Lucky Charms *March 2024 testing thread*

It really does drag. And this is literally my last possible cycle so my anxiety is at a high. My symptoms have dissipated a fair bit today. Not feeling hopeful as I was the last few days.
Trying to tell myself whatever will be will be but it’s so hard!
I think this month is a wash for me. We were not able to baby dance during or after my amazing LH spike. We were super busy, kiddo was extra needy, and DH was feeling under the weather (still is, poor guy). Here is my chart, blue is temp, red is LH

Just popping in with some baby dust and sticky vibes :) praying you all get your BFPs this month xxxx
i know march is pretty much over , i got a positive opk yesterday and we dtd.. ive not actively ttc in ages as i just got sick of it all. i randomly took an opk when id loads of ewcm and sure enough positive... so im not gonna hold me breath, ill see in 10ish days i guess which will bring me to april for testing. but still wanted to post in here and check in with others
i know march is pretty much over , i got a positive opk yesterday and we dtd.. ive not actively ttc in ages as i just got sick of it all. i randomly took an opk when id loads of ewcm and sure enough positive... so im not gonna hold me breath, ill see in 10ish days i guess which will bring me to april for testing. but still wanted to post in here and check in with others
Good luck!
5 or 6dpo…I use two apps to track and they didn’t sync up on ovulation day. Pre-mom says 6dpo based on opks and fertility friend says 5dpo based on temps. Either way just waiting to test. TBH I’m terrified to test this cycle! We timed things the best we could, I def had positive opks, and it looks as though I did ovulate so we did everything right. It’s just hard after last month. I had symptoms and got a good line only to start af a few days later. I’m trying to stay positive, but also nervous of more bfns and having to call the doctor that it didn’t work again. Praying so hard I don’t have to make that call this month!
I’m just behind you @Jules8 at 4 dpo today. Hoping we get lots of sticky BFPs!
i think im 3/4 dpo getting loads of cm now which i never know is a good sign after ovuation
8-9dpo- My boobs have been hurting so bad and I’ve felt bleh all day. I caved and tested…bfn. Still holding out hope over the next few days though!
8-9dpo- My boobs have been hurting so bad and I’ve felt bleh all day. I caved and tested…bfn. Still holding out hope over the next few days though!

Good signs!
9-10dpo- Took a wondfo this morning and got a line! Took another because there was a little bit of a dye run..lighter because it was pretty much no hold but there’s a line on that too. Opk was dark too. I took a less sensitive tests and the line is too light to get a picture of. Praying so hard this is the start of a bfp!



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