oil injections and we received positive pregnancy tests for about 4 days at home, but then they stopped. Second time around they checked my Progesterone levels the day of the transfer and it was low at 12 when it should be over 20! So after the transfer they increased my dosage and they weren't even gonna check it again, but when I had my 1st beta I asked them to check it and it was at 35 :) don't be afraid to ask them to do extra tests and also ask as many questions as you want. I email the nurses all the time and I'm sure I annoy them lol but for the amount of money we are paying to do this I want all the help we can get.

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