Waiting to Miscarry


♡Praying for a miracle rainbow baby at 43♡
Sep 13, 2018
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So sadly I find myself here again.
I know many of you know me on here but I just need somewhere I can write my feelings, and as I’m going to lose this baby I thought here is the right place.

This will be my 9th loss in total.
I lost my first baby at nearly 11 weeks after seeing it on ultrasound with a HB.

I then went on to have a chemical pregnancy in 2005.

in 2009 me and my now DH got together.
In 2010 I had another chemical pregnancy.
We then fell with our son 3 months later.

our DD was next when Ds was just 15 months old.
we then had another little boy in 2019.

in 2020 we started trying again but sadly I had 4 chemicals in the space of 7 months.
April, June, July and October 2020.
Was about to give up all hope and then we fell with our youngest on cycle 11.

New I wanted one more from 3 weeks pp.
Spoke with a doctor who told us we would have to start ttc strait away as I was coming up to 42. but was only 9 weeks pp so was too soon.
Anyway in February I came off BC (mini pill) and we started ttc again.
In April I had another chemical pregnancy.
All my losses I’ve had extremely heavy bleeding but that one in April was so heavy I was nearly passing out. I only made it to 4 weeks.
Fast forward to a week ago and 4th month ttc and i get faint lines on evening of 10dpo.
Everyday my lines have got darker but seemed to stall at 14dpo.
Then at 16 and 17 dpo I did a digital and being over 4 weeks pregnant I was hoping for a 2-3 but only got. 1-2.
Did a bunch of ICs and they were a tad darker than the previous day.
So thought maybe dodgy CB.

18dpo today and was hoping for a line stealer like I got with my last too sons at 15dpo.

unfortunately my lines are very very faint.
Today was the day I found out I’m going to lose this baby.
I am Almost 5 weeks pregnant.
Had zero symptoms with this pregnancy apart from implantation pain at 8dpo.
and with all my healthy pregnancies I had symptoms by now so the no symptoms had me worried alot. but tests kept getting darker so just was hoping they would come later.

I am so heartbroken and sad and have cried all day.
I can’t eat and I can’t sleep I’m just broken.

I now have to wait to bleed and tests to turn negative.

I am 43 this coming December and feel like this baby was my last chance.

part of me wants to stop ttc for fear of this happening again and again.
But another part of me knows we have to still try. Because one day I won’t be able to get pregnant anymore.

It seems I’m very firtile still even at the age of 42.
But here we are again having yet another loss.
It seems I can fall pregnant but it’s the staying pregnant.

When I had the 4 losses in 2020 I had a bunch of tests done and all came back normal.
I had a recurrent miscarriage doctor reduce me to tears after my 4 losses.
I was 40 and he blamed my age and old eggs.

So I don’t want to go down that route again. I don’t even want them knowing we have been ttc. I’m 42 now and I know my age will get the blame again.
So it has to happen naturally or not at all.

so sorry for the long post.

anyone know when I will start bleeding?
Even tho I know I will feel heartbroken all over again. But just want it out the way so we can start trying again. Even tho right now I feel like giving up.

I pray this never happens again and the next one is our take home rainbow.

so sorry mummy couldn’t keep you safe little beanie. I will always love you.
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So sadly I find myself here again.
I know many of you know me on here but I just need somewhere I can write my feelings, and as I’m going to lose this baby I thought here is the right place.

Hey lovely, I had an early loss in February i think I was 4 weeks 4 days, it took about a week for me to start bleeding. I definitely don’t think you should stop trying, they say you are more fertile after a loss which for me rang true when

This will be my 9th loss in total.
I lost my first baby at nearly 11 weeks after seeing it on ultrasound with a HB.

I then went on to have a chemical pregnancy in 2005.

in 2009 me and my now DH got together.
In 2010 I had another chemical pregnancy.
We then fell with our son 3 months later.

our DD was next when Ds was just 15 months old.
we then had another little boy in 2019.

in 2020 we started trying again but sadly I had 4 chemicals in the space of 7 months.
April, June, July and October 2020.
Was about to give up all hope and then we fell with our youngest on cycle 11.

New I wanted one more from 3 weeks pp.
Spoke with a doctor who told us we would have to start ttc strait away as I was coming up to 42. but was only 9 weeks pp so was too soon.
Anyway in February I came off BC (mini pill) and we started ttc again.
In April I had another chemical pregnancy.
All my losses I’ve had extremely heavy bleeding but that one in April was so heavy I was nearly passing out. I only made it to 4 weeks.
Fast forward to a week ago and 4th month ttc and i get faint lines on evening of 10dpo.
Everyday my lines have got darker but seemed to stall at 14dpo.
Then at 16 and 17 dpo I did a digital and being over 4 weeks pregnant I was hoping for a 2-3 but only got. 1-2.
Did a bunch of ICs and they were a tad darker than the previous day.
So thought maybe dodgy CB.

