March rainbows 2018

My baby arrived yesterday!! I put the details in my journal, but will update here as well soon. I'm just taking quick break while he sleeps, but I think he'll want to eat in a minute so not much time. We're still in the hospital. Everything is fine, they just like to keep babies two days after birth so I decided to go along with it and enjoy free food and the awesome soaker tub in my birthing suite.

His name is Nolan Thomas. He was 7lbs 1.8 oz and 20" long. We are in love :)

How amazing!!! Congratulations Love, cant wait to read the update. Glad everything went well and such a strong name I love it.
Get some sleep and enjoy every second.
I was thinking the same thing haha.

How are our new moms doing??
I am having an issue with latching now that my milk has come in since we had to supplement with formula for her sugars. Her appetite is crazy and I just can’t keep up with pumping!
Hope everyone is well :)

It's definitely easier second time around. I remember with DD1 I was sooooo tired all the time and most of my day was taken up with breastfeeding.

DD2 also spends a lot of time on the breast, but seems to be very easy :)

She is also a good sleeper. She wakes up every 2-4 hours at night but goes back to sleep quickly :)

Myshel why do you need to express?? Is it so your husband can do some feeds?

I find expressing a real pain and don't bother with it - I just feed her on demand and whenever she wakes up from a nap :)
Eeek congrats everyone!!! That's so exciting! Glad everything went smooth! And everyone had happy health babies!

I'm 37 weeks now they scheduled one more ultrasound to check her growth this week an then will schedule my induction at 39 weeks. Im hoping to go before then though!! Last exam cervix was still somewhat high but effacing a little and 1cm dilated. I've had lots of mucus loss since then and non consistent but often contractions (20-30 minutes but sometimes not) so im fingers crossed i got some more dilation in. I'm getting a lot more vaginal pressure today so I think she's starting to push more on my cervix which should help with the dilation too haha umm so impatient now that im term and i don't want to be pitocin induced if i can help it so i have 13 days to try and bring on labor before induction!
Darling good luck! I dreaded being induced but actually the induction plus epidural was fantastic - no pain and progressed from 1.5cm to giving birth in 12 hours.
So sorry didn't update on this too much I was really ill most of the pregnancy.

I had my little baby Leo on Monday weighing 8lbs 4oz and 55cm long 💙
Congrats wanting!!! What a great weight.

Darling, hoping you can bring on labour yourself, but if not my induction was pretty on point. I agree, the epi was great. Glad I got the epidural when I did for sure or I wouldn’t have made it! I laboured with pretty consistent contractions every three minutes until I got it and two hours later she was born.
Congrats wanting!!! What a great weight.

Darling, hoping you can bring on labour yourself, but if not my induction was pretty on point. I agree, the epi was great. Glad I got the epidural when I did for sure or I wouldn’t have made it! I laboured with pretty consistent contractions every three minutes until I got it and two hours later she was born.

Thank you Hun! And yes that was at 39+3 with an induction can you imagine if he was a week late :haha:
I've been in hospital with Alfie since Thursday. He got very poorly with suspected meningitis. He was so ill he was very close to getting transferred to icu in a children's hospital an hour away. Thankfully it didn't come to that! We are just waiting the rest of lumber puncture results and hopefully be home tomorrow. There is also a little prob with his heart he needs a scan for and may need surgery when he's 6 months old. Fair to say there has been a lot of tears and stress from me and him the last 5days!
Kristy how scary! Thank goodness you guys caught that early. Sending lots of love and big hugs.
Kirsty that must have been terrifying with the suspected meningitis! Glad all ok now. Are they saying he does have meningitis or not? Do they have any idea how he would have got it. Good luck with the rest of the tests and hope you are ok to go home soon.

We had a bit of a drama here too last week. The health visitor said DD2's belly looked a bit distended and to take her to the dr. So we went the same day and the dr said he couldn't be sure why her belly was swollen and said to rule out a bowel blockage and to make sure that everything was formed properly referred us to a paediatrician at A&E immediately.

So two hours at A&E and an X-ray later turns out DD2 had trapped wind! Was scary though as a bowel blockage is very serious and the dr was saying maybe her bowels hadn't formed properly. I was almost in tears myself :(
We got home and today. Sadly lumber puncture showed he has got viral meningitis. He got it through parechovirus basically a cold virus but it spread to his brain causing meningitis. He's doing so much better and thankfully because it's viral he doesn't need antibiotics anymore. If it was bacterial the whole family would of needed to go on antibiotics but if anyone was to catch it off him they would just get a cold. There is a chance if he gets the virus again he could get really ill again but he's hopefully made antibodies to it so shouldn't be as bad x
Kirsty such a relief that you are both ok.

I am totally paranoid about DD1 passing on her virus to DD2 so even though normally we all sleep together in the same room DD2 has been sleeping in a separate bedroom with her dad.

He keeps having a go at me for keeping them separate and says DD1 will be upset, but every article says try to keep newborns away from people with obvious colds/ viruses....

Hope you are both fully recovered now x
Kirsty that must have been so frightening. I'm so glad he is doing better now. Hopefully it doesn't come back.

SWeetkat, I think you are doing the right thing. I would want the girls to spend time together, but not if it put the baby at risk. There will be lots of bonding time when everyone is healthy.

I haven't been around much because I have been busy busy busy. New baby + work + the last few weeks of my master's degree means I am run off my feet. Feeling proud though. Nolan slept through the night last night. I should have been jumping for joy this morning, but of course new mom paranoia got the best of me and I worried all morning that something was wrong. I'm at work now and my mother is with him. I'm assuming all is well. It is hard not to worry though. Everything is new to me.
Karoolia, wow amazing that your little one slept through. Did you wake him up for feeds? The midwives here always say no more than 4 hours without eating. DD2 wakes up every 1-4 hours anyway.

DD1 and DD2 still spend time together during the day but even that is making me paranoid.

I have extreme hay fever with a runny nose, stuck together eyes and a sore throat. Sore throat making me paranoid it's also a cold but because of the eyes and the watery nose it's got to be hay fever.

It's 2am and just changed DD2 after a big poo and now holding her until she falls asleep xxxxx
How are you ladies?

We are fighting various bugs. I had a bad cold and now have bad ear ache (actually my ear and jaw and half my neck is killing me).

There is scarlet fever at DD1's school which is very contagious. It's half term next week but she isn't going in this week because the last thing we need is scarlet fever. Hoping she hasn't already got it (takes 2-7 days for symptoms to appear). So she is in a room with her dad all day and I am in a separate bedroom with DD2.

DD1 is getting over the last stages of a viral infection - I think my virus/ cold comes from her.

Ouch :(
I tried to wake him for feeds that night, but he was so tired he had no interest. I chatted with a lactation consultant and she said to make sure I pump if he sleeps through (to keep up my supply), but otherwise as long as he is gaining weight, having wet/poopy diapers and getting 8-12 feeds in a 24 hour period then not to worry. In general they say don't go longer than 4 hours without feeding, but they also told me that trying to force a baby who is too sleepy will just make both of us frustrated. He hasn't slept through again. Generally during the night he wakes twice for feeding (so typically eats every 3 hours during the night) then is every 2 hours during the day. He's a great sleeper!

Sweetkat, I'm so sorry about the sickness in your house! I hope you all feel better soon. I would definitely keep her away from scarlet fever too! I would be surprised if any parents are sending their kids to school if they have any other options.

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