18dpo today and was hoping for a line stealer like I got with my last too sons at 15dpo.

unfortunately my lines are very very faint.
Today was the day I found out I’m going to lose this baby.
I am Almost 5 weeks pregnant.
Had zero symptoms with this pregnancy apart from implantation pain at 8dpo.
and with all my healthy pregnancies I had symptoms by now so the no symptoms had me worried alot. but tests kept getting darker so just was hoping they would come later.

I am so heartbroken and sad and have cried all day.
I can’t eat and I can’t sleep I’m just broken.

I now have to wait to bleed and tests to turn negative.

I am 43 this coming December and feel like this baby was my last chance.

part of me wants to stop ttc for fear of this happening again and again.
But another part of me knows we have to still try. Because one day I won’t be able to get pregnant anymore.

It seems I’m very firtile still even at the age of 42.
But here we are again having yet another loss.
It seems I can fall pregnant but it’s the staying pregnant.

When I had the 4 losses in 2020 I had a bunch of tests done and all came back normal.
I had a recurrent miscarriage doctor reduce me to tears after my 4 losses.
I was 40 and he blamed my age and old eggs.

So I don’t want to go down that route again. I don’t even want them knowing we have been ttc. I’m 42 now and I know my age will get the blame again.
So it has to happen naturally or not at all.

so sorry for the long post.

anyone know when I will start bleeding?
Even tho I know I will feel heartbroken all over again. But just want it out the way so we can start trying again. Even tho right now I feel like giving up.

I pray this never happens again and the next one is our take home rainbow.

so sorry mummy couldn’t keep you safe little beanie. I will always love you.
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Hey lovely, I’m so sorry. I had an early loss in February I think I was 4 weeks 4 days, it took about a week for me to start bleeding. I definitely don’t think you should stop trying, they say you are more fertile after a loss which for me rang true for the following month.

Take care of yourself Xx
I am so sorry. I have followed parts of your journey and I'm so sorry for your loss. Unfortunately, I just lost my baby as well :cry: the bleeding started the day my tests started getting lighter and now I'm on the tail end of it. I'm praying for you ❤️
I wish I could offer more words of support but I'm also struggling and not doing so great. Praying you'll get your take home baby soon
I am so so sorry Sugger :( sending you a big big hug! Xx

Thanks love. Definitely could do with a hug. My husband hasn’t hugged me once. Just Shouted at me saying it I wouldn’t of kept testing I wouldn’t of known.
But my period is now late so of coarse I would of tested. Pluss when the bleeding starts I would know it was a loss because with all my losses the bleeding has been so heavy and more painful and clots. I dread to think what this one will be like.

All my husband said is it will happen. But he also said this one was going to be ok and it’s not.

I just don’t get it. I don’t get why my tests got so dark.
I don’t have any cramps at all or any spotting.

Just no pregnancy symptoms. I’m not even bloated. And with my viable pregnancies I was so so bloated and looked pregnant even at 4 weeks.

I worked out I would give birth around Jan 29th because I’m always induced around the 37 weeks. Only worked that out last night and now I’ve had to scribble all the weeks out of my calendar.

I was so excited to be having a winter baby as well. I was looking forward to having a big bump over Christmas and even told my 9 year old dd she can paint it as a Xmas pudding.

telling her we won’t be having a baby now was so hard. She cried. She was hoping for a little sister.

I really feel deep down that this baby was a little girl. I don’t know why I just had that feeling. Maybe I can’t carry girls anymore?
I don’t know I just don’t know.

Just so terribly sad.
I wish I could offer more words of support but I'm also struggling and not doing so great. Praying you'll get your take home baby soon

I’m so sorry love. I’ve had a lot of chemicals and even tho with them u only get faint lines it’s still devastating.
When I had 4 chemicals in 7 months that was devastating.

I just can’t believe it’s all happening again and on the same months.
In 2020 I lost in April
June, July and October and possibly a 5th in the December too but can’t be 100% sure about that one.

now here we are 2022 and already had one loss in April and now June.
Just praying so hard there will be no more losses and the next one will hopefully be a take home rainbow baby. I pray that for us both[-o<

Hey lovely, I’m so sorry. I had an early loss in February I think I was 4 weeks 4 days, it took about a week for me to start bleeding. I definitely don’t think you should stop trying, they say you are more fertile after a loss which for me rang true for the following month.

Take care of yourself Xx

thanks love. Yes I’ve heard that too. But this is the 2nd loss this year and in 2020 I had 4 losses in 7 months and maybe a 5th in the December so my fear is falling again but losing again.

This one has absolutely broken me and I know my heart will not take anymore loss.
Pluss being 42 the MC rate is so high .

I tested again just b4 coming to bed and my lines were even fainter.
This waiting to miscarry is torture. I really hope I do get lucky fall again with a healthy take home rainbow. But really right now i just feel all hope is lost.
Im never gonna get excited over a line again. I’m just gonna worry it will all end again:cry:

Sending you hugs sugger. I had a mc at 17dpo the cycle before this pregnancy. please don’t give up hope, I have faith you’ll get your sticky bean soon <3
Sat here crying again.
Just tested again and the difference between 17dpo and today 19dpo is so devastating and shocking.
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How can a test be so dark one minute and the next almost negative.
I’m sorry @Suggerhoney it doesn’t seem you have support right now, you don’t need to be shouted at and you definitely don’t need to hear it wasn’t meant to be from anyone.
I hope they see how much you are hurting and embrace you right now, I had 3 pregnancies like this all showed pregnant on the digital and within 3-7 days I started bleeding.

I’ve always felt the vaccine affected me and the virus itself which through research it’s known to affected egg and sperm quality mainly sperm. I started taking fertility plus and I also got my husband to do the same plus aspirin. I hope once you feel emotionally and mentally ready you will try again, the risk and worry never ends even when they are in your arms.

You didn’t do anything wrong, be kind to yourself.
Sending you love xx
Agree with everything Shezza said! You did nothing wrong (in not taking the maca) and people should be supportive regardless of what they thought may happen, its still a loss and affects you. Im sorry even your hubby isn't being supportive this time. Please vent to all of us when and if you need xx
I’m sorry @Suggerhoney it doesn’t seem you have support right now, you don’t need to be shouted at and you definitely don’t need to hear it wasn’t meant to be from anyone.
I hope they see how much you are hurting and embrace you right now, I had 3 pregnancies like this all showed pregnant on the digital and within 3-7 days I started bleeding.

I’ve always felt the vaccine affected me and the virus itself which through research it’s known to affected egg and sperm quality mainly sperm. I started taking fertility plus and I also got my husband to do the same plus aspirin. I hope once you feel emotionally and mentally ready you will try again, the risk and worry never ends even when they are in your arms.

You didn’t do anything wrong, be kind to yourself.
Sending you love xx

I’ve not had any covid vaccines. Not 1. I refused: I did have Covid in January but it wasn’t that bad.
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Agree with everything Shezza said! You did nothing wrong (in not taking the maca) and people should be supportive regardless of what they thought may happen, its still a loss and affects you. Im sorry even your hubby isn't being supportive this time. Please vent to all of us when and if you need xx

He is being a bit more supportive but doesn’t understand my grief and sadness. I can’t eat all I do is cry.

I know I had all those losses in 2020 and the one in April but this one feels so much worse because of how dark my lines got.
Ive had a positive on a digital with one my chemicals years ago. But the Frer I did was no where near as dark as they got with this one.
I think that’s what’s making this one even more traumatic and the fact I’m not getting any younger.
Knowing I’m half way to turning 43 just brings me so much dread because I know that my chances of having my rainbow as so slim. And the older I get the less chance I have.
I literally feel completely broken.

5 weeks now and still no cramps or bleeding.
Just a empty feeling.
I’m still testing positive but extremely faint but clear to see and pink. It breaks my heart seeing these tests just go fainter and fainter.

I just feel so wretched and I don’t know how I will get over this.
Maybe when all the bleeding is over with I mite feel better. I don’t know. i just feel so empty inside and completely heart broken.

my dh wants to Carry on trying but I’m just so scared.
I don’t want to go through this again.

I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.
I started bleeding at 5+1 weeks. Now day 2 of bleeding. Haven’t passed the pregnancy yet as far as I’m aware just heavy bleeding so far. I’m sure the clots will come.

back to square one again this sucks
I am completely heartbroken. And reading all the posts has helped me not feel so alone.
Today is Friday and I just turned 12 weeks with our surprise baby. Monday I went to my regular scheduled appointment everything was fine. Baby was so incredibly active and the heartbeat nice and strong.
Thursday I had some extremely light spotting. So today my OBGYN wanted to just check and make sure everything is OK with the little one. Truly thought it would be the spotting had stopped and I had no pain or cramps or anything....still don't. But turned out Baby no longer had a heartbeat and no movement.
Truly felt like my heart cracked right in two.
The hardest part was telling our boys. They've been praying for a baby sister and everyone felt like our prayers were answered with this baby. I feel like something broke deep within.
Sunday I'm scheduled for the removal unless I start naturally miscarring at home. and I'm terrified and just broken hearted.
I am completely heartbroken. And reading all the posts has helped me not feel so alone.
Today is Friday and I just turned 12 weeks with our surprise baby. Monday I went to my regular scheduled appointment everything was fine. Baby was so incredibly active and the heartbeat nice and strong.
Thursday I had some extremely light spotting. So today my OBGYN wanted to just check and make sure everything is OK with the little one. Truly thought it would be the spotting had stopped and I had no pain or cramps or anything....still don't. But turned out Baby no longer had a heartbeat and no movement.
Truly felt like my heart cracked right in two.
The hardest part was telling our boys. They've been praying for a baby sister and everyone felt like our prayers were answered with this baby. I feel like something broke deep within.
Sunday I'm scheduled for the removal unless I start naturally miscarring at home. and I'm terrified and just broken hearted.

hi love
I am so so sorry you are going through this. That is so heartbreaking.
My miscarriage was early I was only 5+1 weeks but I have had a loss at 10+4 and had to have a D&C that was devastating.

If you start your own thread you get more support love.
I am so so very sorry for you loss. Sending you the biggest but gentle hugs :hugs:
@Mommy_Joy I’m so so sorry for your loss, that is devastating. Sending you comfort and hugs <3

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